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portal, m. , vestibule, hallway.

portería, f. , janitor's lodge, door-keeper's office, main entrance.

porvenir, m. , future.

posada, f. , inn, hotel.

poseer, to possess.

posible, possible.

posición, f. , position.

posma, m. , dullard, dunce, bore.

postdata, f. , postscript.

postizo, -a, false, artificial.

práctico, -a, practical.

precioso, -a, precious, exquisite, splendid.

precisamente, precisely, exactly.

preciso, -a, necessary.

preferencia, f. , preference, favoritism.

preferir, to prefer.[Pg 172]

prefiero, see preferir.

pregunta, f. , question; seguir á la cuarta —, to be without funds,be "hard up."

preguntar, to ask.

premio, m. , prize.

prenda, f. , quality, trait, garment, article of wear; pl. , charms,endowment; no dolerle —s á uno, not to care.

preocupar, to concern, worry; —se, to worry.

preparar, to prepare; —se, to get ready.

presencia, f. , presence.

presentar, to present, introduce; —se, to appear.

presidente, m. , president, presiding officer, speaker.

préstamo, m. , loan; casa de —s, loan company.

presumir, to presume, dare, put on airs.

pretender, to pretend, claim, solicit ( a position).

pretendiente, m. , candidate, office-hunter, suitor.

pretextar, to allege as an excuse, feign.

pretexto, m. , pretext.

prima, f. , cousin, simpleton.

primer, see primero.

primero, -a, first.

prisa, f. , haste, hurry; correr —, to be urgent; no me corre

, Iam not in a hurry; darle prisa á uno, to hurry (one); darse —, tohurry, be in a hurry; tener —, to be in a hurry.

probar, to prove, try, test.

probidad, f. , integrity.

probo, -a, upright.

proceder, to proceed.

procesión, f. , procession.

Procopio, prop. noun.

producir, to produce, cause, create.

profesión, f. , profession.

profesor, m. , professor; — dentista, doctor of dental surgery.

profesora, f. , professor.

profeta, m. , prophet.

prohibir, to forbid.

promesa, f. , promise.

pronto, adv. , soon, presently, quickly; de —, suddenly, hurriedly.

propio, -a, proper, suited, appropriate, own, same, self; amor —,personal pride.

proponer, to propose; —se, to propose, intend.

proporción, f. , proportion, chance, opportunity, match, suitor.

proporcionar, to afford, provide, permit; —se (algo), to procure, get.

propósito, m. , purpose, intention; á — de, apropos of,[Pg 173] speakingof; á —, by the way.

prosa, f. , prose.

protestar, to protest.

provecho, m. , profit, advantage; de —, capable, efficient.

próximo, -a, next, near.

prudencia, f. , prudence.

público, m. , public.

público, -a, public.

pud-iendo, -ieran, see poder.

pudoroso, -a, bashful, sly.

pueblecito, m. ( dim. of pueblo), little town.

pueblo, m. , village, town.

pued-a, -e, -es, -o, see poder.

puerta, f. , door; — de la calle, street-door.

pues, adv. , well, then, now, why, accordingly; — bien, well, wellthen, why, as I was saying; — nada, no trouble at all, that is verysimple; ¡— si...! why...!

pues, conj. , for, since.

puesto, -a ( see poner); — que, conj. , since; — en cuclillas,crouching, squatting.

punta, f. , point, tip; de —, on end, erect.

puntapié, m. , kick.

puntilla, f. , dagger ( for despatching wounded bulls in the arena); dar la —, to deal the final blow, give the coup de grâce.

punto, m. , point, dot.

puño, m. , fist; de su — y letra, in her own handwriting.

Pura, prop. noun.

pus-e, -iste, see poner.


que, rel. , who, which, what.

¿qué? what? which? how?; ¿á —? why?; ¿á — viene?

why? wherefore?; ¿por —? why?; ¿y —? well, what of it?

¡qué! what! what a! how!; ¡— ( noun) más ( adj. )! what a ( adj. andnoun)! as in ¡— tío más insoportable! what an unbearable fellow!; ¡— cutis más fino! what a delicate skin!

que, conj. , that, for, when ( introducing a clause after an expressionof time); and á —, until ( after verbs of waiting, etc. ).

que, adv. , than, as; no... más —, only.

quedar, to remain, be left, be; — cesante, to lose one's position; — en, to agree to, decide upon; ¿en qué quedamos? how do we[Pg 174] stand?what are we to agree to?; —se, to remain, be left, be, stay, get,become; —se parado, to stop.

quejarse, to complain.

querer, to wish, want, desire; interrogatively, will...?;

decir,to mean.

querido, -a, dear.

querrás, see querer.

