Marijuana and the 7 Secrets by Francis Taylor - HTML preview

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Secret #1

You Only Smoke Marijuana

To Change The Way You Feel


If I invented a new drug, what is the first thing that you would ask me? I’ll tell you, because I have asked thousands of people the same question.

They all say, ‘What does it do?’

Then I say, ‘What do you mean?’

Then they say, ‘Well, how does it make you feel?’

Another way of putting that question is, ‘How does it change the way you feel?’

Now, if I said that it did absolutely nothing, that you felt exactly the same- would you buy it?

Of course not.

Because everybody who takes drugs wants to change the way they feel.

Remember me in the bar? I said, “We drink, we smoke and we have a joint. I feel great when the first lung full hits my head. Somehow, the world feels a little better, and what harm is it doing anybody?”


So, imagine if you could feel ‘great’, feel ‘spaced out’, feel ‘chilled out’, without drugs.

Imagine if YOU felt happy enough without drugs.

That would great wouldn’t it?

That is what my friend showed me how to do.

I just needed a helping hand.


We all just need a helping hand.