Complete Body Detox Guide to Better Health by Chris Leung - HTML preview

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No doubt, YOU TOO would have heard of the phenomena termed DETOX or DETOXIFICATION, cleansing your human system of harmful toxins, or also commonly known as ‘flushing your system’. This is most commonly used when referring to a newer trend of getting rid of harmful or toxic, bad-for-you-and-your-health type substances from your body, BOTH parts and whole, for optimal health and ultimate peak performance, functioning and BETTER living all-round, making the most of what nature has to offer and your body to provide – a clean, clear and cleansed parts and whole! From head to toe and back!

These types of natural processes and functions of cleaning, clearing and cleansing, getting rid of waste and toxins from the body, are normally typically handled by organs like the liver, lower gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Recently however, it has been suggested by practitioners and advocates alike that these processes are beneficial for health, well-being and even longevity. They argue that they can be mastered and learned, as well as achieved by balanced living, intervention-type practices and techniques. Some of these might include processes like dialysis and (in a very limited number of cases) even chelation therapy.

-What are toxins and detoxification

Detoxification (DETOX), falls within the spectrum or realm of alternative medicines that typically has to do with methods used in place of, or in addition to, conventional medical treatments. It has lots of benefits to offer, has to be planned and managed well to get the optimal success and results. This guide will take you from start to finish, in an introductory manner, through what to expect, how to prepare, discipline, as well as see if through from A to Z, capitalizing on all that it has to offer to you, your health, life, wellbeing and future.

DETOX can also include several traditional medicine techniques and natural sciences, products, from around the world, used complementary to or in place of medical science. It is oten referred to as CAM for short.

Nevertheless, what is DETOX exactly? GOOD QUESTION! There are numerous answer to and definitions of detoxification as well as many streams of thought on the topic. In some cases the jury still being out on its merits, nature and effectiveness.

Diet modifications, eating and nutritional lifestyle altering plans, supplements, herbals, rites and rituals, even processes like colon hydrotherapy, body cleansing juice fasting and sweat lodges fall under this umbrella terminology. Most of these practices and channels are seen as supporting and assisting with the natural detoxification processes you need for optimal functioning and peak performance.

Here are just some of these conceptual clarifications, descriptions and definitions of DETOXIFICATION:

-It is seen as a cleansing of the body for restorative purposes, getting equilibrium and balance back, and natural state to get harmful substances out of the system, like drug or alcohol rehabilitation due to substance abuse or addiction.


-Clearing things from the body and human system,

-Support provided on all levels for all the demands and realities of the physiological and psychological changes

-Including shock and withdrawal, which are very real processes, effects and outcomes that can be risky or even fatal if not done correctly

There are numerous ways to detoxify your body, with or without medication and medical intervention. (DETOX and withdrawal again would require medical supervision as you wean your system off these levels and toxins to be safe and prudent)

One such method is acupuncture detoxification, for example, that used your body’s biofeedback to restore balance to your system, parts and whole.

A class of diets whose underlying assumption is that the body accumulates toxins that must be purged, especially after unhealthy periods.

Toxic, harmful toxins, substances /waste of an undefined nature - from foods, the environment, and the body's own wastes can build up over time in your body, causing symptoms, illness, disease, discomfort even death.

Most modern detoxification processes utilize herbal, electrical or electromagnetic treatments and solutions to clean, clear and cleanse the body and system. The liver and kidneys for the most part take care of what the body needs, but there are ways to make these processes more effective.

For a real lay-definition of what these processes and dynamics bring to the table and can offer describes it as a process by which a substance is made less toxic or rendered harmless and excreted without any dire, lingering or side effects.

Some of the more recognized therapies and detox treatments in and from this field are:

-Contrast shower

-Master Cleanse

-Oil pulling

-Waismann Method

-Chelation Therapy

..and many more, to name but a few. They are briefly described here, in no particular order of effectiveness.

- Contrast Shower

Here is one description of what a detox-process, from the outside in can do for your body and wellbeing. Contrast showers are showers that alternate between hot and cold water. This is believed tao boost both your immunity and circulatory systems, recovering and restoring the body to its balanced and optimal state, reducing muscles strain and soreness, less lactic acid in muscles and refreshing the skin, the biggest organ of the body, carrying away the toxins excreted while sweating and perspiring.


Alternating the cycles of heat/cold is highly effective and the varying of temperature critical for its impact and results. A couple of minutes of hot water, followed by an intense blast of around 1 minutes of cold water, then more hot water for around two minutes and again the wake-up blast of cold. This is often also referred to as water-therapy.