¡quiá! interj. ( denoting incredulity, disapproval, or negation),Pshaw! no, indeed!

quien, rel. , who, whom, he who, the one who, whosoever, whomsoever; followed by subjunctive clause, someone who; no hay —... , there isno one who...

¿quien? who? whom? which one?

quier-a, -an, -as, -e, -es, -o, see querer.

quieto, -a, quiet; estése usted —, behave yourself, keep still.

quince, fifteen.

quinientos, -as, five hundred.

quinto, -a, fifth.

quirúrgico, -a, surgical.

quisiera ( see querer), I should like ( cf. Fr. « je voudrais

andGer. " ich möchte"); ¡qué más — yo! what more could I ask for!

quiso, see querer.

quitar, to take away, take off, remove; —se, to take off;

¡quita deahí! Hush your nonsense!; —le á uno de encima, to remove, take offone's mind.

quizás, perhaps.


rabiar, to rave, be furious, suffer racking pains; — por, to be crazyto, be most anxious to.

rabioso, -a, furious, raging, mad with pain.

Raigón, prop. noun; as a common noun, big root, stump of a (back)tooth.

Raigoncillo, prop. noun. ( dim. of Raigón).

raíz, f. , root.

rápidamente, rapidly, quickly.

raro, -a, rare, peculiar, queer.

Rastro, m. , a market in Madrid of knick-knacks and second-handarticles.

rato, m. , (small space of) time, moment, while; no se pasa mal el —,one doesn't have a bad time.

razón, f. , reason; tener —, to be right.

real, m. , real ( a coin worth about five cents).[Pg 175]

realito, m. ( dim. of real), real.

realizar, to realize.

rebuz..., for rebuzno.

rebuzno, m. , braying of an ass.

recado, m. , message.

rece, see rezar.

recibir, to receive, be at home, receive callers.

recoger, to gather, collect, get.

reconocer, to recognize.

recordar, to recall, remember.

recuerdo, m. , memory, souvenir.

recursos, m. pl. , resources, means.

referir, to relate, tell; —se, to refer.

refiero, see referir.

refiriendo, see referir.

reflexionar, to reflect.

regañar, to scold.

regocijo, m. , joy, delight.

reina, f. , queen.

reir, to laugh; —se, to laugh; —se de, to laugh at.


f. ,



pl. ,


( matrimonial); estar en —es, be engaged in a love affair, be engaged.

relativamente, relatively.

religioso, -a, religious.

remediar, to remedy, help.

remedio, m. , remedy, help, cure; no hay más — que, there is nothingto be done but; no voy á tener más — que, there'll be nothing for meto do but; ¡qué —! there's no way out of it, there is no help for it; sin —, irrevocably, without doubt.

renombrado, -a, renowned, famous.

renta, f. , income.

renunciar (á), to renounce, give up.

reparar, to notice, look closely; — en, to consider, give heed to,stop for.

repartir, to distribute, divide, share, apportion.

reparto, m. , cast.

repetir, to repeat; referring to pains, to return, come back.

repit-a, -e, -o, see repetir.

repondrán, see reponer.

reponer, to replace, reemploy, reappoint.

reprimir, to restrain, repress.

reproducir, to reproduce.

repulgo, m. , ridiculous scruple.

requebrar, to make love to, flatter, pay compliments ( to a woman).

resolución, f. , resolution, determination.

resolver, to resolve, determine; —se, to make up[Pg 176]

one's mind; estoyresuelto á todo, I am ready for anything.

respecto, m. , respect; — á, with respect to, concerning.

respetar, to respect.

respeto, m. , respect, regard.

respirar, to breathe.

resto, m. , rest.

resueltamente, resolutely.

resuelto, -a, see resolver.

retentar, to threaten to return, suggest a relapse ( said of illness andpain).

retient-a, -an, see retentar.

retintín, m. , tinkling, sarcastic tone of voice.

retirado, -a, retired, secluded.

retirar, to retire, withdraw, draw back.

retroceder, to draw back, start back.

reunión, f. , party, reunion.

reunir, to unite, possess, combine.

revelar, to reveal, show.

revolotear, to flutter, fly about.

rezar, to pray, say ( a prayer).

rezo, m. , prayer.

rí-a, -e, -en, -iendo, see reir.

