Platinum Dust by K.C. Baylor - HTML preview

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I want to take a moment to thank a few special people who both inspired and motivated me to complete the mission. I would like to thank my family Elijah, Monay, Allana and Roberto for listening to me go over the story again and again. For also giving me advice and helping me craft the best characters and storyline ever. A special thanks goes to a friend Ashley Anderson who was the best guinea pig ever. You not only motivated me to finish but your insatiable desire to read the finish product inspired me to work harder than I planned. A big thank you also goes out to my mother for believing in my writing abilities and my sister’s Paris and Tiffany for investing in my dream. Dad, you being proud of me means more than you will ever know.

Another special thanks goes out to
all of the fans of the Urban Fiction genre.

Keep reading and I will keep producing.