The 9 Strategy Factors for Being a Super Desirable Guy by C. R. James - HTML preview

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The 9 Strategy Factors

For Being A Super Desirable Guy

Copyright © CR James & Super Power Media


Version 1.5


Hello my friend...

You have made a very wise decision to begin reading this report. It's 5 years in the making and it's finally done. When I was finished creating it, at the last minute I decided to just give it away for free, but for a good reason. (Note: If you did end up paying for this, that means that I changed my mind. And I forgot to edit this part out. LOL. But don't worry, it will be worth every penny.)

I made a commitment to myself that I would continue to be passionate about helping guys in this area of life. Everyday, I'm thinking about ways that I can get better at helping you get drastically better (if that's what you want) - in the shortest amount of time possible.

That's when I came up with the 9 Factors Concept. So enough about me, let's talk about how these 9 factors can change your life...


BTW, this is for guys who realize they can improve. I hope you are one of them.


The idea is to understand the super simple concept that:


In order to improve the fastest way possible, you MUST focus on:


· Identifying your weakest points · And quickly fix them


Read that again.


It's not Rocket Science.


If you are at a certain point and you want to get to a different point, then your ability to get there fast will be based on your strategy.

(Of course, you have to be honest with yourself. Some people don't realize they're not good at something. I was talking to a guy who THOUGHT he was a master at picking up women just because he could recite someone's theory. The ugly truth was:

He wasn't approaching any women. He sucked!


But somehow had convinced himself that he was pretty good. Here's the deal.


If you're not getting any results [evidence] with something, then you don't know.


I remember reading a book where the author mentioned that and I thought it was pretty powerful.

In other words, if you spent thousands of dollars on DVDs, eBooks and seminars that taught you how to build bird houses, YET you never built one yourself, then you don't know how to do it.

Even if you took a lot of notes and you can photographically recall information from those programs, you STILL do not know how to build bird houses....until you have done it.

So this report is designed to give you a new structure for identifying what is missing for you.


Let's look at The 9 Factors Chart (on the next page). You will notice that there are 3 basic levels.


Level 1: Approaching Women
Level 2: Attracting Women
Level 3: Arousing Women
And each level has 3 Factors...
We're about to cover all 9 factors.
It will be to your benefit to read everything in order, because the factors build on previous information (even though the first 2 are painfully obvious).
Even if you're in a relationship, you'll still want to start from the beginning.

Remember: This is designed to make you much better than you currently are - in the quickest way possible.


It's very simple, once you know what all 9 factors are, you can determine which (if any) of them you need to improve.
