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Joe Isaac Gauthier

T w o H a r b o r s P r e s s , M i n n e a P o l i s Copyright © 2012 by Joey Isaac Raymond Gauthier.

Two Harbors Press

212 3rd Avenue North, Suite 290

Minneapolis, MN 55401


Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Excerpts from The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an by Aldullan Yusuf Ali, Amana Publications, 1408 AH/1989.

Excerpts from The Way of Virtue by Patrick M. Byrne, Square One Publishers Inc., Copyright 2002 by Square One Classics is an imprint of Square One Publishers

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

Special Author Thanks: Mitch Parent

Editor: Marly Cornell

ISBN: 978-1-937928-31-5

Distributed by Itasca Books

Cover Design by Karen Kilker

Typeset by Mary Nelson

Printed in the United States of America Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction to Belief ...........................................................1

Chapter 2 Paradigms ............................................................................8

Chapter 3 Tribal Belief and the Origin of Creation ..............................15

Chapter 4 Judaism ...............................................................................20

Chapter 5 Genesis ................................................................................31

Chapter 6 Adam and Eve .....................................................................50

Chapter 7 Cain, Abel, and Seth ...........................................................58

Chapter 8 Proof of the Existence of God ~ Noah ...............................65

Chapter 9 Egyptian Belief ~ Monotheism ............................................74

Chapter 10 Founding Fathers ..............................................................79

Chapter 11 Hinduism ..........................................................................106

Chapter 12 Taoism and Buddhism ......................................................111

Chapter 13 Judges, Kings, and Prophets .............................................129

Chapter 14 Christianity.......................................................................134

Chapter 15 The Prophet Muhammad .................................................155

Chapter 16 My Belief ..........................................................................173


1. IntroduCtIon to BelIef

For thousands of years, man has sought to find the answer to the purpose of life—the how and why of all things. With the many religions and scientific dogmas, it is easy to see how people can become lost in what they believe, and have the very foundations of their faith shaken—

where we come from, where we go, and how we will get there. Each religion claims to know these answers and claims that, if faith is sought correctly, an answer and spiritual revelation will be given to you.

All religions (including science) share this in common: the belief in God. Even the earliest fathers of science had a belief in God. I do not know what to call this writing; however, a belief is what it is. It is a belief in life, the facts of life, and the truth that I have discovered and found. That, my friend, is My Belief.

My Belief is not solely one view of any specific religion, but a compilation of all major religions (including science). When viewed from the point of neutrality, all these ways of life share a common ground. When science and logical reasoning are applied to the history and content of these religions, the unity and evolution of the word can be seen in the eventual evolution to modern science. Even science is simply a religion (an organized school of thought and belief, sharing a similar view of life and how it is governed) for the people of this time, and for people who need proof. For even the most modern of these scientists acknowledges that the mysteries of the universe are so great and abundant that only a fool would claim to know everything.

My Belief attempts to explain many religious and other phenomena that many people experience. My Belief offers scientific explanations for the stories recorded in the history of man in the Bible, Qur’an, and other 1

My BelIef

historical documentation. This book will attempt to show how religious documents are as historical records, as well as attempt to prove that scientific logic must be used in understanding the relationship of the universe and the events that took place during historic times. Much like poetry, the explanation and description of our universe can be said in the most infinite of words and comparisons. For example, science is arguably accurate, and we have instruments to prove many of the theories and methods we have come to embrace. In fact the scientific world is even so noble as to acknowledge these discoveries and beliefs as “theory,” expecting perhaps a more rational governance or greater being in control.

Many people who embrace science have the inability to understand how we explained creation and scientific processes before these instruments and methods were available. And many people who embrace the writings of religions have the inability to view things from a scientific standpoint. The truth is much like Galileo said, relIgIon tells us how to get to the heavens, and sCIenCe tells us how the heavens were Made.

Galileo (1564–1642)

With this in mind, we can see the clear unity between science and religion, and how they complement each other in this beautiful dance we call life. This is the difference between words and numbers, yet both must be used in order to explain the supreme functions of the universe and the supreme being or energy which controls it. Words must describe and tell us what has happened, and numbers explain the order in which they work or occurred. But even numbers cannot describe history and events that have occurred, which is why we have the written word.

In the age of science and with the many different religions that surround us, it is no wonder that people are having the foundations of their faith tested and the belief of God challenged. Many people share similar beliefs and thought patterns, however most share this in common—a bias in view. When discovering the truth and secrets to life, it is important to look at the evidence through the eyes of a child, wide and open, absorbing what what a child sees. With this concept in mind we can see that the unity of man and the oneness that we are created from can be understood and embraced.


