10 Great Ways to Self-Esteem by James Vanstone - HTML preview

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So. . . . What Is Self Esteem?

Put simply, self esteem is a person's own evaluation of themselves psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Self esteem is mainly about the worth we give ourselves, how much we like ourselves, and how well we feel about ourselves. Self esteem is something we have internalized over time, and has often been influenced by other sources such as friends, family, and any significant other figures in our lives. If a person is told that they are 'not good enough' over a certain period of time by a close one; or colleague; or teacher for example; it is likely this person will to some extent have believed the criticism as 'truth'. We can often be tricked into thinking rich and successful people have undoubtedly got the highest levels of self esteem. This however is an illusion. Our lives can be broken down into different categories and, while career; wealth; and status are three particular categories; self esteem may be lacking in family, relationship, and health categories for example. We are all human, so it follows that our self esteem will fluctuate throughout the different changes and challenges we meet.