The World of Nicholas Mallet by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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They hurried down the steps and found Toms Land Rover was already pulsating with life.

Nick spotted Peter behind the wheel.

“Get in the back you two, move it” yelled Peter and gunned the vehicle as soon as they climbed in.

”What the dickens!” gasped Tom somewhat aghast at Peters taking his vehicle.

“My cousin Peter, it must be urgent Tom” Nick yelled above the clash of gears and a vicious left turn outside of the gates.

“Wrong way Peter” yelled Nick

“No, he knows the local way alright, it might be a bridal way but its sure the quickest way to my cottage.” Yelled back Tom and they held on to the roof handles as Peter weaved this way and that to miss as many potholes as he could. Soon they onto the main road and tarmac, over the bridge with an almighty thump to the suspension, then a controlled skid into Tom’s yard.

“The house go.” yelled Peter, but his was not the only yelling and it was coming from the cottage. Tom jumped out and ran to the cottage and threw open the door with Nick not far behind. In the corner of the small dining room lay Jack sprawled beneath his mothers fierce gaze who held the leather strap above her head and as strange malevolent look which turned to abject misery as Tom struck her hand to release the strap. He turned and threw it into the fireplace, then strode out to the kitchen bringing with him a can of paraffin. All this is happening in a sort slow motion, thought Nick, and with the supper plates already filled upon the table. Tom poured the fluid into the hearth and struck a match from the box on the mantle. Florence had not moved but Jack had begun to sob and shake, his father picked him up and passed him to Nick.

“Let him calm down Mr. Mallet and perhaps you and he would like to finish the meal on the table.”

“And what about me Tom Trent, all that evil in that mansion poisoning our child's mind,

And that clumsy vicious scum of a half nephew of yours, from that sordid  sister not even married.” Florence’s eyes were as fierce as Toms as she glared at me as I lifted poor Jack into a chair.

“You take your hands off my boy you and your high flown family. What you be not much older my youngest brother, how can you afford to buy that pile over there if it wasn’t through ill gains.”

“Enough Florrie, you need to go to the special hospital, come get your coat.”

Florence spat at Nick as she passed and grabbed her coat from the coat rack. She turned to Jack.

“I am so sorry Jack, its all your fathers fault for consorting with those over the river, he should have been home for tea.”

Tom pushed her through the door and soon they heard the Land Rover leave.

“What did you come for Mr. Nick?’

“Well Jack, Ash wanted me to pick up his private cardboard box in the barn.”

“Yes I know the one it contains baby stuff and photo’s of his Mum, he hid it from Mum and Dad. I think you can see why. I think mum must have whipped him for it, as when he first came he proudly showed it to her.”

“Do you want me to heat your dinner up?”

“No I couldn’t eat a thing now, think I’ll wait up for Dad, do you think he will be long?”

“I guess about an hour or two, he’ll make the excuse that he returns to you as quickly as possible.”

“What will happen to Mum?”

“The special hospital will determine what ails her and how to help her, and prescribe medicine. It may take some time and I expect its caused by a severe aberration in the brain. They do have the tools to help her. More importantly don’t feel to bad about her she loves you in her own way, after all she apologised to you.”

“You’ve got spittle on your jacket.”

“ Well lets go find that box of Ash’s if you can, then I’ll get away.”

They scoured the barn using Toms torch and eventually found the box buried deep into last years hay bales. With the box wedged under his arm Nick crossed over the bridge and clambered down to the boys short cut path. Eventually he found a sidetrack with the help of moonlight, which led to the Dunnings'.

Nick found only one light on as he opened the door and saw a note on Alice’s table.

‘Ash asleep upstairs, found your new linen, candle on table to find your way and piece of lamb pie in the oven, Alice’

Nick scoffed the proffered pie with a glass of water then lit the candle, turned the electric light off and picking both candle and box crept up the staircase and into the spare bedroom. As quietly as he could he undressed and looked around for the campaign bed. It had been opened and moved besides Ash’s bed. He found Alice had made his bed and slid in feeling the fresh starched sheets and luxury a soft down pillow.