Joe IsaaC gauthIer

This book portrays the evolution of man and the beliefs we have embraced, beginning first with the first religions, and eventually moving on to modern science. The book demonstrates through all beliefs the unity and oneness of a supreme energy that we live in, are part of, and are created from. Keep in mind that this energy is what we and all things came from.

Life is intelligent; therefore, we can conclude that the energy we are created from is intelligent as well.

With the discoveries and revelations in this book, compiled with historical and scientific truth, these questions hopefully will be answered for you. I hope you will find a renewed faith in people, science, and, yes, religion. It is important to read this book without bias, as all literature should be read; for if you read with doubt, you have already decided to shut your heart to the truth. Bias and prejudices are all part of being a person; however, recognizing these prejudices and identifying them will help guide you to the unbiased truth. What is truth? A series of logical thought patterns that describe and depict accurately a series of real life events and emotions.


So when you decide to “not listen” to something or someone, ask, “Is this a prejudice of mine?”



This is also another way of saying,

Judge not, that you Be not Judged. for wIth what JUDGMENT

you Judge, you wIll Be Judged; and the Measure you use, It wIll Be Measured BaCk to you

Matthew 7:1–3 (NKJV)

Once you understand this concept, then, and only then, will you be able to look at things through an unbiased lens. Unfortunately there are not many people who have this ability. People from all walks of life let EGO or bias influence and control what they perceive. This creates a false sense of what is real in the world and universe that surrounds us; it is important for those who have the ability to seek knowledge without bias to do so. This mindset provides a 3

My BelIef

guideline to the path of enlightenment and helps establish the foundation to spirituality that can only be attained with a connection to the higher plane of existence that we live in and are part of.

Growing up, we face many challenges in everyday life; we find out how to learn, love, laugh, kiss, etc. But most importantly we learn the difference between right and wrong. Believe it or not these are the most fundamental skills and practices we learn. These lessons define who we are, who we will be, who we will become, and how we will react. These lessons will also be the beliefs, values, and morals we will hand down to future generations. These beliefs and values are the fundamental systems that govern our societies.

Since the evolution of the word and the law established by the first people, it is possible to see through the events in history how these lessons and laws are the very ones that have led humanity to its current destiny. We have evolved from and embraced these values and beliefs as the supreme laws and constitutions of our lands. These laws are evolved from religious scripture and have governed and dictated whether we war, love, or punish those we live with. It could be said that the laws we love and the freedoms we defend come from a greater sense of being or conscience. With that premise in mind we continue to delve toward the truth.

The experiences that life teaches us are the experiences and emotions we will relate to in our adult lives. Of course we change quite a bit from when we were children…or do we? A very special experience you had with a girlfriend or boyfriend for example will be carried on in future situations. Depending on how the experience went (good or bad) will affect how you respond to similar situations in the future. Action and reaction. Some people will gain confidence from a situation and some respond with anger; they will be the same situations, yet at the same time very different. They would be similar only in a sense.



The above situation strictly applies to living organisms; for example, although a snowflake may always be different (not proven, for it is impossible to collect all the snowflakes that have ever fallen), you cannot interact with it like a plant, dog, or baby. It will not grow, respond to stimuli, or procreate.

The above situation is a similar event that almost all human beings will eventually be able to relate to. Although these experiences are similar, they can 4

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never be identical. Even though rocks can be similar, they cannot experience emotions and take action to influence events. A rock cannot love, be angry, or feel pain; these emotions make the human and animal experience much more unique and complex than things in our surroundings. This means there are remarkably unique experiences for every individual being on earth.

A snowflake is like a rock made up of atoms and energy, but not of life.

You can have living plants that are identically and genetically the same, growing in the same environment, and not have them grow or look the same way. Much like identical twins, they can be the exact same (essentially a clone), growing up in the same environment, and not end up with the same characteristics, personalities, and behavior traits. Each level of life represents a different piece of the light or subatomic energy spectrum.

This is what in religious and spiritual contexts can be referred to as the HOLY SPIRIT or a SOUL.

Thought patterns and brain development (neuronets) are created through different life experiences and emotions, and will therefore create different degrees of consciousness and reality (as everyone’s level of consciousness and reality differs), thus adding an individual perception of the reality that surrounds us. This process occurs with each individual life, creating billions of completely different possible realities or perceptions of reality that will affect dozens, thousands, millions, and/or billions of lives that are all interdependent (mankind).