Ricardito ( dim. of Ricardo), Richard.

rico, -a, rich, delicious.

ridículo, m. , ridicule; ir en —, be (look) ridiculous; poner en —,to make ridiculous.

ridículo, -a, ridiculous.

riego, m. , watering, irrigation; manga de —, hose.

riqui-riqui-riqui, the sound of scissors cutting.

riquísimo, -a ( superl. of rico), most delicious.

robar, to rob, steal.

Rocío, prop. noun.

rocío, m. , dew.

rodilla, f. , knee.

Rodrigo, Roderick.

rogar, to beg, entreat.

romano, -a, Roman.

romería, f. , pilgrimage; a place much frequented.

ropa, f. , clothes.

rosa, f. , rose.

ruido, m. , noise, uproar.


saber, to know, know how, learn, find out, be able; ¿qué sabes tú? whatdo you know about it?; ¡qué sé yo! I'm sure I don't know.

saborear, to enjoy, delight in.

sabréis, see saber.

sacamuelas, m. , tooth-puller.

sacar, to draw, pull out, pull ( a tooth), take out, bring out, get,earn; —se, to get; —se un diente (una muela), to get a toothpulled.[Pg 177]

sacrificar, to sacrifice.

sacudimiento, m. , shake, jerk; hacer los —s, to shake.

sacudir, to shake.

sajar, to scarify, make a small incision into the flesh.

sala, f. , (large) room, hall, parlor; — de espera, waiting-room.

saldrán, see salir.

salg-a, -áis, -amos, -an, see salir.

salida, f. , going, departure.

salir, to go out, come out, grow out, turn out, result, appear; — de,get rid of, be free of, escape; — á paseo, to go for a walk.

saltar, to leap, jump, knock out ( a tooth).

saludar, to bow.

salvaje, savage, barbarous.

Sandalia, prop. noun (sandal).

sano, -a, healthful.

santiguarse, to make the sign of the cross, bless oneself.

santo, -a, holy.

santo, -a, m. and f. , saint.

saqu-e, -é, see sacar.

sardina, f. , sardine.

sastre, m. , tailor.

satánico, -a, satanical.

satisfacción, f. , satisfaction.

satisfacer, to satisfy.

sayo, m. , coat; hacer de su capa un —, to do as one pleases.

, see saber.

, see ser.

se, oneself, himself, herself, themselves, one another, to one another.

se-a, -amos, -an, -as, see ser.

seco, -a, dry; en —, curtly, abruptly.

secretaría, f. , secretaryship, clerkship.

secretario, m. , secretary; — del ayuntamiento, town clerk.

seguida, f. , continuation; en —, immediately.

seguir, to follow, continue, continue to be; ¿sigues soltero? are youstill a bachelor?; ¿y usted sigue lo mismo? are things about the same asusual with you?

segundo, -a, second.

seguro, -a, sure, certain; de —, surely.

seis, six; las —, six o'clock.

seiscientos, -as, six hundred.

semana, f. , week.

semejante, similar, like, such a, such.

senador, m. , senator.

sencillo, -a, simple.

sentar, to seat, place; —se, to sit down.[Pg 178]

sentémonos, see sentarse.

sentido, -a, as adv. , feelingly.

sentido, m. , sense; sin —, unconscious.

sentimiento, m. , feeling, regret, pain.

sentir, to feel, regret, feel sorry; —se, to feel; me siento otro, Ifeel like a different man.

señalar (á), to indicate, point out.

señor, m. , gentleman, Mr., master (of the house), sir ( usedabsolutely, as in sí, señor); not translated before nouns denotingprofession, rank, title, or parentage, as in

—es diputados,el — ministro; — mío, my dear sir; los —

es (de) ... , Mr. andMrs....

señora, f. , lady, madam, Mrs., wife; muy — mía, my dear madam.

señorita, f. , Miss, young lady.

señorito, m. , young gentleman, sir, (young) Mr...., master (of thehouse).
