True Ghost Stories by Webmaster of - HTML preview

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A Real Horror Story

I will call myself Jenny
I am not sure where to begin, as all my life I have been surrounded by real ghosts and premonitions that have come true.
I shall begin by telling one story, and if you want more, I can tell you many.

While I was expecting my third child, even though I was told not to have anymore by the doctors, but I knew the child would be born. It starts seventeen years ago.

I was going for my check up with my then sister-in-law. I was so pleased because the doctor wasn't in so I could leave earlier then expected, so I asked my sister-in-law t o go for a coffee, as there was a cafe in the hospital, it was very crowded but I didn't care, so anyway I was drinking a coffee when suddenly I went all funny, stood up and said, "Oh my God, something is going to happen to one of us."

My sister-in-law got really scared and said, "Jenny, what do you mean?"
I replied, "One of us, me or my brothers and sisters."
With that, I started running out of the hospital to get to my car. Everyone was staring at me, but I didn't care; all I knew was I had to get home.
When I sat in my car, it wouldn't start.
I knew something was trying to stop me, so I stood in the middle of the main road and stuck my hands up in the air to stop the first car I saw.

Well, a car did stop and I begged him to take me to where my husband was working. He did, I ran out of the car screaming at my husband that something bad has happened to one of my siblings. Without speaking, we got into his car to come home.

As I entered my house, the phone was ringing. I picked it up without speaking and on the other end it was my sister's husband telling me my sister had been killed in a car crash. I just dropped the phone.

At the time I went crazy in the hospital was the exact time my sister died.
This is a true story and there are many more. If you are interested, let me know. Jenny