Comphensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils by Dr. James Meschino - HTML preview

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1. Depression, Anxiety and Dementia

As a principle donor of methyl groups (CH3) to various reactions, SAM is necessary for the synthesis of

phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine) and neurotransmitters. SAM supplementation in

depressed or anxious patients has resulted in increased levels of serotonin, dopamine and phosphatidylserine. It

improves binding of neurotransmitters to receptor sites, and af ects brain cell membrane fluidity, resulting in








A number of excellent clinical trials have demonstrated the value of SAM as a natural biochemical intervention in

depression. The typical dosage is 400 mg, three to four times per day (studies include general depression and

post-partum depression).9-13

Alzheimer’s disease patients have been shown to have low levels of SAM and may therefore, benefit from its
