The How and Why Guide to Online Dating by Nizze Egg - HTML preview

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Benefits of Online Dating

Online dating is a popular way to meet people and is being used by more and more singles every year. Online dating is not as personable as real life relationship-hunting in many ways, but there are too many benefits to online dating to discount this new dating world altogether.

People choose online dating for many reasons. It is first and foremost an easier way to make connections for many. Online, there is less embarrassment when making initial contact and you can get to know a person before sharing pictures. When you date online, connections can be based more on personality than on looks, something that people wish could occur in the regular dating world. This is beneficial for you, but for other people as well, since you will be less biased about looks.

Online dating also gives you a way to connect with more people who are better suited to your specific wants and needs. By looking at a person’s profile you can get to know them before making initial contact, so you can save yourself and others from conversations and dates that are simply a waste of time. For example, if you don’t want children but are physically attracted to a girl who has written in her profile that she is a single mother, you know that the match probably will not work. In real life, you might not find out that information until after the first few dates, and by that time both people could be attached and feelings get hurt. Online dating also lets you match up with people who have similar religions, smoking preferences, political affiliations, and interests so you can find better matches.

Lastly, online dating links you with people all over the world. If you are moving soon or have recently moved, you can find singles in that new area without physically being out there yet. You can also pursue relationships from afar if you find that you are willing to move for someone but are not sure yet where you’d like to go. In most profiles, you can see if the other person is willing to move for a relationship or not, so it makes it easy for you to understand another’s feelings about such things.

This is a dating method that is very cost effective, since a number of sites are free. Going to a bar every weekend in search of the perfect girl or guy can get expensive. Any sites with monthly fees will not require as much money as going out every weekend. You can also search on your own time—like during lunch breaks or late at night—so you aren’t limited if you have a strict work schedule. There are many benefits to online dating, so you should definitely consider this option when searching for love.