“Did you bring it Nick” came a whisper to his right.

“I thought you’d be asleep by now young Ash, and by the way I put the folding bed over by the door so I wouldn’t disturb you, why did Alice move it when she made it up.”

“I shifted it when she went. Did you get my box please?”

“I did indeed, it's safe by your satchel at this precise minute in time.”

“I need to go to the toilet Nick”

“Is it urgent, where is it anyway?”

“Outside, Jack and I used to use it occasionally, and both things.”

“You want me to come with you?”


“Well get your shoes on and I’ll get dressed again.”

“I don’t have my sandals, Jack was drying them if you remember.”

“Yes I do now, OK come on down the stairs and I give you a piggy back.”

So they both crept down and Nick lifted up Ash onto his back. He was amazed how light Ash was, so he asked for directions and jogged to the outside toilet. Ash went in and Nick waited patiently in the moonlight.

“Bit late to be out Nick.”

“Don’t you ever get any sleep Alex? Anyhow I’m on toilet duty and I guess its only nine or so. By the way thank Peter will you, but tell him I’m not keen on him getting his hands on my new car.”

“Second hand car, but I will tell him. Goodnight to you both.”

Just then Ash called.

“There’s no paper here.”

“Must be Ash. Can you see properly with the door closed.”


“Then open the door and let some moonlight in.”

“You’d make a great Dad.”

“Alex just be quite you’ll frighten Ash, for goodness sake become visible at least”.

“Who you talking to Nick?”

“Alex my cousin.”

“Oh yes I can see him, but there is definitely no paper in here.”

“OK Alex some suggestions please, its been a long day and I need my beauty sleep.”

“How about London Plane leaves and a wash in the pool.”

“What pool?”

“The one in the river, it’s a swimming hole we used to use.”

“I really must get some orientation of where and what everything is, but later. Ash come on out Alex has an idea. If you don’t mind I carry you in my arms. OK lead on Mac duff.”

Alex lead them a short distance to the river.

“There is the pool and beside it the tree.”

“Right give us a hand I say you get into the water and I’ll lower Ash into the pool.”

“Why me into the water?”
”So he doesn’t float away and anyway there is nothing of you to get wet!”

“Don’t you believe it sunshine.” But Alex stepped into the pool and Nick retrieved some leaves from a low branch. These he gave to Ash and said just wipe and lets hope nobody uses the river for drinking water.”

Nick crouched down and lowered Ash into the water and Alex held him by his shoulder whilst Ash did his ablutions. They then lifted him out and Nick carried him piggyback to he cottage.

“Thanks Alex” he called, but Alex had gone.

Once upstairs and dried with one of Alice’s rough towels, Nick plastered a new batch of skin cream and rolled him under the sheet. It was a warm night so he left the blanket rolled up at the beds end. He blew the candle out and undressing quietly slid into his own bed. What a day, his first here, after a long sigh he was soon fast asleep. Ash stayed awake for some time listening to Nick’s shallow breathing then he leaned over and stroked Nick's hair.

“Thanks Nick and Alex, I wish, oh I wish I could,” He sighed and fell deeply asleep.













Chapter four. Money matters and some purchases.


Nick woke to the chirping of woodland birds. He rose quietly so as not to disturb young Ash and strode over to the low attic window. Drawing the curtains aside he looked outside, everything here so peaceful and fresh. He saw Alice hanging out washing and checked his watch. It said half past ten. Ash woke up and stretched his arms out, he peeped at Nick framed in the light of the window. Nick turned and sitting on the bed started to dress. Suddenly was hit behind by a soft pillow.

“Glad to see you awake young man, I reckon its bath time for you, How was the water in the pool last night.”

“Quite warm.”

“Right you and I are heading for that same pool now. Grab a towel and shorts. I’ve got soap and shampoo so stir yourself now” with that he put his shoes on and went downstairs. Spying Alice he saw his white towel neatly in a cane basket beside her.

