The Complete Guide to Making Money Online by Mark Collier - HTML preview

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Another popular way to get traffic and to increase your inbound links is blogging and the social media like Twitter and Facebook. The use of social media is becoming very popular but I still think that blogging has a bigger impact. Blogs are so popular with the search engines because they are updated regularly. I use blogger to create my blogs not only is blogger easy to use and it is a Google product. Blogger also allows you to easily monetize your blog by adding Adsense to your blog. With blogger I highly recommend you pick a name like your domain that will help with SEO and get you ranked higher on Google. Blogger is also free. Now onto social media, social media is a great way to build a brand and is much more personal which can have it’s advantages. I do use social media but find it isn’t as powerful as blogging but nonetheless gives me inbound links and a captive audience.