Spells & Rituals for Love and Lust by Dimitri Papalexiou - HTML preview

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Magick for a Modern World


This book is the property of Talismagick. This book may not be reproduced in part or whole without permission from the authors. This information is for entertainment use and the authors take no responsibility for ill use of the contents. Copyright 2007-2008.

Safety Warning

Keep all small magickal objects away from children to avoid the possibility of accidental swallowing.
Never leave a candle burning unattended, or near any flammable objects such as chemicals, curtains or papers.

Always use magick for good reasons, and not with the intention to harm another person…The more good you do, the more you will receive in return!

Magick And Witchcraft

White magick, black magick. Throughout the ages controversy has raged about evil witches and good witches, bad spells and beneficial spells. Let's start with the fact that there is no such thing as white or black magick. Witchcraft isn't good or evil, it is only the intention behind the magick that is dark or light. If you choose to use magick to better yourself, improve your lifestyle or to bring good fortune to others, then your intentions are good. If you wish to bring someone harm then it is your intention that is evil. In the long run, those who use magick for beneficial purposes usually reap the positive rewards. Those that stray into the dark side eventually lose out.

The Nature Of Magick

Humankind has been practicing magick and rituals for thousands of years. Almost every race of people have their own style of witchcraft. You have
probably heard of the Druids, Merlin was a Druidic wizard. There are people who practice voodoo, and those that follow the arts of ancient Egyptian sorcerers. Regardless of the type of rituals used there are many similar thoughts involved...Magick is the art of life, everything in the universe is made of energy, and everything is connected. No matter how far away, any object or person can be influenced by another's thoughts using the power of witchcraft.

Magick is everywhere, energy is everywhere. Using rituals and ceremony you can take these random forces and make them work to your own benefit. Instead of accepting whatever fate has in store for you, take

charge and write your own destiny. The future is not set in stone- it is fluid, and as such it can be influenced by people who know how- people who understand that the universe is there for them to share and use. But be sure to return some of your good fortune as you profit from magick. This is a way of thanking the universe for its generosity, and avoiding greed. If you use magick for greed it will eventually backfire on you.

Religion And Magick

Many of today's religions view witchcraft as evil, Satanic, or as a useless relic of the past. What is interesting to note is that a great majority of these religions are based on pagan rituals and beliefs. Christianity, Catholicism, Greek Orthodox and many other belief systems were founded on ancient ceremonies and rites.

Your church may tell you that to practice any kind of magick is to invite Satan, Beelzebub or some other demonic nasty into your life, this is simply not true. If you practice witchcraft with evil intent, then you are asking for trouble. The spells contained in this book are for improving your life, not for causing harm (maybe just a bit of mischief!).

Remember, love is a kind of magick. Jesus practiced very powerful magick to raise the dead and heal the sick...is love evil? Is Jesus evil?... Of course not! Use your magick for good and no harm will come to you. Magick's power comes from the universe, some say God, whichever, all you have to do 'is believe'.

Purification Rituals

Before you commence any ritual or ceremony it is extremely important that you purify any equipment that you will be using. All your magickal instruments, candles, paper, pens, salt and even this book may contain negative energy from other persons or sources. This negative energy must be removed from your equipment before you use it in the practice of magick, failure to do so could cause your spells to become corrupted or

negatively influenced.
Follow the instructions below, first purifying a container of salt using the 'Salt Cleansing Rite', and then use the 'Purification Ceremony' to consecrate the remaining magickal implements.

Salt Cleansing Rite

Salt is an extremely powerful magickal product. It has been used for thousands of years for purifying and protecting against evil. The salt you will require for use in this book is common white table salt. When you have

cleansed your salt, remember to use it only for your mystical purposes.

Place the salt container (a jar or tin is preferable) on your altar, remove the lid and look at the salt. Let yourself relax completely and while continuing to look at the salt, imagine it glowing with a bright golden aura. Do this for

a couple of minutes and then say the following words clearly and out loud;

My Father Who Is In Heaven. Holy Is Your Name. May Your Kingdom Come,
May You Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven. Given Me This And All My Days The Things I Require To Live My Life To The Full. Purify This Salt And Allow Its Immense Power To Work For Me, Bringing To Fulfillment My Desires. So May It Be!

Meditate for a moment longer and then return the lid to the container. The rite is now complete. Keep the salt with your other equipment and use when required. This ritual needs to be performed only once for each new container of salt that you purchase.

