The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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But a certain percentage of your followers will naturally want to learn about your business opportunity as they get to know you better and experience the value you deliver.

Those are the people who want and need to learn about your MLM opportunity.

So you need to provide these warm prospects with a clearly marked pathway that leads them through every necessary step needed for them to decide if your opportunity is right for them.

You need to lay out all the benefits they"ll receive by joining your business and you need to ask for their decision to join, in a definite call to action.


And that is the main purpose of your funnel.

Think of your funnel as a greased slide that once entered will irresistibly take your warm prospects through an entire sales process. It will demonstrate all the benefits of joining your organization, and will answer nearly every burning question they want answered.

When they get to the bottom of the slide there is a very good chance they will decide then and there to join your company.

(Remember, your company "s replicated distributor website is not what I"m talking about. That almost certainly will not provide your prospects with the compelling reasons to join that a well designed funnel will.)

A Funnel is Selective

Recall that you should seldom if ever promote your MLM business directly to all of your online visitors. This is the mistake that so many network marketers make when using Internet marketing for the first time.

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