10 Things you Must do to get a Great Body by Josh Owen - HTML preview

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Now, let me tell you about 10 things you MUST do to get the best results of your life. If you're serious about getting a great body very quickly, you need to do these 10 things...

Navigation of this Manual

In the top right corner of each page, you will find a link to the main table of contents for this manual. Each and every page has this link to make navigation of this manual much easier for you.

The main table of contents, shown on the next page, includes links to each section of this manual.

Please read this manual in its entirety before beginning the Basic WLC Program. If you have any questions that need answering, please email me: josh@weight-lifting-complete.com

10 Things You MUST Do to Get A Great Body
1.Learn Weight Lifting Basics

1.1. Required Equipment
1.2.The Best Exercises
1.3.Warming Up Properly
1.4.A Proper Rep

2.Learn Diet & Nutrition Basics

2.1. The Basic WLC Diet
2.2.The Best Food Sources
2.3.The Number of Meals
2.4.Basic Calorie Cycling
2.5.Making Adjustments

3.Learn Cardiovascular Exercise Basics

3.1. Types of Cardio
3.2.Target Heart Rate Zones
3.3.Heart Rate Devices
3.4.Approved Activities

4.Learn Tracking, Measuring, Adjusting Basics

4.1. The Weekly Assessment
4.2.The Basic Information You Need
4.3.Measurement Tools
4.4.Gaining or Losing Weight
4.5.Making Adjustments

5.Learn Rest & Recovery Basics

5.1. Getting Enough Sleep
5.2.Decreasing Stress

6.Learn Planning and Goal Setting Basics

6.1. Your Greatest Ally
6.2.Setting Goals is a Must
6.3.Planning to Meet those Goals

7.Use The Basic WLC Weight Lifting Program

7.1. Weight Lifting Schedule
7.2.The Workout
7.3.Weight Selection
7.4.The Strategy

8.Learn Starting Supplements and Accessories

8.1.Starting Supplements 8.2.Starting Accessories

9.Read About The Full WLC Program Package

9.1. The WLC Program Guide
9.2.The WLC Weight Lifting Workouts
9.3.The Guide to Supplements and Accessories
9.4.The WLC Log Book
9.5.Lifetime Support
9.6.Free Updates
9.7.Unlimited Q&A
9.8.Instant Access to the WLC Program
9.9.60 Days No Risk Guarantee

10.Get the Full WLC Program Package
1. Weight Lifting Basics

In this section, you’re going to learn the bare essentials of weight lifting for building muscle and strength. These are the basics only. Full weight lifting details are given in the Full Package.

If you learn the basics of weight lifting, you’ll be years of ahead of others that never took the time to start out correctly. Let’s get started…

1.1. Required Equipment

In order to perform the Basic WLC Program, you’re going to need access to some basic weight lifting equipment. I’m going to show you what you need…

#1: Power Rack



A good power rack is a must! This is the center piece of any gym. A good power rack will have a chin up bar and possibly dip bars.

A power rack provides you with everything you need to work out safely. You don’t need a workout partner. You don’t need a spotter. Spotter bars are included with every power rack.

See the power rack in the image to the left. I’ve searched for the best power rack I can find that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars.


If you are looking for a good power rack, this one includes dip attachments and a chin up bar.


#2: Adjustable Bench


00005.jpgYou will need a good adjustable bench that you can slide in and out of your power rack.


You’ll need the bench to perform some of the best exercises.


The best adjustable bench that I can find for a great price is shown in the image to the left and can be found here.


#3: Olympic Barbell Sets


00006.jpgYou need at least one 300 pound Olympic barbell set.

I personally like to have two so I don’t have to move the bar from inside the power rack to outside the power rack.

You’ll save a lot of time and energy if you get two barbells and lots of extra weight plates. Most commercial gyms will have plenty of barbells and weights.

If you are building a home gym, I highly recommend two barbells and lots of extra weight plates. You can find more info on available barbell sets here.

#4: Adjustable Dumbbell Set



You’re going to need a good set of adjustable dumbbells. I made a huge mistake building my home gym and went with fixed dumbbells. They take up too much space and cost entirely too much.
See the dumbbells in the image above? Those dumbbells will save you thousands of dollars and tons of space. You get 5 to 90 pound dumbbells in 5 pound increments. So you get 18 pairs of dumbbells in one.

