Arthritis - A Friendly Chat by Sandra Firman - HTML preview

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Alternative Methods for Arthritis

For every country, culture and ethnicity there is a cure for arthritis. We are now learning to trust and use the alternative methods which have proven tried and true for centuries for many races. Modern society has the majority of us run to the university trained doctors but we do not necessarily need to choose their suggestions for a cure. I will offer home remedies first because some of them can be made from the garden or from household items. Bear in mind that these are for your perusal and do not promise to cure. Once again, make sure your doctor knows what you are trying.

  1. Teas made of just about any herb or root, steeped for two minutes, drunk three times daily
  2. Heat apple cider vinegar, pour on a cloth and rub into the sore joints before bed time. Repeat through the night if necessary and once in the morning
  3. Drink hot apple cider vinegar mixed with a table spoon of liquid or solid honey, in a tea cup.
  4. Thinly -sliced root vegetables such as potato, beets or carrots soaked in wine. After one month of soaking drink the wine twice a day
  5. Put a cup of raisins in one cup of gin. When all the liquid has soaked in, take 6-8 raisins a day.
  6. Make a hot poultice of flour, hot water, cayenne pepper and mustard powder. Mix all ingredients into a paste and put directly onto sore joints or onto hot, soaked flannelette. Place the cloth or tie around the joint.
  7. Take a colon cleansing and a liver cleansing to rid the body of all toxins which is said to cause arthritis
  8. Avoid all purified foods such as white sugar, flour, bread and cakes or pies
  9. Eat only whole wheat and brown sugar, entire grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Nothing canned or frozen. As much fresh -caught fish as possible.
  10. Use home-made peanut butter if you aren't allergic and make cookies and use on toast with honey. Rub peanut butter onto joints for a few minutes
  11. If you are not allergic take a bee and sting the inflamed joint which is introducing a toxin into the system. It is like taking snake venom to counteract a snake bite. Catching the bee might be tricky
  12. Hot baths with all joints immersed is an excellent end to the day. It should have Epsom salts or vinegar in the water.