Exfoliating (getting rid of dead skin cells, stimulating of the circulatory system can also be combined for this mainly external type of cleansing. However, there is more to detoxifying your body that dealing with the outer skin, organs and cleaning routine enhancements.

- Master Cleanse

Many times detox is used as part of a recovery strategy to get back to optimal health. Our second example the ‘master cleanse’ is not new. It dates back to the early 1940’s. Quite simply drinking a liquid-mixture of fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and grade B maple syrup is suggested to help the body and systems get rid of any toxin build up in tissue, blood, organs, flushing it through the system, getting rid of waste and harmful elements left behind so to speak, after nutritional elements have been absorbed and the body got all it needed from food and fuel sources. It also holds claims to getting rid of residue and unwanted, poisonous elements, too much of a good substance (that is never good to have in the body as it throws things out of balance and can easily cause illnesses and disease, discomfort or long-term problems, damage or even breakdown or failure).

While this is often called the liquid or lemonade diet, there is no solid foods eaten for the couple of hours or days that you opt to rid your body of all that is ‘bad’. Most take up to ten days on this type of process, with limited intake to get rid of toxins and give the body time to get back to its baseline, optimal, balanced state, with no toxins or harmful chemicals, deposits, residue, build up and more.

Advocates of these types of processes lay claim to the fact that it has helped them in many ways. For example:

-Losing, controlling and maintaining weight

-increased vitality

-feeling energetic

-curing chronic diseases

-could be restrictive, unhealthy or dangerous if not done and approached with care, under supervision, informed, empowered and realistically focused.

There are numerous claims to fame and success by celebrities and many swear by its results. It is, however, primarily NOT recommended for weight loss at all. The real purpose and reward lies in being healthier all-round, not shedding pounds.

- Oil pulling

A third type of detox process is the so-called ‘oil pulling’ or ‘oil swishing’ . Basically, the process consists of rinsing, gargling and swishing around ONE tablespoon of cooking oil (olive oil, canola oil) and then spitting it out. This is a daily routine and rids your mouth of bacteria and harmful elements. If you take to heart how much harmful components, bacteria, viruses and more live and thrive in the human mouth, (yes, YOURS TOO), three to twenty minutes of this detoxifying discipline does not seem like too much to ask!

Here is a list of ailments and problems that might be alleviated, treated effectively with these types of detox processes and actions:

-blood health and circulation


-diseases of nerves, paralysis, and encephalitis


-fights adhesion to surfaces like teeth, gums, tongue, throat


-heals cuts




-kidney, liver, lungs

-less formation of dental plaque

-malignant tumor growth stifled

-reducing bacterial growth


-tooth ache

-ulcers and diseases of stomach

-women’s diseases

…and many more.

- The Waismann Method

The Waismann Method, rapid detox processes and medical procedures, acceleration for opiate addiction weaning is a hospital, medically-supervised treatment, where medications are used to rid the body in a safe environment of these ‘pollutants’, toxic build up and drugs in the system. It will involve a physical exam and hospital admittance up to 24-48 hours prior to the treatment. The body is stabilized and brought to the ready for this ‘shock’ treatment of sorts that expedites the withdrawal, without suffering for the patient or even memories of what they have been through. There are risks involved in this process and every case and individual is and will experience it differently. A light anesthetic in an Intensive Care Unit is administered and medications pumped through the system of the patient to get rid of opiates. It deals with the dependence issue in an effective and safe way and environment, in a shorter period of traditional detox processes. These conventional detoxification procedures are not pretty once the withdrawal kicks in and can be dangerous, even deadly if not done or overseen properly.

Most advocate that this Wiasmann detox is more effective, dignified, safe and a humane alternative therapy to break the evil cycle of addiction.

- Chelation therapy

The final introductory detoxification process, we can mention here to spark interest is, the so-called chelation therapy. This is a specialist DETOX focusing in on the elimination of toxins, harmful chemicals and heavy metals from the body. If you think of lead, arsenic or mercury, you are on the right track. Procedures, measures and components used in and through these processes of cleaning, clearing and cleansing are

-zinc salt

-The calcium salt of diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)


-Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA)

-Dimercapto-propane sulfonate (DMPS)

-Dimercaprol (BAL)



-Calcium disodium versante (CaNa2-EDTA)

-Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)

.. and others.

