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An essential part of a healthy life plan includes an exercise routine which will not only work around your schedule, but something you can do year round and anywhere you want to be.

Running or walking is one of the best forms of exercise compared to other exercises such as Pilates, or weightlifting because of the natural way your body moves. You can also perform this exercise anywhere you are and need very little equipment. As a result, you will be more likely to continue running/walking throughout your life. If you are serious about taking advantage of this natural form of exercise, you will need to prepare yourself for unexpected events such as rain, snow or pesky neighbors. The safest and most convenient way to run or walk is by using a treadmill.

If you are considering buying a treadmill, there are a few things you should familiarize yourself with before actually going out (or online) and purchasing one:

1. Price: When it comes to treadmills, the more you pay the better machine you will get. This is because you are paying for added accessories and more stability. Compare it to buying a car. The basic model will do the job. You might become bored with the lack of extras, but if you are on a budget, this will do fine for you. Remember, you can always upgrade. Then there comes the mid- range model. More accessories are added, which can make the ride smoother and a bit more lively, and the price is still pretty sensible. If you are really in the mood to splurge, the high quality treadmills will shock you with more bells and whistles than you could ever dream of. Some people, however, may become overwhelmed by all the present courses, heart monitors, incline levels, cup holders, book holders, and digital programming offered by top-of-the-line treadmills. Browse around online to see which add-ons you will enjoy and which you can live without, this will narrow down your choices and keep you from getting too carried away by the latest and greatest.

2. Stability: Make sure you wear your workout clothes when shopping for treadmills, you will want to "test drive" certain models to see if they are stable enough for your running/walking form. You will want to be cautious of machines that shake or rattle when you are going full speed. A good stable ride will make a world of difference in your safety and will also cut down on the noise level. Also take into consideration the motor volume, if you plan to read, watch the television or listen to music, a noisy motor will quickly become a big distraction.

3. Size: In the store and especially online, size can be deceiving. Make sure to measure the room which will be housing this machine and allow for plenty of "walk-around" space. When you are buying, check the dimensions. Size is not always an indicator of quality.

Treadmills might seem a bit pricy, but they will pay for themselves over time with convenience and indoor safety. Plus, your exercise routine can be more consistent with a treadmill. Look online for bargains. You might be surprised by the prices and options available. With a little research, you will surely be able to find the perfect treadmill for you and your budget.

Treadmills - Walking Your Way To Better Health

Walking is one of the most natural, everyday movements that an individual can make. For years, this simple act has been believed to help improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and burn calories at the same time. Because not everyone has the convenience or the safety of walking outdoors, treadmills are designed to offer the same benefits without having to leave home.

While there are different variations of each, there are basically two types of treadmills. The first is a manual treadmill, which is powered solely by the individual. This device is not programmable and, therefore, is designed to keep up with the speed of the individual rather than the other way around. An electronic treadmill, on the other hand, can be programmed for the individual to keep up with the pace of the machine. With varying speeds and positions, electric treadmills can be designed to provide a slow or brisk walk at a flat or sloped angle.

A recent study divided individuals into two different groups, one of which participated in 30 minutes of exercising on treadmills while the other group spent 30 minutes resting. Each of the two group's progress was monitored during the treatment which, at the conclusion, showed that both groups experienced a reduction in negative feelings, stress and tension. The group that spent 30 minutes training on the treadmills, however, also admitted to feeling an improvement in overall well-being. According to this study, walking is not only good for physical health, but proved to be beneficial for reducing stress and improving overall feelings of wellness.

While the study adds credence to the theory that walking is a positive exercise activity overall, it also lends truth to the idea that individuals do not have to walk outside in order to get the benefits of a regular walking routine. Treadmills are designed with indoor fitness in mind, which was the equipment of choice used in the aforementioned study. The use of a treadmill is especially beneficial during harsh winter months at times when walking outdoors may be slippery, in areas that are unsafe to walk or for individuals who simply prefer to exercise at home. Walking is believed to aid in the reduction of stress, the fight against obesity, cardiovascular disease and may be the most convenient exercise in existence.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice and/or recommendations. Before beginning any type of exercise regimen, including one that involves the use of treadmills, individuals should consult their physician.

Treadmills For Health And Life

It’s not always practical to go outside to jog or walk. Maybe you live in the big city or maybe it’s winter and you can’t really enjoy the outdoors. That’s where exercise treadmills come in. Treadmills allow you the freedom to simulate walking and jogging without having to actually go anywhere. Simply put, exercise treadmills have a conveyor belt which moves antagonistically to the user’s direction of horizontal movement. Okay, that may not have been simple. Essentially, the belt on treadmills moves in the opposite direction that you do.

