A Lesson Learned by Eric King - HTML preview

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A week later, they had cleared a long driveway to within 20 feet
of the road. They had cut, shaved and notched all the timbers so they
were ready to be stacked and made into their dream cabin. When
finally they stopped, Eke said, “I think my hands are numb from
holding the chainsaw.”
He contemplated what theyd finished so far. With his numb
hands, he lit his corncob pipe. His body was a lot stronger now.
Thinner too. He couldnt wait to get back to the U.S. and eat some
real food. That was the plan– fly back, spend a few days in
Massachusetts and then drive their old truck full of supplies down to
Miami where they would put it on a merchant ship and work on the
boat to pay their way to Honduras. Then they would drive their reconditioned 1973 Chevy truck to the driveway, clear out the last 20
feet and then build the cabin. And then see what happens. His smoke floated into the air. Honduras. It was all so peaceful.