How to Instantly Destroy Negative Thoughts by Dian Winter - HTML preview

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Subconscious Control

Your subconscious mind runs your entire body automatically. It is your auto pilot – your engine room.
Anything in there - in your subconscious, will be reflected in the way you feel and act.
Therefore, if you tell yourself:
• I feel so self conscious
• I am not confident
• I am going to be so anxious doing…
Then what will happen is that you will be a self-conscious, unconfident, anxious person. Simple as that!
I want to relate a couple of stories that illustrate how powerful the sub conscious mind is:
The Hot Pen

There was a plastic surgeon who noticed that after receiving their treatment, his patients reacted in one of two very different ways.

As you would expect, some were absolutely thrilled with their new appearance and overnight became more confident in themselves.

However, others didn’t feel any better about themselves, in fact some felt worse after the surgery and were very despondent.

Even though their physical appearance had improved, there was something buried deep inside their subconscious mind which would not let them accept their new appearance.
To prove to himself and others he studied how people reacted when made to believe that something was not as it seemed.

One such example was the case of The Hot Pen:

Under hypnosis, he made a woman believe that the room temperature pen that he placed on her forehead was in fact a piece of red hot metal, and within 20 seconds a red mark appeared on her forehead where the pen had been placed!

Her subconscious mind had believed that fact, and made her body react to the red hot metal.

He therefore realised that before undergoing surgery to improve appearance, the person must be absolutely positive in their subconscious, that the change to their appearance will make them more confident, otherwise the surgery is a waste of time.

The Freezer
Here is another story about the power of your subconscious mind:

One night, a man got himself accidentally locked in the freezer room of a freight train and by the morning he was dead because his body could not cope with the cold.

He had written details of his last hours on the wall stating how he was getting colder and colder, and such things as how he was struggling to concentrate because of the cold, and that his heart rate was slowing down.

The truth was that he had actually thought himself to death because the freezer was not switched on!
That is how powerful your subconscious mind can be - so be careful what you think about!