Exercise treadmills have been heavily endorsed by most health experts since walking is considered one of the best cardiovascular workouts possible. We all know that combining a good workout plan with a good eating plan is the best way to lose weight and stay fit. Exercise treadmills help you do that in any weather, on your terms. The speed of the treadmills can be adjusted to suit your capabilities so you won’t injure yourself.

There are two basic types of exercise treadmills: manual treadmills and electric treadmills. In manually operated treadmills, you act as the engine. The belt only moves when you’re actually walking on it, so the faster you go the faster it goes. Electric exercise treadmills tend to be a little more polished. The speed of the belt can be adjusted by speed controls so you can set it to any speed you’re comfortable with. These treadmills also tend to have more sophisticated displays and can usually monitor your heart rate. This is especially important for people who have heart conditions but also need to keep fit.

Of course, you have to pay for these extras and electric exercise treadmills can cost as much as ten times the amount of manual treadmills. The actual price of the treadmills depends on their level of quality and durability. Another factor is how smart the treadmills are. You read right. Today’s high end treadmills actually have the ability to change their speed to match your pace, without you having to adjust anything.

Unfortunately, exercise treadmills are excessively boring since there’s no change in scenery. And they take up a fair amount of space in your home. Plus, you need to make sure small children can’t get on the treadmills so they don’t hurt themselves. Still, exercise treadmills are growing in popularity. There’s not a quality gym that doesn’t boast at least three treadmills these days. Treadmills really are a great way to shed those few extra pounds or just keep in shape, especially if you’ve got some music on.

Treadmills - Get Fit Stay Fit

Your exercise program could benefit from the use of treadmills. Using a treadmill provides a wonderful cardiovascular workout for your heart, your lungs, and your circulation. There low impact on your joints, which makes it easier and less painful to workout.

Pregnant women will get an excellent workout. Its low impact and cardiovascular nature it builds endurance which will no doubt help during labor. The lower end models are not expensive and treadmills are easy to use. Using a treadmill could help you lose weight and even body fat.

That they don't take up a lot of space is a non-physical benefit. There are some that could take up a whole room almost but if space is the issue, than you can find manual treadmills that fold and are powered by your movement only. Talk to professionals and do your research to find out which one might be appropriate for you.

Comparing different models is best. Do you know what features you're looking for on a treadmill? You should look at certain things when you are comparing various models. All you really want to do is workout so this can all be overwhelming.

The size of your machine can be affected by the type of the motor. The most important things to look at are the belt trackers. This is the type of movement of the belt and the placement of the running belt as you work out. You don't want a belt that's jerky you want it to move as smoothly as possible over the rollers.

Have you seen the check out belts that move and then jump and move again etc.? There can be more impact than is necessary on your joints and injury can result if the movement on your treadmill is like that. Something else to look at is the length and the width of the belt.

A belt that is too short can cause you to ¡±run-off the end of the belt. A narrow belt might not necessarily support your stance. If possible try out the machine you want or one that is very much like it. The type and percentage of the incline will affect your joints and your workout.

As you progress, on most treadmills you can adjust the incline to be as if you were climbing a steep hill. How fast the belt moves should also be adjustable also. Do you know what the minimum speed and maximum speed is? This knowledge will help you plan your workout routine and make it more effective.

Your treadmill console should a heart rate monitor as one of its main features. If you know your resting heart rate and your target heart rate which is the highest number you can reach for maximum benefits from your workout, your workout will be more beneficial. Your speed, your time and your distance should also be displayed on the console.

Before you attempt to use your treadmill it is of the utmost importance that you learn to properly use your treadmill. The display on the control panel should be clear and easy to read. Is the software program necessary to be able to use the control panel?

A noisy treadmill is something you don't want. There will obviously be some noise but you don't want it to be overwhelming. What is the acceptable level of noise for you? Is the belt thick enough? If a belt is too thin it could wear out too soon, so you would want an appropriately thick belt so it will last.

Stretching can occur with some belts. Checking to see that your belt isn't cracked anywhere or stretched, make sure the monitor is functioning properly. Consider the weight of the machine. A few of the delivery companies will bring your machine to your door but it's up to you to get it in the house and set it up.

The look of the machine is important because if it doesn't appeal to you, you will be less apt to use it. How easy will it be to store it when you aren't using it? Before you bring it home, consider the probability that it will stay in the same place when it's not in use, then you need to decide if this is ok with you.

