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The Rules of Copywriting

David H Aldridge


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Whilst the information contained within this course is based on proven and sound business practice, neither the author or publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

Neither the author nor the publisher can guarantee any success to the reader of this course, as this is solely dependent on the efforts of the reader.

Whilst the contents of this course are legal in the UK, it is the responsibility of the reader or purchaser to ascertain the legalities of the contents within, in there own countries jurisdiction.

“The Rules of Copywriting” by David H Aldridge © Copyright 2006 PLEASE NOTE. That this course is copyright. Users are given the right to give this course away for free as a promotional tool. It must not be sold. It must not be altered or changed in any way or added to.

Introduction. ................................................................................... 3

Module 1 . ..............................................................................................4
Positives & Negatives. .........................................................................4
The psychology of selling. ..................................................................6
The most powerful words to use. .......................................................8
Module 2. ..............................................................................................11 The secret of good headlines. ............................................................11 Know the product ... Know the customer. .........................................11The attention grabbing opening line. .................................................13

Module 3 . ............................................................................................... 15
The attention grabbing headline. ........................................................ 15
The sub headline. ................................................................................. 16

Module 4 . ..............................................................................................21
The rule of ‘AIDA’ . ...............................................................................21
The first sentence. ...............................................................................22

Module 5 . ...............................................................................................25
Grammar and all that stuff. ..................................................................25
The writing style explained. ................................................................26
The ending and post script. ................................................................28

Module 6 . ...............................................................................................32
How long should your sales letter be. .................................................32
Sales letter essentials in brief. ............................................................34
Typical sales letter layout. ...................................................................35
Typical sales letter order form. ............................................................36
The psychology of colours. ..................................................................37

Part 2.

Module 7 . ...............................................................................................40
What are classified ads? ......................................................................40
Writing a successful ad. ......................................................................41

Module 8 . ...............................................................................................47
Testing, have you got a successful ad? .............................................47
How to increase your ad profits. .........................................................48
And finally. ............................................................................................49
Details of marketing course. ................................................................50



Hello and welcome, first I would like to thank you for purchasing this manual.


Within these pages you will learn the art of good copywriting, a vital part of selling regardless of the type of product you are promoting.


Before we start, I think it a good idea to explain a few things to you.

First, what is actually meant when we say ‘copy’? Well copy refers to any written material, as apposed to photographs or other elements of layout in a large number of contexts including magazines, advertising, and book publishing.

More generally, the term copy refers to the text in books, magazines, and newspapers. In books it means the text as written by the author, in our case copy means the text that makes up the body of our sales letter or classified advert.

Another point is that the secrets of good copywriting that you will master in this manual, will set you in good stead for any of your writing needs; writing business letters to other marketers for example.

Now I have presumed that you’re in the information marketing business, or thinking of starting in the business, if so, you will find that the contents of this manual, whether marketing online, offline or both, will give you the edge you need to succeed.

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of good copywriting in the marketing business, so study the contents well, have this manual with you when writing your copy and refer to it often.

I wish you every success.


Very best wishes.


00002.jpgDavid H Aldridge.


Module 1. Positives & Negatives. OK, to start the course off we’re going to look at positive and negative words, statements and headlines.

Now you may think it obvious, that in order to encourage a potential customer to buy your product, you would explain all the benefits that your product can offer them in a positive way.



However, you could insert a negative without actually realising it, for example: “This plan could change your life forever !”

What does the word ‘ could’ mean to you? It means may, possibly, perhaps, not therefore a very positive statement or headline is it? No it isn't, would the next headline be better do you think?

“This plan will change your life forever !”

Well yes it is better, you are stating in a positive way, that your product will have a life changing affect on the reader once they have purchased your product.

“This plan will change your life forever , I guarantee it !”

This is even better, you are offering two big benefits, a life changing plan (whatever the product may be), plus a guarantee. There’s also a benefit to you, by offering a guarantee in your headline the reader will think they’ve nothing to lose by reading the rest of your copy.

Now the headlines above are merely to demonstrate positives and negatives, I have used the word ‘plan’ instead of a product name or description that would give an indication to the reader as to what was being offered to them.

For example.


“This Acne Cream will change your life forever !” guaranteed or your money back

So you have told the reader exactly what’s being offered to them, but what about the words ‘will change your life forever’? Well knowing someone that suffers from acne, I would think that phrase would be very meaningful to them.

So the secret of writing positive headlines and copy, is not only knowing your product but also getting to know who your likely customers are, you need to understand their dreams, their desires, their wants and expectations.

You then use the most appropriate words in your headline and indeed your copy, to fire up their dreams, desires, their wants and expectations, and in some cases to satisfy their needs, as in the case of acne sufferers etc.