Purification Ceremony

Place your instruments on your altar. Light a plain white candle (unscented), this represents purity, and recite the following ritual;

O Instruments, I Conjure Thee By The Power Of The Heavenly Host, And By The Elements Of Fire, Wind, Earth And Rain, That Thou Shalt Be Clean Of Foul Creatures And Obtain Every Virtue Unto Thyselves, And Work In All

Manners Directed From This Time On. By The Splendor Of The Planets And The Divine Miracle Of Creation Mote It Be!

Sprinkle your instruments with the consecrated salt and cover them with a piece of clean linen (do not use any other fabric). All your equipment is now charged with positive energy and is ready to be used. If you add any new products please repeat the ceremony for these items...you do not want any outside, negative influences affecting your magick!

Additional Information

The term altar is used frequently throughout this book, an altar is any table, box or flat surface that you choose to perform your rituals upon. Some people use a wooden chest, you can practice your magick upon it and then store your magickal apparatus inside. To increase the power of your spells you can also use an altar cloth, preferably a good quality fabric such as velvet or silk.

Extra Intimacy

Use to bring you and your loved one, even closer. Light two (2) red candles, using a match. Place the candles close together and put an empty bowl in front of them. Take an egg, lightly break the shell

with a knife and very gently pour the contents into the bowl. As you do this say the following;

This Is Me
My Mind Is Gold My Body Is Silver.

Do the same with the other egg and say;

This Is Him/Her His/Her Mind Is Gold His/Her Body Is Silver.

Stir the eggs gently with the knife, break the yolks and say;


Let Our Minds And Bodies Unite Even More, Until One Is Two And Two One.


Keep repeating this until the eggs are an even mix. Go outside and pour the eggs onto the soil (not concrete). Repeat this ritual every week.

Secret Love Affair

This is a rite used to keep an illicit affair secret from others. Light a plain candle with a match. Write your name on a piece of paper. Write your secret lover's name on another piece of paper. Place both pieces in an envelope, with the names facing each other. Seal the envelope and pass it through the candle flame without setting it alight.

Now put the envelope in front of you and say;

In Here Is Our Secret
Our Secret Will Stay In Here.
Nobody Will Discover It
Nobody Will Know It.
Those Who Find Out Will Forget Immediately Those Who Know It Will Never Use It Against Us.

Repeat these words (not the candle part) every day after dark. If you forget one day then you will no longer be safe.



Relationship Tester

Use this rite to determine if a relationship will be viable. Light a red candle, using a match only. From a deck of cards choose a picture card, this one will represent you. Now choose another picture to

represent your desired partner. Place the two picture cards about 25 centimeters apart, and put the two of hearts (this card symbolizes lovers) in between. Now say;

This Is How We Are Now


Take the picture cards and place them face to face upon the two of hearts. Recite the following;

This Is How We Shall Be Let Time Tell If It Will Be Let Us Be Closer All The Time Until I Decide How It Will Be.

Practice this ritual everyday, within a matter of weeks you should become closer and closer!

Gentle Ending

This ritual is used to gently end a relationship. Light a white, unscented candle with a match. Take a deck of cards and select one. This card will represent you. Now choose a card that represents the other person. Take out the two of spades (this represents friendship). Select the four of diamonds to represent and ending. Put the card that you chose for the other person in front of you. Place the two of spades and the four of diamonds on it, face up. Put the card representing you on top and say;

Let There Be An Ending
Let There Remain Friendship Let Us See That We Were Wrong Without Blame And Without Hard Feelings So It Will Be And So It Shall Be.

This ritual should be performed every day. Within a matter of weeks, sometimes sooner the relationship should start to cool off. This rite is particularly useful for when you wish to remain friends with the other person.




Making More Friends

Use this ceremony to attract new friends and keep old ones. Light a gold or yellow candle on a Sunday. Visualize many people walking towards you with, smiling and arms open. Take a moment to do this and then say the following nine times;

Friends I Have,
Friends I Keep.
New Friends I Shall Have Too, And To Me They Shall Be Kind And True.

This ritual should be performed for nine consecutive nights.

Overcoming Lust

Use this incantation to replace lust with love. Beginning on a Monday, light a white candle (the color of purity) and say the following words twice;

As The Flame Of Thy Purity Burns So My Heart Is Burned. Burned Of Evil,
Burned Of Corruption. Sweet Is Thine Flame Of Innocence. My Soul Is Enveloped In Thee; To Drink Of Purity,
Of Goodness
So May My Life Always Be.