Here is how the DETOX process for metals and heavy metal residue deposits and toxins work:

-These DETOX elements isolate and bind with the metallic ions

-They form several strong chemical bonds

-Making it reactive and bound tight

-It becomes water-soluble

-enters the blood-stream

-Is excreted harmlessly by the natural processes and organs of the body responsible for waste management as it were.

It is also a great way of getting rid of excess iron in the blood and system. There are three ways these elements can be given to a patient suffering from heavy metals, depending on the agent and the type of poisoning:




When these different elements are used in the body to deal with heavy metals, they eventually get cleared, cleaned and cleansed, flushed from the system, excreted via the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys. These processes are also effective for effects from electromagnetic input. Think about all the electric appliances and vibrations we are submitting our bodies to every day.

When it comes to natural products and foods, like onions, garlic, green foods and seaweeds, sulfur supplements like MSM or NAC the detox-type characteristics and efficiencies are undeniably effective.


Herbs like cilantro, coriander fructus, etheric oil, coriandroleum, are identified as enabling agents in these processes as well. These processes and elements combine to effectively DETOXIFY the body of any harmful elements and toxins, by effectively stimulating and increasing the renal flux and the G.I. tract, even killing bacteria such as Salmonella typhi. Extreme care needs to be taken with these processes and detox elements, as they have the potential of permanently harming the kidneys, forcing them to shut down, fail and even cause death.



Where, what and how you are exposed to harmful toxins

So what about the world we live in and the things we are exposed to in the air, homes, workplace, cars, restaurants, malls, hotels, airplanes and other spaces that we frequent, find ourselves in and live, move, breathe and do in?

Some research and studies done recently, claim that there are increasing amounts and traces of these heavy metals to be found in our bloodstreams, tissue, urine etc. The experts and scientists attribute these numbers and increased incidence to what they call extensive environmental exposure. Some source examples of this might include things like:

-Treated Lumber

-Fillings (mercury) in teeth

-preservatives in vaccines

-unspecified sources

-even the foods we eat


-polluted air we breathe in

.. and so on.

There are numerous identifiable side effects that can occur with the processes and dynamics of detoxification, including any, some or all of the following:

-stomach upset

-skin irritation

-Safety concerns


-kidney toxicity

-joint pain



-feeling faint

-extreme fatigue



We all want to avoid the harmful elements and toxins in our bodies, want to get them out, not suffer side effects of have lasting damage, impact we did not bargain on. Therefore, YOU PERSONALLY need to weigh YOUR own risk/reward, rationale and decision to DETOX, PRIOR to engaging in any of these processes to clean, clear and cleanse the body.

Whether we want to believe it or not, eventually we all have to face the music and reality! WE regularly as part of our days and lives, take, make, get, breathe, eat, absorb and more, harmful chemicals and other toxins, even heavy metals, into out bodies, whether we want to , like to or not. Some of us even being oblivious to the harmful nature of them, that they exist and that we are surrounded by them in the foods we eat, products we use, places we find ourselves in, our homes etc.

To thrive and survive in our world, YOU personally need to be prepared, plan for and have the know how, to get rid of toxic build-up within your own body and system.

There are processes, as we have clearly seen, that we can easily tap into, to get our health, balance, and toxin-free body back! YOU NEED TO TAKE CONTROL OF WHAT IS, WHAT IS GOING INTO, AND WHAT COULD GET INTO YOUR SYSTEM. YOU NEED A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND STRATEGY TO COPE WITH, DEAL WITH, AND ELIMINATE THAT WHICH IS HARMFUL TO YOU AND YOUR BODY!

Toxic build-up within your body, can cause myriads of problems, manifesting itself in areas and systems like





-key functioning organs

… and others.

Eliminating any harmful toxins and expelling them out of your body, FOR GOOD is the answer and solution here for healthy, balanced living.

Most will argue that merely following a healthier lifestyle will get you where you need to be, but that no longer rings true. YOU WILL NEED MORE! The environment we live in can fill our bodies with contaminants we ingest, willfully, unwittingly and/or totally unawares!


DETOX is both the answer and the strategy. More on this as we delve into the topic head first. Stay tuned…

So, where does your daily exposure come from, is it at its worst and how can you avoid and deal effectively with it?

You may wonder sometimes why your body seems to be heavy and you feel lazy to move, yet you are not sick. You are more than willing to be energetic but your body is not just up to it. To address the problem, you resort to eating a lot, gulp up cups of coffee and smoke, thinking that you will be lively after. For a while, you feel good and going. Unknowingly though, you are accumulating toxins in your body. With this scenario happening more and more, you might need to detoxify.