You can find out more about the adjustable dumbbells I highly recommend here.

That’s all the equipment you need to get started correctly with weight lifting. There’s no need to waste money on useless machines or any other useless equipment.

A home gym will initially cost you more but will save you thousands per year in gym membership fees, gas costs, and wear and tear on your vehicle. A home gym is more convenient and saves you so much time!

Building a home gym is easy when you learn exactly what you need. The WLC Program teaches you how to save thousands of dollars per year with a home gym. You’ll be more consistent with your workouts, save time, save money, and get better results! You can learn how with the Full WLC Program.

1.2. The Best Exercises

Later in this manual, you’re going to find the Basic WLC Program weight lifting workout. The workout program uses only the best weight lifting exercises for building muscle and strength:

#1: The Squat


#2: The Deadlift


#3: The Bench Press


#4: The Pendlay Row #5: The Overhead Press


#6: The Chin Up


#7: The Dip


#8: The Calf Raise


#9: The Curl


#10: The Extension

At each of the links above, you’ll find more information on each exercise. You’ll find videos, discussion, and more. Make sure you watch the videos because later you’ll need to know how to do them for your actual workouts!

Please watch the videos of the exercises. You may just learn something new that you didn’t know. You can actually choose any curl or extension on those web pages for the Basic WLC Workouts.

I lifted weights for 7 years before I learned proper form through this book. My strength and muscle gains skyrocketed after learning proper form. Also, check out the DVD that goes along with the book I mentioned – great instructional tool!

One of the best things you can do is to spend some time learning how to do these exercises properly. No one spends the time learning the exercises and many people waste years of progress. I’ve been there!

Take it from someone who learned the hard way. Take your time studying the exercises, practicing, and learning how to do them properly. I really can’t stress this enough.

You can start this program and take your time learning the exercises. This program was developed to help you learn the proper methods for lifting weights. Do not get in a hurry. Take your time and perfect your form.

1.3. Warming Up Properly

Warming up before a workout and before each exercise is vital to your success! You will greatly decrease your risk of injury and you’ll increase your performance in the gym.

You’ll be able to lift heavier weights throughout your workout, which will lead to faster results and bigger changes when you look in the mirror.

There are two different warm ups that you’re going to need to do. First: a pre workout warm up is required before you touch any weights. Second: specific exercise warm ups need to be done to get you acclimated to a new exercise.

For the pre workout warm up, spend about 5 minutes on any cardio machine or cardiovascular activity such as jogging. Then do some jumping jacks followed by some body weight squats and push ups.

For specific exercise warm ups, you need to follow these guidelines:

1. Never do more reps for a warm up set than the target number of reps for a working set. If you are going to be doing 10 reps on a working set, do not perform over 10 reps on a warm up set as an example.

2. Decrease the number of reps in each successive warm up set while increasing the weight.

3. Do more warm up sets at the beginning of your workout and less as you progress through your workout.
Specific exercise warm ups are a requirement. You need to slowly increase the weight during warm up sets and allow your body to become acclimated to the new exercise before jumping straight into heavy weights.

Warm ups are very important so please treat them that way. Take your time and ensure you are warm before continuing with your workout.

In the WLC Program Package, you will get specific guidelines to follow with percentage charts showing you how much to increase the weight with each successive warm up set. When you warm up properly, you lift heavier weights throughout your workout and get better results!

1.4. A Proper Rep

There are four parts to every rep that you do for any given exercise. Do you know what they are?


1. Lifting portion also known as the positive or concentric portion of a rep.


2. Peak contraction at the very top of each rep.


3. Lowering portion also known as the negative or eccentric portion of a rep.


4. Full stretch at the very bottom of each rep.

It’s very important that you do each rep with proper form. Do not stop short of peak contraction, and do not stop short of the full stretch. Lift forcefully and lower the weight under control.

