Getting to Know Anxiety - A Self-Help Guide by Stephanie - HTML preview

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Your heart starts to pound. . .You begin to feel dizzy or faint. . .You experience shortness of breath. . .You feel tingling or numbness in your hands and feet. . .You start to feel pressure in your chest. . .You think you may be dying or at the least having a heart attack. . .You think you may be going crazy. . .But you're NOT!

These are the classic symptoms of a panic attack. Millions of people in countries all over the world, have them every single day. You may be one of them. Or you may know someone that is battling with this affliction.

Either way, you need to know how to help yourself, or someone you care about deal with anxiety. And the best way to do this is through understanding what anxiety is and offering them, or getting, the support they desperately need.

My hope is that as a long time sufferer of anxiety and depression, you can help yourself.


Or make a loved one feel as if they are not alone in this by reading through this guide.


Other people out there are suffering just as you may be right now.


You CAN get help and overcome this affliction.


You CAN learn to LIVE WITH IT and STOP letting IT control YOU.