Don't put your treadmill near walls to prevent injury. You should put it approximately eight feet away from walls, ledges or windows. You should put the wires and the power supply out of walking areas or it should be taped down to prevent someone from tripping while getting off the treadmill. There are a few tips about how to use your new treadmill.

Before getting on the belt, straddle it and make sure it is set at the proper speed. Your feet will follow your eyes so keep them straight ahead. Staying in the center of the belt will help prevent slips and falls.

Treadmills Shed Calories

Treadmills are a great way to workout. They give a complete body workout and help in shedding the calories very fast. However they are high impact cardio vascular machines and doctor's advice is needed before you can start working out on a treadmill. Thus it can put strain on the knee muscles and the joints. Hence patients who have arthritis in the knee, or foot and knee problems are advised to stay away from treadmills. Treadmills should be bought only after reading the treadmill reviews as well as treadmill ratings.

Manual treadmills cost a lot less but don't provide too many functions, which the higher end models do. For home use also, many people prefer the powered treadmill as it gives them a variety of workouts in their home. These disadvantages withstanding, the treadmills machines provide a great workout. Whatever be the time of the day and the season, one can easily workout and keep in shape whether at the gym or at home with a treadmill.

Another disadvantage of the treadmill is that many people have been known to fall off the ramp. While exercising, this can cause injury. Hence many of them come with a safety latch, therefore the treadmill machines become more safe. One end of the latch is attached to the clothing of the exerciser, while the other is attached to the machine. If the person goes too far, the safety latch is detached from the machine, which brings the treadmill to the stop.

When buying a treadmill, look for the treadmills, which have got good treadmill reviews as well as good treadmill ratings. You can look for these on the websites dedicated to exercise and treadmills as well as magazines. There are many options to choose from. These range from the manual to the powered and the electrical treadmills. They can start as low as $200 and can cost up to $3000.

Treadmills Boost Your Health

Treadmills are very popular methods of exercise. These exercise machines have been helping people lose weight and get in shape for many years now. Buying a treadmill is not hard but if you have ever done it, you know that it can be expensive. It is an investment you will greatly benefit from but you need to choose carefully before you buy. There are many reasons why you would choose a treadmill for yourself. You can improve your fitness and your health. You can build and maintain your fitness level all in the comfort of your home. However, you also need to be sure that before you buy a treadmill and begin a training program that you do it in the correct way to remain safe and healthy.

Before you purchase a treadmill you need to know what features to look for to be sure you are getting the best one for you and your needs. Some things to look for are:

The Motor: A motorized treadmill has an inbuilt motor that makes the belt and lift operate. A bonus of motorized treadmills is that they let you raise and lower the incline easily. With motors you can change the pace of your workout how you need it to be.

Horsepower: The horsepower is the measure of the treadmill motor. The continuous horsepower is how well the treadmill can work without lagging. The peak horsepower is how much power the treadmill has for short bursts.

Incline: The incline is used to mimic the natural human style of walking or running. Manual incline lets you change it yourself by speeding up your pace. A power incline lets you adjust the incline while you are walking or running.

Belts and Decks: A thicker belt gives you more cushion for your legs and joints. Short belts give you a faster pace and some people prefer these.

Speed: When you think of a treadmill, you often think of the speed. Most go from 0 to 10 MPH.

Computer Controls: Treadmills all have some type of computer control to keep them going. Many have odometers and speedometers and some even have pre-programmed workouts.

The Benefits Of Treadmill Exercises

When we think of exercise we often think of an expensive gym filled with others. For some people they aren’t comfortable venturing to a gym and working out in front of other people. For them purchasing a piece of exercise equipment for their home is a better choice.

Although there are numerous different choices in home exercise equipment, one particular piece of equipment stands out. The treadmill is an affordable choice and with its ease of use it’s perfect for almost every member of the family.

The benefits of treadmill exercise are far reaching. Not only does it afford you the same benefits of a brisk walk but there are other elements in play as well.

One of the benefits of treadmill exercise is that engaging in exercise each day helps with sleep. If you take a few moments of your time each day to use the treadmill you’ll find that you are more tired around bedtime and you’ll sleep more soundly. The body needs to nourish itself with sleep after it’s gone through a period of exertion.

When considering the benefits of treadmill exercise people don’t often consider how the mood can be affected. Regular, daily exercise can help with feelings of depression or sadness. The time involved on the treadmill doesn’t have to be long. Even a short ten or twenty minute period each day can be very beneficial.

Some of the greatest benefits of treadmill exercise can be felt when you adjust the machine. Treadmills that are run on electricity have different speed settings. If you are just beginning an exercise regime than using the lowest speed is advisable.

