Secrets of Microsoft Word by Jay Gilbert - HTML preview

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The Secrets Of Microsoft Word


The author and publisher of this ebook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this eBook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of this

eBook. The information contained in this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to an party for any direct, indirect, or punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages, including loss of data arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties

Microsoft Word ™ Is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


This book is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation in any way. Ok, now with that out of the way…