“This Golf course will change your life forever !” guaranteed or your money back

I don’t think that even the most fanatical golfer would consider that playing a better game would ‘change their life forever‘ and besides, the headline doesn't even mention improving their game, so it’s a negative, to write a positive headline you need to understand the dreams and desires of golfers.

“Play Golf like a pro in 8 days or your money back !”

Now that’s better, all golfers want to play golf like a pro, don’t they? Of course they do, so you’ve got their attention, and your money back guarantee will encourage them to read your copy, well they've nothing to lose have they.

Well I hope that has given you some idea as to writing positive copy, as apposed to negative.


The next part of this module is probably one of the most important parts for you to understand.


The psychology of selling.


Don’t worry ... I’m not going to do the science bit here, but what you are going to learn now will make understanding the rest of this course far easier.


Basically you have three brains, or three parts to your brain, they are called: The Cerebral Cortex - The Limbic System - and The Brainstem Functions.

Each of these brains or parts of your brain, have different ways of doing things, and more importantly to you, the copywriter, have different ways that they process information and move toward a decision or action.

Let’s go through them one at a time, stay with me, as you will see this is very important.


The Cerebral Cortex (The Thinker Brain).


The Thinker Brain is most developed in humans, and is the part called the Cerebral Cortex in other words the ‘grey matter‘.

It’s this part of the brain where our conscious activity goes on. Our conscious thought processes, logic functions, and all of our upper level thinking takes place here.

The Thinker Brain acts as the ‘ input processor‘, it processes whatever is placed there. And it can only work on one problem at a time (you should keep that in mind).

Now it’s with this part of the brain that we can think logically, and be able to solve problems, so you may think this part of the brain is a great benefit, and of course it is.

The problem is when it comes to motivations, it’s the weakest part of our brain, it tends to tire quickly, it is prone to ’drifting off’ (daydreaming), and sometimes just goes blank.

This part of the brain is the first to receive or be aware of a problem, but it won't act on the problem, it will only ‘think about it’, now you want your reader to act, to make a decisive decision to buy your product.

So you don’t aim your copy at this part of the brain. Let’s have a look at the second brain part.


The Limbic System (Mammalian Brain).


The Mammalian Brain is found in mammals and other animals, and is located in the limbic system, look on it as your ‘middle brain‘.

The Mammalian Brain is where all your unconscious or subconscious activity happens, so how do we communicate with the Mammalian Brain? Well the best way to get through is on a ‘touchy-feely’ level.

It’s this part of the brain that gives us a sense of belonging, it gives us the ’herd’ or ‘group’ mentality, I suppose you could say it makes us what is perceived as civilised.

So is this the part of the brain that we need, as copywriters, to communicate with? Well no, you see this part of the brain wants to make decisions but can’t, at least not on it’s own.

That only leaves the third part, so let’s see why.


The Brainstem Functions (Reptilian Brain).

The Reptilian Brain is found in all animals and therefore of course in humans, it is located in the Brainstem and controls all of the automatic brainstem functions.

It’s the Reptilian Brain where all preconscious activity happens, where all preconscious experience has been programmed into us from generation to generation from when humans first walked on this planet.

The Reptilian Brain is always working and is the strongest part of our brain, it is concerned with one thing and one thing only ... OUR SURVIVAL.


The Reptilian Brain is selfish in it’s attempt to keep us safe, it’s purely ’Self Interest’ and ‘Survival Motivated’, it’s not concerned with anything else.


To this end it will, when trying to automatically decide whether something is good or not, ask the question ... ‘Is This Safe?’ Is this beneficial to me.

So the Reptilian Brain is capable of making a decision, it is actually the supreme decision maker, the ultimate authority for taking action, it can decide immediately whether to take action now, or send the information to the other brain parts for justification using logic and group functions.
Perhaps the most important attribute of the Reptilian Brain for copywriters, is the fact that it is the centre for... emotional and instinctual responses.

So your job as a copywriter is to appeal to the emotions of the reader, to develop your skills to communicate with this part of the brain.


Your copy will communicate with people's emotions first, and then give them the reasons why to help them justify (and defend) their decisions with logic).

That's why you will be shown how to compose attention grabbing headlines,
headlines with powerful benefits with attractive guarantees that will answer the question is it safe?

In other words your copy, by using the above and some carefully chosen powerful words (more in a moment), should remove all objections by offering great benefits and your guarantees will make it totally safe .

OK let’s now look at some tried and tested words you can use in your headlines and copy.


The most powerful words to use.


Below are powerful attention grabbing words that you can use in your headlines and sprinkled throughout your copy.