Even at a low setting your body will enjoy the benefits of treadmill exercise including an increased heart rate and fat burning. As you grow more accustomed to the speed you can increase it slowly.

Changing the incline of the track can also result in increased benefits of treadmill exercise. When you feel as though you are walking uphill you are focusing on the muscles contained in your legs and buttocks. For a man or woman wanting to tone up these areas this can give great results.

Treadmills are one of the easiest pieces of exercise equipment to use. Once the machine is assembled it is as simple as getting on and walking or running. The benefits of treadmill exercise can be felt by anyone including more mature people who are looking for a safe and easy way to exercise.

Not all treadmills are electric. There are manual versions of treadmills available. The benefits of treadmill exercise on a manual treadmill as opposed to an electric version are much the same. The only difference is that with the manual treadmill you will find yourself working a bit harder to get the belt to move. This in itself is a benefit because it requires a bit more exertion on the part of the person exercising.

Treadmills are available in many designs and in every price range. If you really want to experience the benefits of treadmill exercise, purchase a machine today.

Working The Treadmill

The lifestyle of an average person of today is dramatically different from that of the past years. The convenience of having an automobile has decreased the time spent in walking to the destination. Televisions and personal computers have replaced outdoor activities. Fast foods have become a significant part of the daily diet. It comes as no surprise that such a lifestyle can bring about a sedentary life among many, which is the leading cause of obesity. The awareness of the obesity phenomenon has lead many people to reconsider their lifestyles and take action supporting a healthier body through balanced and healthier diets and religious exercise.

With a variety of exercises available, one would often stop to think which among these options is not only the one that offers the best workout but also the most effective calorie-burner.

Believe it or not, opting for a treadmill workout can burn as much as 700 calories per hour. This not usually the case for other exercises like the bicycle and rowing machine, which give the impression of intensive workouts that equal significant calorie- burning.

Studies have been made by the Journal of the American Medical Association that supports this claim. They have compared the calories burned between the treadmill workout and the bicycle workout – approximately 200 calories per hour is the cited significant difference.

Treadmill workout is an innovation on the most superb form of the all-around exercise – Walking. Not to mention, the treadmill equipment must be one of the most popular home exercise. People who are affected by health conditions such as osteoporosis and hypertension choose this form of exercise because it aims to develop the lower body to strengthen muscles and build stamina.

The treadmill workout can be considered the best way to get the most out of routine walks. For one, since this can be an indoor activity, there is no need to worry if there is going to be any bad weather. The padded surfaces of the machine will not cause any strain on the joints compared to pavement because it absorbs more impact on both the legs and the feet. The overall pace of the workout can be easily adjusted by toggling the controls on the front bar.

Working out on the treadmill can be a problem for some people that there is a tendency to hold on to the arm rest for balance throughout the exercise. This will significantly reduce the effect of a good treadmill workout and thus, fewer calories are burnt. For one’s safety, it is sensible to grab the front bar and get on the treadmill if it is stationary or if it is slowly moving to avoid accidents. After getting the hang of the pace, try to let go of the arm rest to obtain the full effect of a treadmill workout. In using the treadmill, it is always advisable to start at a slow rate. Pacing is essential because this will determine the rate or speed that matches one’s abilities in order to sustain the workout. Also remember to look straight and be aware of posture to maintain good form.

Some people prefer to work on an incline while others don’t. If one is not comfortable with the incline, it is recommended to go for speed-walking intervals which are alternated with slower walking.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Treadmill Workout

You know what makes exercising on a treadmill so effective in losing weight and getting in shape – the ability to adjust the incline. With the push of a button you can adjust the intensity level of your workout to any degree.

If you live in a flatlander state like Illinois and you run or walk outside, you’re stuck at one level. With a treadmill you can simulate running or walk on hills or mountains, and that is where you start getting the heart beating and the calories burning.

Breaking Out of the Exercise Rut

For those of us who exercise regularly, we tend to get into a rut. And once you get stuck in a rut you reach a plateau. You find that you are not losing any more weight, and you are not getting in better shape. By changing up your routine and the intensity of your workout you can reach new highs in your personal fitness.

That is why hill and interval training are such popular programs on the treadmill. In fact, one of the hottest trends in exercising and weigh loss is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This new form of aerobic exercising manages to get the maximum results in less time. And for us who struggle to find the time to exercise, this type of workout is very attractive.

Treadmills Are Ideal for Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training requires exercising at high intensity levels for 1-3 minutes, and follow-up with a recovery period that is approximately 2 to 3 times longer. HIIT can apply whether you run or walk. It just is a matter of raising the incline level and getting the heart beating faster.