The negative portion of each rep is the most important, but each part of every rep is very important. Have you ever seen someone do Pull Ups?
Most people stop short of a peak contraction and stop short of the full stretch and never get their chin above the bar. They are cheating on each rep because it’s easier that way.

But they’re only fooling themselves because they’re not getting the full benefit of the exercise!

Ensure that you concentrate on each and every rep. Do not cheat on your reps. Progress will be much faster when you perform reps properly. Reap the benefits of each and every rep when you use proper form.

Weight lifting can get pretty tough as the weights start to get heavier. You’ve got to keep on pushing hard, though. The WLC Program contains tips and tricks for lifting heavy weight much easier. These tips and tricks work wonders! I’ve surprised myself many times using these tips and tricks.

2. Diet & Nutrition Basics

In this section, you’re going to learn how to put together a basic WLC diet. The basic WLC diet will help you get started eating the proper foods, the proper amount, and at the proper times.

These are only the basics, but the guidelines given to you in this section will get you started on the right track…


2.1. The Basic WLC Diet

You’re going to need to start counting calories each and every day. There’s no way around this. It’s very easy to get started and with some practice, it’s very easy to keep track of the foods you eat.


In the WLC Program Package, you get the WLC Log Book which includes an easy to use food database. You simply enter foods and numbers from nutrition labels. Then, each night you can easily get totals. The Log Book calculates everything for you!

I only spend a few minutes each night getting the total number of calories, protein, carbs, fat, and the percentages of each in my diet. The WLC Log Book makes calorie counting simple, quick, and easy.

Finding the number of calories you need to get started building muscle or losing fat can be difficult. I’m going to give you any easy way to estimate the amount of calories you need to build muscle or lose fat.

Starting calories for fat loss = body weight in pounds x 13 Starting calories for muscle building = body weight in pounds x 16


Now you have the number of calories needed to start your diet. How many protein, carbohydrates, and fat grams do you need?

30% of calories from Protein
50% of calories from Carbohydrates
20% of calories from Fat

As an example, let’s say your starting calories came out to be 3000 calories. In order to get your targets for protein, carbs, and fat, you would need to do the following…

3000 x 30% = 3000 x 0.30 = 900 calories from Protein
3000 x 50% = 3000 x 0.50 = 1500 calories from Carbohydrates
3000 x 20% = 3000 x 0.20 = 600 calories from Fat Protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram while fat contains 9 calories per gram.

Protein Target for 3000 Calorie Diet = 900 / 4 = 225 grams of Protein Carb Target for 3000 Calorie Diet = 1500 / 4 = 375 grams of Carbs Fat Target for 3000 Calorie Diet = 600 / 9 = 67 grams of Protein

Now, so you don’t have to do all of those calculations, I’m providing you with a table for the Basic WLC Diet.

Please see the next page for the WLC Diet targets. You can easily find the amount of protein, carbs, and fat that you need to be eating for any number of calories.

Now some of this may seem difficult to you, and this isn’t even the best way to estimate the amount of food you need to build muscle or lose fat. You need a much more accurate method…


That method is fully explained in the WLC Program Package. It’s not only explained, but you get an easy to use calorie intake calculator that spits out the numbers for you!

I’ve made everything very easy for you with the Full WLC Program Package. And it should be easy for you…I’ve spent 10 years figuring all of this out so it’s easier for you.

You’ll also learn how to manipulate the basic WLC diet for building muscle and burning fat at an even faster rate. Everything is explained in the WLC Program Package.

Protein Carbs Fat Calories (grams) (grams) (grams) 1000 75 125 22 1100 83 138 24 1200 90 150 27 1300 98 163 29 1400 105 175 31 1500 113 188 33 1600 120 200 36 1700 128 213 38 1800 135 225 40 1900 143 238 42 2000 150 250 44 2100 158 263 47 2200 165 275 49 2300 173 288 51 2400 180 300 53 2500 188 313 56 2600 195 325 58 2700 203 338 60 2800 210 350 62 2900 218 363 64 3000 225 375 67 3100 233 388 69 3200 240 400 71 3300 248 413 73 3400 255 425 76 3500 263 438 78 3600 270 450 80 3700 278 463 82 3800 285 475 84 3900 293 488 87 4000 300 500 89 4100 308 513 91 4200 315 525 93 4300 323 538 96 4400 330 550 98 4500 338 563 100 4600 345 575 102 4700 353 588 104 4800 360 600 107 4900 368 613 109 5000 375 625 111

2.2. The Best Food Sources

You need to be eating only the best sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. I’m giving you only the best sources here – there are more, but this is a good start. The better choices you make, the better results you get!

