Bregdan Chronicles - Storm Clouds Rolling In by Ginny Dye - HTML preview

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Every life that has been lived until today is a part of the woven braid of life.

It takes every person’s story to create history.

Your life will help determine

the course of history.

You may think you don’t have

much of an impact.

You do.

Every action you take will reflect in someone else’s life.

Someone else’s decisions.

Someone else’s future.

Both good and bad.

My great hope as you read this book, and all that will follow, is that you will acknowledge the power you have, every day, to change the world around you by your decisions and actions. Then I will know the research & writing were all worthwhile.

Oh, and I hope you enjoy every moment of it, and learn to love the characters as much as I do!

I’m already being asked how many books will be in this series. I guess that depends on how long I live! My intention is to release two books a year, each covering one year of history – continuing to weave the lives of my characters into the times they lived. I hate to end a good book as much as anyone – always feeling so sad that I have to leave the characters. You shouldn’t have to be sad for a long time!

Four books are already written and will all be released in Spring 2010. If you like what you read, you’ll want to make sure you’re on our mailing list at I’ll let you know each time a new one comes out!


Ginny Dye