Treadmills are ideal for aerobic workouts like High Intensity Interval Training. You crank the treadmill up to a high incline for several minutes then reduce the level and slow down to a walk or slow jog. You can either use existing hill or interval programs on the treadmill (most at least have hill training), or you can manually control the workout to a level you feel comfortable with.

The important point is get out of the rut. Experiment with different speeds and incline levels. As you start getting comfortable at a certain level for a certain period, increase both the incline and the period of time. The benefits of breaking out of the rut is burning more calories, getting in better shape and breaking up the boredom of your exercise routine.

If you plan to increase your level of exercising, make sure you are physically in shape to handle the intensity. You may want to check with your physician first, particularly if you are just starting back into a fitness routine.

The #1 fear that people have when investing in a home treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment) is that they won't use it.

You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days...and then it sits...and waits.

A few months down the road, you notice how dusty it has become and how much space it's taking up. And you remember how much weight you were determined to lose by using it faithfully every day.

But now, unfortunately, it doubles as a clothes rack. Never fear...

5 Ways To Get The BEST Use From Your Treadmill

A treadmill provides the best overall cardiovascular workout & it's still the number one exercise machine for those who want to lose weight. So it's an investment in your health that will pay large dividends...if you are prepared to get the maximum benefit from it!

#1) Do your research first

Make sure you look at what each treadmill offers you and compare it to your unique needs.

For example, if you live in a condo and/or like things neat and clean, a folding treadmill might suit you best. If you want a folding treadmill, do you prefer a manual folding treadmill (like most folding treadmills) or do you want a shock-assisted folding treadmill with wheels on the bottom that's easy to move?

If you like to drink water during your workout, make sure there's a water bottle holder included in the treadmill console (it might surprise you how many treadmills do not have this feature.)

Do you get bored easily and need a challenge? What about getting a treadmill with lots of user programs or one that is iFit compatible?

These things may seem little and maybe it might cost you a bit more; but if it means you're actually going to enjoy your workout it will be well worth it!

#2) Place the treadmill in a 'happy' spot.

By 'happy' I mean well-lit, open and stimulating. Don't put it so you face the bare wall when you walk or run. I've tried this this and the workouts don't last long! If you get bored easily, put it facing the television or facing a window where you can have an attractive view while working out.

Rooms and spaces have definite 'feels' to them and that will affect the success of your workouts. Make sure your treadmill is placed in an area that makes you feel energized, happy and mentally stimulated.

#3) Get your exercise arsenal ready BEFORE the treadmill arrives. Do you like listening to fast music when you exercise? Do you like watching your favorite movies? What about reading magazines?

What inspires you to work out and feel your best?

Get these things ready even before your treadmill arrives and you'll be three-quarters of the way there. Have several workout or favorite CD's around. Get your favorite movies or shows on tape. Gather your favorite magazines.

By having an 'exercise' stash around your treadmill, you'll be inspired to workout AND you won't be stuck running around looking for something to do when you want to start exercising.

Again, this may seem simple, but it works. Why do you think gyms have magazines, televisions and CD players handy?

#4) Make an exercise plan.

Before you start working out, try making a plan, a "roadmap to your rock-hard body" so to speak. By writing down how long and what kind of workout you'll be doing in week 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, you'll get yourself psyched up for success.

Remember that every time you workout, you are planting the seeds for the kind of dream body that you want.

By having a plan, you can see just how many seeds you've planted (and even how long it will take to start reaping the results!) Have fun with it and you'll be motivated to achieve your health goals (and get maximum benefits from your treadmill!)

#5) Track your progress

Ok this is related to #4 but it's more of an ongoing thing. By tracking your progress every day, you get a major sense of accomplishment which snowballs into even greater fat-burning results.

I suggest you have 'minimum goals' like "I'll walk for at least 10 minutes." or "I'll do 5-30 second intervals." These are easy to do and you'll probably go beyond them - which will encourage you even further and heighten your sense of accomplishment.

And of course, you're also getting maximum benefit from your treadmill!

Those are 5 ways to get best use from your home treadmill. Just remember that even a little bit of preparation will pay off large dividends in the long run.

Treadmill Machines For Cardio-vascular Workouts

Treadmill machines are a great way to exercise. They are one of the best ways to have cardio vascular workouts. It helps to lose weight considerable as well as tone up muscles. Whether its raining outside or sunny outside, one can easily get on the treadmill machine and have a go. The best pat is one can listen to music and even read a book while on the treadmill. While on a cross trainer or a fitness rower, its no possible to do the same. Manua

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