To Ease The Loss Of Love

To ease the pain of a lost love or broken relationship. Light a pink candle and say the following words;

O Lady Divine,
Comfort Me At This Time. Thou Who Art The Lovers Friend, Comfort Me And Help Me, So That I May Love
And Laugh Again.

Repeat this ritual for nine consecutive days. You can start this rite on any day of the week!



Magick Love Doll

Used to attract a partner or make someone fall in love with you. If you want a particular person to fall in love with you, use a doll to represent him or her. It's best to make the doll yourself. Make it from natural materials such as wax, wood, clay or straw, or sew a rag doll. You could buy a ready made one, but it will not be as powerful as making your own. You should obtain something belonging to the person that you are pursuing (lock of hair, nail-clipping etc). This will add extra potency to the spell.

Make your doll on the first day of the new moon. While calling out the name of your desired partner, scratch or write their name on the doll. For writing, your blood is best, but you can use red ink with a drop of your blood mixed in. Gently prick the doll where its heart would be with a thorn or pin, as you do this recite these words;

As This Thorn Pierces Your Heart, So Let It Be Pierced With Love For Me.


Or alternatively, wrap the doll in three different colored ribbons and say these words as you do so;


Threads Bind, Body Entwine, Heart Find Linked To Mine.


You can also make a doll out of bread and eat a piece of it each night, saying the following;


As You Become A Part Of Me, So Let Me Become A Part Of You!

Always stick to the same doll, and do it for fifteen minutes each night until the moon is full. You can start again at the next new moon if you have no results.
If the person doesn't react soon enough, light a red candle and slightly singe the doll's feet whilst saying;

For You I Yearn, For Me You Burn.

This should get a quick response. If there is no reaction you may have overdone it! When not casting a spell, keep your doll wrapped in a clean cloth made of natural fibre. (No synthetic material may be used). Hide your doll when not in use, in a safe place. If another person touches your doll it may reduce its potency!


A Gift Of Love

Using gifts to attract your desired partner.
Gifts made by your own hand are very powerful, because they are full of your spirit. If you knit, sew or crotchet an article for your loved one always

begin it during a new moon, and finish it at a full moon. Each time you start or stop work, say;


As These Knots I Do Entwine, Let His Heart Be Linked With Mine.

Before giving him the gift, Keep it close to you for about a week, day and night. If you can't wear it for a week, keep it under your pillow. Then give it to him. It will be infused with your spirit and love for him!

Venus Love Ritual

Use this rite to re-kindle passion in your partner. Burn some rose scented incense on Friday night (Friday is ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love!). Light two red candles (red for passion and arousal), then on two slips of paper, write the name of your lover, and add a drop of red wine if you are a man or a drop of perfume if you are a woman. Place one piece of paper under each candle.

Put yourself in a sensuous mood and visualize your lover standing alone in a darkened void. As the image becomes clearer in your mind, picture a bright red light beginning to surround him or her, gradually encircling their entire body. After a couple of minutes, let the image slowly fade. Perform this ritual for five (5) consecutive nights. Make sure you are alone with your partner on the sixth night for the ceremony to take its full effect!

Pregnant Potion

Use when you are having difficulties becoming pregnant. If you long for a child, try this simple method. Purchase a small bag of sunflower seeds and one of pumpkin seeds. At the new moon, eat five of each.
Continue eating each them each night until the full moon. If you don't become pregnant before the next new moon, start the spell again!


An Old Flame

A few simple candle rituals to increase love and passion. The candles used in the rituals below need to burn for approximately 15 minutes. If you wish to strengthen the spells, let them burn longer. Always

remember to concentrate on your objectives while the candles are alight.

Take two pink candles, light them and place one on either side of your bed during a full moon. Light them at midnight only and write your lover's name on two pieces of paper, which you will put under the burning candles. Continue to light the candles at midnight for three nights and your desired partner's affection will be yours.

Burn a green and a red candle to prevent disloyalty in a relationship.
Light one green candle and one purple candle to restore domestic harmony.
To break up a love affair, light one green and one black candle. This is a powerful negative combination.

Burn a light blue candle every morning at sunrise for seven consecutive days. This will protect you from evil influences and promote harmony in a love relationship. Also helps to prevent quarrelling!

