My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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First Day

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void (Prior to the Big Bang, the earth would be without form and void as it was not created yet).

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, meaning that the Big Bang was initiated and the light began to travel in the void darkness of space.

and god saw the lIght, that It was good; and god dIvIded the lIght froM the darkness.

GeNesis 1:4 (NKJV)

Suns and planets began to form galaxies that exist in space. As different atoms formed and bonded together, gases that create the atmosphere were settling; eventually light began to penetrate through, and this light was good. As all life on earth needs light energy to survive, this light is also good in science. The light in the expansion of the heavens began to pull away from the darkness of space.

This is the most basic form of intelligent reasoning. For all liv-36

Joe IsaaC gauthIer

ing beings in our environmental surroundings know of the night and day concept, even plants. This theme is the basis of our everyday lives.

Most religions make reference to night and day as metaphors to explain God. Night and day, good and evil, and yin and yang concepts are also largely used in the explanation of life. When explaining life, it can be interpreted to be explaining God, as all life comes from God. There would be no words at the time to explain the dark matter in space; the only form to explain it would the term darkness. Much still remains not understood about the dark matter in space.

god Called the lIght day, and the darkness he Called nIght. so the evenIng and the MornIng were the fIrst day.

GeNesis 1:5 (NKJV)

This is true in science also. As “days” in the book of Genesis can be seen as “stages” in science; the first events or stage prior to life on earth was in fact the formation of our atmosphere in a perfect planet full of water explained through the atomic order of atoms (since water is denser than gas, but not as dense as rock), also known as the periodic table of elements. As our planet would be “dead” prior to the light, it could be said that,

the earth was wIthout forM, and voId; and darkness was on the faCe of the deeP. and the sPIrIt of god was hoverIng over the faCe of the waters.

GeNesis 1:2(NKJV)

This indicates that the earth was at one point full of water (it still largely is). Since oceans are deep, the metaphor that “darkness was over the face of the deep” is completely true as all oceans that I know of are quite deep.

When the earth first began to form, it would have been layered according to atomic density, and arrangements of atoms (periodic table of elements). Before the earth had a chance to become “alive” or become the working machine it is today, the atomic structure of the earth would have been arranged according to density. Meaning that atoms would join with like atoms; these atoms would arrange according to density and eventually the chain reaction, or the “machine” we call the earth would start. Since plutonium and uranium are the densest natural elements, it 37

My BelIef

can be assumed that the center of the earth is compromised of these elements.

Much like our sun, these elements would be under such enormous pressure (the weight of the earth). This pressure could cause a “nuclear event,” which would cause enormous heat and pressure in the earth’s core. Since the earth is constantly changing, shifting, and moving, the atomic arrangement of atoms (rock formations) would then alter, shift, and the layers would change because of faulting and metamorphosis, making the earth a mini-star at the our sun.

It is believed that the center of the earth is nickel and iron; however, I believe this not to be true. The arranging of atoms in the world would not allow for this statement to be true. Meaning if you place a rock in water, the rock then sinks. Why? Since water is roughly half as dense as rock (scientific fact), this is what causes the rock to sink in the water. The rock is denser than the water, therefore, the rock sinks. It is much like the sky diver falling through the air; why is the diver falling? Because the sky diver is heavier (denser) than the air; therefore, the diver begins to fall through the air. The earth is layered accordingly also; as the air is on the outside of the water, water is on the outside of the rock, and rock is located in the inner of the arrangement “shells” (different layered densities) in the earth’s crust.

Mineralogy and the discovery of mineral deposits give evidence that minerals and precious metals are formed in the above-mentioned way.

The following chapter will discuss how these deposits were formed by volcanoes, faulting, and meteors/asteroids. Remember that up until this point, the earth has just layered together, formed an atmosphere, and its surface is water. As this process is occurring, simultaneously the sun and the moon are forming at the same time. Up until this point there is no

“land” on the earth and the light of God is upon the waters of the deep...

now the machine begins.