Orgone Explained by Brian Ferguson - HTML preview

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Orgone Energy?

What is it? - Orgone is a life force energy that is vital to life. It is a physical energy that can be seen and felt. I do believe that an organism can exist where there is no orgone for a short time. But the organism would quickly deteriorate. This doesn't change the fact that orgone is primordial and responsible for the creation of all life. Our earth is said to be a miracle, the way everything works together to sustain life is amazing. The thought of such a complex system being active for so long is mind boggling. Orgone allows everything to be interconnected and can be manipulated by man for our benefits. There is an abundance of POR in relation to DOR and thus can be harnessed in a positive manner more effectively then a negative one.

Where is it? - Orgone energy is all around us, it is in the vacuum of space, it radiates from all living entities and is also abundant in organic materials alone. Orgone can engulf and pass through non-organic materials. According to Wilhelm Reich, Orgone travels in the atmosphere with the spin of the earth. Moving slightly faster than the earth spins.

How does it behave? - The big question is, how does it move. Some people believe it pulses like sound or radiates like light. Wilhelm Reich implies that it flows in his research (like air or water just not subject to physical forces in the same manner). I will be going with the flow because if it was not a flowing energy it would not be able to change direction by attraction. There is a possibility that orgone is influenced by larger potentials (this goes with the flow). Orgone is attracted to organisms and organic materials. It is undetermined whether concentrations of orgone stay with an object because of a orgone generated field or because of attraction. I assume that it has a field because it goes with my matrix theory.

Radiating, pulsating, and flowing (radiating in a sense of high frequency radial pulsation)

What does it look like? - Orgone can be seen with the naked eye as a radiant blue colour. Orgone would not have colour if it were a pulsation. The only way an orgone pulsation can appear coloured, is if the orgone particles were to enter the eye in a similar fashion that visible light does. But cameras can pick up on orgone energy, thus orgone must be an energy that can be genuinely visible (interacts with light like a physical object would). So orgone will appear as a flowing blue current in the open atmosphere or in outer space. Orgone can be seen as an energy engulfment of an object. You will see it, but it will be limited to a orgone field. I will talk about these throughout the document.