Stopping Infidelity

Use this rite to stop your lover being unfaithful.
The first step is to make a doll that represents the person in question.

You can use fabric, wood, clay or which ever material you choose. When you have done this, write the person's name on a clean piece of
parchment paper and attach it to the back of the doll. Rub the entire doll with musk oil and place it on a square of red satin. Sprinkle the doll with rice powder and recite the following words;

With Powerful Lover Powders All Over Thee Hurry, Hurry Come Back To Me!


Repeat this spell for three days. On the third day your lover should appear before you.



Make A Stranger Introduce Himself

Use this ritual to compel a stranger to introduce him or herself! On a Monday night during a full moon, gather a small light- colored pebble from near a source of water (lake, river etc) and a gray stone from alongside a country road. Write on a piece of parchment in rose colored ink the following names of power;

Adarsel Verum Gnosta Adonai

Wrap the stones in the parchment and bury them a few inches away from a young tree where the moonlight can reach. Leave the area without
looking back. Return seven days later for the stones, rebury the parchment
and leave it in the ground. Carry the stones with you and when you desire
the stranger to introduce him or herself, rap them together three times and say the words of power (above) out loud, or in your mind! The stranger will be compelled to greet you.

Arousing Sexual Passion

Use this rite to ignite your lover's passion.
Light a red candle late on a Tuesday night. Picture your lover full of passion for you. Then repeat this spell nine times in a row;

Hot she/he Is.
Passion she/he Cannot Deny. Hot Without Knowing The Reason Why.

This ritual should be performed for nine consecutive nights!

Lost Lover

Use this spell to bring back a straying man. Pick three roses on December the 21st, in the evening. Bury one under a yew tree, bury the second in the ground, and put the

third under your pillow.
Leave untouched for three days. This will cause your lover's dreams to be haunted by images of you.
He will remain miserable until he returns to your side.

To Attract The Opposite Sex

Used for finding a partner of the opposite gender. Light a gold (or yellow) candle on a Friday evening (the later the better). Visualize him/her being unable to resist your charms. Do this for a few moments and then say the words below six (6) times aloud;

Me You Can't Resist,
My Attraction Is Too Great. For Me You Fall,
Captured By My Power And My Call.

If you are a man, perform this ritual just one time; if you are a woman you have to repeat this ritual over nine consecutive nights (No sexism is intended by this!).

Make Someone Contact You

Used to cause a person to contact you.
On Thursday evening, light a green candle and place a photo or picture of the person you wish to hear from in front of the candle. Gaze into the flame

and say the following;

(Person's name)...Seek Me Out, Come To Me In Voice Or Flesh
Hear This Call Of Heart And Mind
O Friend Of Mine
Let The Forces That Protect Me Go Forth And Make This Be By Heaven And Earth, By Stone And Fire So Mote It Be!

You should hear from the person concerned in seven or more days after the ceremony. This rite will work even better if you perform it for three consecutive nights!

Ending Loneliness

Use this spell to end loneliness and attract friends. For this ritual you will need a pack of playing cards. Take out the Ace of hearts and all the jacks, kings and queens. Place the Ace of hearts in front of you (this card represents you). Now place all the other cards in a circle around the Ace of hearts. Visualize yourself in the middle, surrounded by people. Say the following aloud in a clear voice;

I Am No Longer Lonely. I Have Many Friends. They Will All Come To Me. And Enjoy My Company. Amongst Them Will Be Many. Who Can Easily Love Me. I Will Have The Choice. I Will Make The Right Choice.

Now concentrate for a few minutes on what you have been doing. You must perform this ritual everyday. If you have been doing it correctly then your loneliness can end in a few weeks.

Attracting A Lover

Used for attracting a sexual partner.
This spell is used to attract a much-desired lover. Stand erect in front of your altar. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax and think about your objective. Now using salt that you have purified, take the lid of the salt container and using your imagination visualize the salt glowing with a bright golden light. Continue to do this for five minutes, then using your left hand take the salt and draw a stick man and a stick woman (similar to what a child would draw) upon your altar. Do this just in front of your salt container.

Now visualize your drawing shining with a brilliant golden aura. Continue to do this for five minutes, then using your left hand again, remove the salt
image and sprinkle the salt out an open window. While you do this say, the following out loud;

Lover, Oh Dear Lover, Come To Me.

Keep repeating this phrase until all the salt has been sprinkled, then go and sit quietly for a few moments and think about the lover of your dreams. The ritual is now compl