The Secret to Outrageous Loving by Roger Ali Bocus - HTML preview

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The Complaint of Wives

It is the complaint of many wives, today, that heir husbands don’t help them at home. They allege their husbands don’t understand how demanding, tedious, time-consuming and energy-expending housework can be. Sad to say, this general statement is true (there are some exceptions, of course).

Wives have had to do the dishes, prepare the meals, clean the house, make the beds, empty the trash, wash the clothes, nurse the sick, take care of the children, pay the bills, go to parents Teachers Association meetings, help the children with their homework …… be a lover, friend, the family counselor, doctor, lawyer, financial manager, Home Administrator, spiritual guide, Educator, Disciplinarian, Janitor, Interior Decorator …….etc. etc. etc.

When will it end? When will there be fairness and equality in these matters?


Man! It’s not a slave or servant you got married to, you know. She is meant to be your companion and helpmate.

Helpmate means giving help to your partner – not stuck with doing practically all the work in the home. Come on man! What’s wrong with you? What kind of insensitive man are you? Is this not the same person you said you loved so much, and was so attentive to her needs prior to marriage? Then where have all these once-upon-atime gestures of love gone to – To the dogs, I presume?

Husband! Please take the time to understand the pressure and stresses your wife have to face on a daily basis, and lend more than a helping hand to her – Give a comforting shoulder and a listening ear also. Become a diligent keeper of the home.

Sir, why not take charge of doing all the housework for this coming week, and share your findings afterwards. You might be surprised at what you would discover. Then you may understand what your wife has to go through, daily.

Wife, when your husband do make efforts to assist you in the home – Please don’t be critical of his efforts. If you do, it will discourage him from ever wanting to help you again. Praise him. Thank him for his assistance.

“This is not the way to hang the curtains – Let me show you how to do it.”


“Honey, you missed a spot on this plate, here.”


“Leave the clothes! Leave the clothes! You folding them wrong – I’ll do it. You find something else you could do.” The Secret to Outrageous Loving is:

Mature Understanding

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