“Your towel dried overnight Master Nick I was bringing it in to iron.”

“Please don’t bother I'm off for a bath in the pool, presumably there’s no bathroom in the manor, at least I didn’t see one.”

“Yes one on each floor but until the electric is put on the pressure pump can’t be run. Dunning is getting that sorted out today.”

Nick looked though the cottage window and saw Ash looking around the room inside then he spotted Ash’s sandals on the window ledge.

“There are out here on the ledge Ash” he turned and walked down the gravel till he reached the path leading to the pool. In daylight now he could see how it had been cleverly constructed within a curving bank protecting it from the normal river current and large stones set into the riverbed giving the pool an elongated bath like appearance. He stripped and quickly slid into the water. A bit cool but the bottom was sandy. Turning to the grassy bank and  picking up his soap case when a violent wave sloshed over his back. Ash had arrived sandals and all.

“Thanks a lot you gremlin and those sandals were dry.” Nick reached down and undid the straps on Ash’s sandals. Depositing them onto the grass he threw the soap at a grinning child. He himself washed his head, ducked down to wash it out, turned a soapy Ash around and plastered the boy’s hair with the shampoo and rubbed it in.

“Its in my eyes!” yelled Ash.

Nick cupped his hands and poured water onto a bobbing head.

He then wrestled the soap from Ash who had decided it was a fun thing to turn and splash his legs swimming fashion.

“Ah Ash you can swim?”

“Nope, never learnt how.”

“But the leg motions?”

“Just pretend. Was dunked at the school pool and never learnt.”

“I guess that’s something I can teach you.”

“Nick why are you browner than us?”

“I guess it’s the sun, I worked for a time in Australia. I had an opal mine and  when I wasn’t underground I was up in the harsh sunshine”

“Father wondered how you could afford to buy our house.” Alex had appeared with a two large grey dogs alongside him.

“Excuse me Ash and I were having a private conversation, and what are those?”

“Irish wolfhounds,” said Ash brightly.

“Spot on young man.” replied Alex who let Ash try to fondle their heads but his hand kept slipping through.

“Not so rough Ash, they are special dogs, the sort that are only visible half the time!” Alex took his hand and laid it gently on one of the dogs.

“That’s Bill and the other one is Ben, and Nicks Uncle wants to see young Ash soon, so boys bath time is over for now.”

“It’s just like staying at a boot camp no peace at all, So Alex, pass us over the towels please and I will get out.” 

Alex threw the towel to Nick as he got out and disappeared up the pathway. Nick dried himself then held out the towel for Ash as he slipped out of the pool. Nick wrapped it around Ash’s waist and picking up the one Ash had bought down and dried the boy’s hair. Ash put his arms around Nick’s waist and held him tight.

“OK Ash what’s the trouble now?”

“Perhaps your Uncle wants to give me away Nick, I do so want to stay with you.” He buried his head into Nick’s chest.

“I want you to stay too, I lost my family years ago, and presumably you were an orphan when your Uncle Tom took you in?”

Ash nodded,

“Well then I will try my very best to convince everyone who counts that you belong here now. I can make no promises, why we’ll run away together if no one understands!”


Nick looked down at the golden head gazing up at him, the eyes so blue and misted with tears. ‘I shouldn’t joke about this’ he thought to himself, it was just as much his fault that he migrated to Australia to get away from the constant pressures of his own family. This child had no one except an abusive Aunt.

“Jack and your Uncle, will you want to continue seeing them?”

“Of course, Jack is my best friend!”

“Dry your tears then, I've  bought the Manor did you know that Ash?”

“I think Mrs Dunning told me when she bought the meal.”

“So if I say my home is your home does that make it better?” Nick gave Ash a squeeze and felt the welts again on the lads back. He took the towel from Ash’s waist and laid him on his tummy in the sun. He then traced his finger along the welt from the shoulder to the boy’s rump.

“Do you feel any pain as my finger moves?”

“Only on my bottom, but it itches on my back.”