Are You Still...
"Are You Still" in your headline will not only grab your readers attention, but
also get your potential customer to say yes to the question, in other words
agree with you, (in this example your targeted customers are those that
haven't bought a new computer for a number of years
For example:

“Are You Still Using That Old Slow Computer?”

Breaking News...
A "Breaking News" headline grabs the readers attention because breaking news is new, it has the air of importance about it, the reader will want to know more.
For example: (targeted to those suffering from acne).

"Breaking News! Scientist Finds Cure For Acne !”

"Discover" in your headline grabs your readers attention because everyone
likes to discover something new that could benefit them.
For example: (for fitness and those that want to lose weight).

“Discover The Secrets Of Permanent Weight loss !”

"Exposed" in your headline grabs your readers attention because they will
want to know what’s been hidden from them, they will want to know what’s it
all about, people are naturally inquisitive.
For example: (for customers interested in property developing).

“Tricks of a Property Developer Exposed !”

“Free” the word FREE is one of the most powerful words of all, try to use it wherever you can, i.e. Free Bonus, Free Trial, etc.
For example: (suitable for any repeat product)

“This Acne Cream Will Change Your Life Forever !” Guaranteed ... FREE Trial Offer.

How To...
"How To" in your headline will get the readers attention because there’s
something that they could learn and benefit them somehow.
For example: (for targeted customers interested in fishing).

“How To Master Fly Fishing In 8 Days or less !” Or Your Money Back


I’m sure you understand now, how you can use powerful words and phrases in your headlines and copy, so I’m just going to list the rest on the next page.


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Do You...
How I...
I Dare You...
Inside Secrets...
Last Chance...
Make Money...
Never Seen Before... Now You Can...
Reasons To...
Save Money...
Secrets Of....
Take Advantage... Testimonial...
They Laughed... Time Sensitive... Treat Yourself... Truth About...
Ways To...
Which Of...

OK, in this module you have found out about the psychology of selling, only using positives in your headlines and copy, you have also a list of the most powerful attention grabbing words and phrases that you can use.

This is an important module in as much that it gives or explains the basics for producing great copy, and for you to become a great copywriter.

The information given thus far will I hope, give you a greater insight or understanding of the copywriting rules you need to follow and that will be explained in detail throughout the rest of this course.

So let’s move on now to the next module, and find out exactly what makes a good headline.


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Module 2.
The secret of good headlines.

So, what is a good headline? Well a good headline must excite your reader, it must connect with them in some way, it must be relevant to them, it must fire up their ambitions, awaken their dreams their desires and make them read on.

Your headline must make the reader think that it’s written specifically with them in mind, in other words your headline is not about your product; it’s about your customer.

The object of your headline is to help generate sales by connecting with the reader in such a way that the thought of ignoring it is totally eliminated.


Now I touched on this subject in the first module, but now we are going to look at it in detail, and that is:


Know your product ... Know your customer.

I hope you know your product inside out, you certainly should, so now it’s time to put yourself in the shoes of your targeted market, the people that you think are most likely to be interested in your product.

Let’s say as an example, that you have a course on keeping fit, in particular a course that has an exercise regime that mainly concentrates on the chest and stomach areas of the male body.

The exercise plan is scientifically formulated; the workout takes twenty minutes per day, and positive results should be seen within six weeks or less, so that’s your product for this exercise.

Now you need to get to know your customer, so think now, what sort of person do you think would be interested in your product?


Well ... go on then ... think about it.

Just bear in mind one thing, you have about 3 to 5 seconds to grab your readers attention with your headline, 3 to 5 seconds to persuade them to read your copy, 3 to 5 seconds to fire up their interest and realize the benefits that your product can offer them.
So who are your potential customers? Well you can rule out the Arnold Schwarzenegger’s of this world, they probably already have exercise regimes that they religiously follow, and you can probably rule out most (but not all) teenagers.

If you do some research, you will find that its harder for men to keep what they perceive as the ideal body shape from around age 27 onwards (mainly due to lifestyles), and as you get older it gets harder.

So in this example, your main target market are men in their late twenties, to late forties, Why? Well partly VANITY, now of course men under 27, and in particular teenagers, are known for their vanity. Aren't we all?

The problem is, their concerns are about their clothes etc, they will stand in front of a mirror for ages adjusting their dress, making sure every hair on their head is in the right place, trying to hide spots and pimples before going out.

They will however be less concerned about their body shape, most will at that age still have a good body shape, so whilst the under twenty fives shouldn't be written off as potential customers, they are not your target market.

Equally, those over 50 have either given up the fight to retain a good body shape, or simply don’t give a damn as to what p