High as a Kite by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Adapting To Life's Stresses Without The Use Of Drugs

Stress is a blanket term that can mean a lot of different things. Technically, it involves the physical and emotional reaction of a person to pressure from his environment or from within himself. The term "stress" often connotes bad meaning in as much as it may become an unavoidable part of life. It is possible, therefore, that when this happens, a person can become "overloaded" and suffer physically or emotionally, or both.

Within recent years, certain drugs have been developed to provide a means of calming a nervous person and tiding him over difficult periods of stress. The tranquilizers and barbiturates, collectively known as central nervous system (CNS) depressants, affect the brain in much the same way  as alcohol does.

The drugs make a person less alert, and herein lies some of the dangers. The greatest danger in using these drugs comes from their effect on the attitude of the user. With these drugs, the user becomes less aware of his problems. Having once experienced the relief the drugs give from anxiety and stress, it is only natural for the user to want this same kind of relief time after time.

Thus a person can become dependent on these drugs, less able to face life's realities and unable to break the habit. The seemingly innocent attempt at coping with life's stresses has turned into a dangerous situation - drug addiction.

If drugs are not the ideal solution, what then can a person do to adapt to his stresses and be free from anxiety?

Instead of resorting to drugs, a person has to learn to develop appropriate thought patterns and wholesome attitudes. There are effective ways to deal with stress that a person can follow. For instance, he should learn to establish a balance between work and play. Whatever his work happens to be, he should engage in some contrasting activity from which he can have personal satisfaction.

A person has to learn how to relax momentarily. If his occupation is stressful or strenuous, he should take time out for a few minutes twice each day to rest his muscles and brain. In that brief period, he should train hithoughts at completely ignoring the usual activities of the day. Such an attitude can help replenish drained energies and allow him to start anew.

Finally, a person has to cultivate an attitude of trust. He shoul