“I think itching is a good sign Ash it means the skin is recovering. I think we will leave the cream off until tonight. Can you take the towels back to Alice to dry on the line once you’ve dressed? By the way do you have any spare clothes in your bags I bought over yesterday?’

“Mrs Dunning said she would look out some old clothes from a trunk in their box room as she had children but were grown now.”

“Lie in the sun for a few minutes both sides but not too long then, I see you later I have to see my Uncle. By the way how well acquainted are you and Jack with the property?”

“We only stayed close to our shelter and the bridge, we never explored.”

“ Then I think we should, I’ll ask Alex to give us a tour.’

“With the invisible dogs as well?”

“If they want to come along why not, do you want some unsettling news Ash?”

“What news?”

“You’ve got to put your wet sandals on again!” Nick strolled away laughing.

“Not if the hot sun has made them almost dry.” Ash shouted. As Nick passed the cottage door Alice came out.

“Where is the lad Master Nick?”

“Sunning himself.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, not till his wounds are healed that is.”

“I suppose not, sorry Alice, I said he could for a few minutes but if its unwise can you pop down and fetch him back. I’m away to HE, back soon.”


But Nick did not come back soon, in fact it was late in the evening when he returned in a smart pin stripped suit. Again all was quite in the cottage and Alice had left him a cold supper in the cool room cupboard, he ate quickly, made himself some tea, and then gave himself a brisk wash, finally washing up the dishes. He climbed the stairs and found Ash up to the spare room. Ash had a small lamp on a table by his bed. The lamp cord reached out of the window.

“Hi Nick, you are late and look at the suit! Mr. Dunning set it up the lamp for me this afternoon and bought some adventure stories for me to read as well.”

“Have you eaten?”

“Shepherds pie and rhubarb and custard” Ash rubbed his stomach.

“I guess that means you are  full young man!”

“Why so smart Nick.”

“Let me get to bed, it’s been another hard adventurous day.” Nick took his suit off and found a hanger to place it on then hung it on the doorknob. Once he was undressed he slipped into his bed.
”Well do tell?”

“We discussed your future Ash and we all said you were welcome to stay. In fact Alex had obtained some papers, which transfers you guardianship from your Uncle and Aunt to myself.” Before he got any further Ash leapt from his bed and jumped onto Nick’s. Ash hurled his arms around Nick and held onto him tightly.

“Excuse me Ash but you are throttling me!”

“I’m so pleased Nick, I’ve been hoping against hope. As you hadn’t come back I had thought you might be having difficulty to convince the others. Oh thank you.” Ash gave him another hug and Nick laughed.

“Careful back to your own bed or this poor old campaign bed will be in strife and I will be for it!”

“Why have you been so long?”

“Ah my brothers keeper, do you want every detail? Has Alice done your back yet?”

“Yes and no, I said you wanted to leave it until tonight.”

“Right turn over and lets have a look. By the way Alice told me I was wrong to let you sun bathe.” Nick unscrewed the jar, he might have to get another one tomorrow. So under the lamp he checked the welts, some were healing into pink lines, but the one creasing right over the buttocks was still inflamed, so he gently rubbed the cream into the red crease. He continued with thinner amounts up to the shoulders. But overall there was a definite improvement. Dr Matheson might be an abrasive man but he knew his medication.

“How does it look?” asked Ash

“Beautiful to behold.”

“What Nick?”

“There is only one crease we have to be careful about Ash, the rest is healing fine.”

“Can you touch the crease, was it the one that hurt this morning.”

“You touch it and tell me.”

Ash carefully bought his hand and slid his finger along the red welt.

“Ouch” he said.

“At least there’s no nerve damage, the pain should go but I want you to check in the morning yourself, if the welt breaks and you feel fluid you are to ask Alice to get the nurse from the village, do you hear me Ash. Don’t be embarrassed the nurse has probably seen hundreds of bums in her time.”

“Aren’t you going to be here tomorrow?’

“My uncle and I have to go to London, some monetary affairs to deal with.”

“What took you so long today Nick?”

“Ah you missed me then.”