With our ever-dynamic world today, we want our bodies to be constantly active so we can move along with the fast paced lifestyles. Hence, we resort to body stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes, diet pills, drugs, and a lot more thinking that they will help the body to stay up all the time, but they do otherwise. These stimulants cause immediate loss of energy and emotional symptoms such as headaches, sickness, and depression. They are also considered as toxins in the body.

What are toxins? Toxins are agents that are able to cause body harm. There are two kinds of toxins, the Exogenous or external toxins, and Endogenous or internal toxins. The Exogenous toxins come from external sources such as car fumes, tobacco smoke, drugs, factory pollution, etc. On the other hand, the Enogenous toxins come from viral or bacterial infection. Due to metabolism, the body creates its own toxin called Autogenous toxins.

These harmful substances are eliminated in the body in a process called detoxification. Detoxification is the removal of stored toxic products from the bowel, the blood, liver, and kidneys including the great amount of toxic substances stored in body fat to cure chronic diseases such as cancer. The easiest way to detoxify the body is the body detox through a natural diet. To detoxify the body naturally is a change in the diet from a poor to a healthy one. A healthy diet includes raw food diet, specifically, fruits and vegetables.

Naturally, the body detoxifies itself all day. The peak of detoxification occurs when the body is rested during sleep until noon. This is a way for the body to eliminate the toxins acquired from pollution, stimulants and nutrients.

For the ever busy people, you can substitute your stimulants with natural diet to acquire a healthy and active body. Most common stimulants taken by people are refined white sugar, coffee, diet pills, cigarettes and red meat.

Sugar has a stimulating effect. Hence, we feel invigorated when we drink soda. What we do not know, refined white sugar has detrimental effects on the body. Examples of products containing refined white sugar are cola and ketchup. It is advised to cut down on it by using brown sugars like cane sugar which is natural. Fruit juices also give the same kick as to refined white sugar.

Late night workers resort to drinking coffee to keep them awake. As natural substitute to coffee with a detoxifying effect is Japanese or Chinese green tea. The Japanese or Chinese green tea gives the same kick because it also contains caffeine but it does not contain substances that are irritating to the stomach.

Diet pills are also stimulants for the body to be kept alive. This may be observed among athletes specially, during time for competitions because they give more energy. They are being taken albeit the toxic effect in the body. In lieu of this, athletes must take fruits instead due to their natural detoxifying effects.

For cigarette smokers who think smoking stimulates their mind to think, they must think twice for smoking causes cancer. If they take carrots, they will experience the same effect in a more natural way.

The use of household cleaners that are chemical-based and personal health care products such as shampoos, toothpaste, deodorants, and cleansers should be reduced as well. These chemicals are inside us; we never really fully eliminate them unless going to a process of detoxification. These toxins and harmful chemicals, agents, free radicals etc. are ever-present around and even in us, the things we use, air we breathe, water we drink and more.

There are popular manufacturing compounds, chemicals and additives that abound in our environment, foods, water, commodities, products, domiciles, living and working spaces that are hard to deny or escape from. There are many published sources of these toxins, known carcinogens, poisons and contaminants. There is an eclectic listing of some of those, that you might not have considered at all, or deemed harmful included for your convenience at the end of the text, with some sources and products they might be present in.

For red meat lovers who really feel good and strong after feasting on meat, they better think about cutting on it. Fish is a better substitute. Now, we understand why our parents keep on reminding us to eat fruits and vegetables. They give us energy in more natural ways, and they keep us fit and healthy.

It is real, it is a top priority to get rid of it and the harmful effects it can have on your body, health, and future. Educate and empower yourself to identify and avoid them if at all possible. Ensure that you are aware of how to despite the fact that they are present in your environment, these toxins can be dealt with in a productive, pro-active fashion, corrective and preventative, even intervention type actions that you can take to safeguard yourself (and your family, loved ones, co-workers and society at large). You need to be aware of the different sources, scope and nature of the problem, intensity, severity, duration, risk and where to find them, how to avoid and get rid of them for good. FROM YOUR LIFE, FROM YOUR HOME AND ENVIRONMENT, FROM YOUR BODY! FOR GOOD!

That is the goal, target, purpose and direction you need to take with DETOX. Get your priorities, attitude and expectations real and ready and then go for it! The processes themselves are simplistic and the results immediate. You just need to recognize the importance, significance, and extent that these aspects can affect the quality of life, health and even you future and longevity and luxury quickly becomes necessity!