Lean Protein Sources

• Lean Beef 96% Preferred
• Lean Beef 92% Good
• Lean Red Meat
• Pork Tenderloin
• Whole Eggs (limit)
• Egg Whites
• Lowfat Cottage Cheese
• Skim Milk
• Chicken Breast
• Turkey Breast
• Ground Turkey
• Duck
• Lowfat Yogurt
• Protein Powders
• Venison
• Mutton
• Salmon
• Tilapia
• Other Fish
• Tuna
• Shrimp
• Crab
• Lobster
• Any Lean Meats

Natural Carb Sources

• Oats • Apples
• Bran • Bananas
• Barley • Grapefruit
• Wheat • Oranges
• Rye • Berries
• Beans • Grapes
• Potatoes • Tomatoes
• Brown Rice • Tangerines
• Romaine Lettuce
• Cabbage
• Spinach
• Broccoli
• Celery
• Squash
• Peppers
• Greens

Essential Fat Sources

• Fish Oil • Safflower Oil
• Flax Oil • Sunflower Oil
• Fish • Soybean Oil
• Flaxseed • Almonds
• Walnuts • Pecans
• Sesame Oil • Peanuts
• Peanut Butter
• Sunflower Seeds
• Olives
• Olive Oil
• Avocados
• Cashews

No one forces you to put anything in your body. Make the right choices and make the best progress of your life.
Your diet and the foods you eat is one of the most important factors for you getting the body you want in the shortest amount of time. Read that statement again. It’s vital that you understand that.

You need to know how to combine the best sources of food into meals throughout the day. You need to know how to eat throughout the day for building muscle and burning fat. When you know how to eat properly for building muscle and burning fat, your results will vastly improve!


The WLC Program Package teaches you how to combine the best sources of food strategically for building muscle and burning fat.

You will learn what types of foods to eat at specific times throughout the day. You’ll get sample meal plan layouts that guide you. You’ll be amazed at your results.

2.3. Number of Meals

You need to eat about 6 meals per day. You need a lean protein source every 3 hours. This gives your body the building blocks it needs to build muscle.

Eat soon after you wake up all the way up until your bed time. Ensure you give your body a good meal once every 3 hours. Do not wake up in the middle of the night to have a meal. Continuous sleep is more important.

Have a slow digesting source of protein before bed time instead of waking yourself up to eat.
Have 6 meals per day on average. 5 to 7 is fine when spaced 3 hours apart.


Included in the WLC Program Package are pre and post workout meal protocols for maximizing results from your workouts. You learn exactly what to eat before and after your workouts. There is a crucial time period before and after a workout, and you need to know how to take advantage of these time periods.

2.4. Water Intake

You need to stop drinking any other beverage besides water. You can have a few other drinks each week such as diet sodas or crystal light, but limit those to only a few per week.

Everyone should be drinking around a gallon or 128 ounces of water per day.



If you’re eating a high amount of calories, increase your water intake. If you live in a hot and humid climate, increase your water intake. If you are very active throughout the day, increase your water intake.

Water should be consumed throughout the day and especially around and during your workouts. If you stay fully hydrated throughout the day, you will make faster progress! This is the truth.
Water is truly an amazing substance. I explain the full benefits of drinking the correct amount of water in the WLC Program Package. You’ll find out exactly how much water you need to be drinking based on the amount of food you are eating.

2.5. Basic Calorie Cycling

Calorie cycling is fully explained with easy to use calculators in the WLC Program Package, but I wanted to give a quick explanation of calorie cycling if you’d like to give it a try.


The WLC Program explains how to eat before and after a weight lifting workout to maximize muscle gains. The extra calories you consume around your workout add extra calories to your diet on those days.

If you plan your diet around your workouts and eat normally besides the ex