Take a minute, sit back and think of your life…your childhood, adolescence, and if you’re old enough, your adult life. Each time period, age/stage, and thought/moment creates a chemical response to make you feel the exact emotion you did when you were in that situation. This is a survival tool that enables us to react differently or in a way helps us respond to situations of a similar nature. Since no situation can be the exact same, just similar, we can never fully be prepared or know exactly what to expect in any situation. We simply work from past experiences and hope they do not lead to mistakes in the future.

If your reflection of the past brought up angry feelings, chances are the next person you meet will feel the negative energy coming from you.

If the reflection was a positive experience, then the positive energy will be felt. The fact that memories of the past are still influencing the thoughts of today is amazing. Where is that energy or thought coming from? It is a proven fact that we absorb and reflect light, which is a form of energy.


My BelIef

for we lIve In that energy, and that energy Is In all thIngs; no Man Can Be all these thIngs at onCe, But a Man Can thInk lIke all of theM together.

Memories affect and influence our decisions and thought, thus creating thoughts and decisions for the future; therefore, creating a whirlwind of possibilities for the future. What is a memory? A past event that has occurred, or essentially a moment in time or in the past.

A memory is simply a grouping of energies at a certain point in time.

Is it possible to have memories of the future as well? Perhaps memories of the future are just paths that we may take or decide to take in the future. This concept paves the way for the possibility of prophecy and revelation that is spoken about in many religions.

Scientists call this concept a thesis or hypothesis, a speculation, based on past experiences that will lead to a plausible solution or outcome. A doctor predicting a patient’s life expectancy after the diagnosis of an illness is likely to be right; however, the patient may influence the outcome and overcome the illness. This is much like a prophet warning mankind of what is to come; a prophet is a doctor of life (psychology, medicine, religion, arts, etc.). Mankind can choose to influence or change the course of our destinies, or we can simply accept the prophecy or warning of what is to come.

From the beginning of time, man has depicted the creation of the universe by way of metaphorical interpretation. The people of their time were of primitive nature. Modern explanations would be of no value to the people hundreds of thousands, and millions of years ago. They would simply call the energy we live in “spirit” and “God,” having no need to break it into atoms, protons, and electrons, etc. Spiritual leaders and others of similar roles in their respective cultures were given explanations from spiritual connections they established with the universe and the energy that surrounds them. To many of us in modern times, these explanations and stories seem silly and mythical. However, if your mindset is placed in the correct time frame, you can see how logical reasoning was used in creating a monotheistic truth that coincides with scientific belief.

As man evolved, the explanations and reasons for how we came into being grew more and more sophisticated. As man evolved so has the word, and the word was eventually recorded along with the events of history.

Granted that many of these recordings may have been distorted, but they do in fact depict many elements of historical truth. Keep in mind these 6

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scriptures and writings have been translated and rewritten many times.

As with all things, religion is a perspective of reality; the truth is a reality that coincides with all realities, explainable through a perspective. A proven perspective of reality then becomes a paradigm, and that paradigm becomes the school or frame of thought that is used when making moral or logical decisions. It could be said that if a false paradigm or belief were to be followed, moral decisions would be adversely affected, affecting the realities of everyone and everything around us.


2. ParadIgMs

Paradigm: A school of thought applied to the workings of everyday life, a collection of thoughts, beliefs, and laws governing and explaining how life functions.

To begin to understand a paradigm or any other religious, spiritual, or scientific culture, it is very important to keep an open mind and read the literature associated with the paradigm. For example, many people practice and preach a belief that they have never read about (i.e. Bible, Qur’an, math, etc.). Many Christians have not read the Bible; many Muslims have not read the Qur’an, and many atheists know nothing of science. How can you base the way you live on a religion or science that you have never read about? This also applies to atheists and their biased view of religion. Many atheists have not read any religious material, yet claim not to be religious; and many religious people know nothing of the science that surrounds them. How ignorant is that…in both cases?

While studying a religious or spiritual culture it is acceptable to apply scientific thought to the process. Is this possible? Are the facts in keeping with other records of history (collaborating evidence)? These principles and methods are applicable to criminal investigation and should be applied to historical truth seeking as well—like an investigation of the truth. It is a key point to remember that logic generally applies to the workings of the universe, and this logic is what scientists claim to be scientific law. Before science, however, there was religion.

Many religious laws and metaphors explain scientific law that would later be attributed to views of religion. Religion never said the world was flat; people did. Would society work if we did not treat each other with the golden rule?


Joe IsaaC gauthIer

therefore, whatever you want Men to do to you, do also to theM, for thIs Is the law and the ProPhets.

Matthew 7:12 (NKJV)

Although mathematics may be used as a paradigm, mathematics cannot in fact govern society, thus giving purpose to the rule of law.

The rule of law cannot explain emotions, thought, or the representation of mathematics, thus giving purpose to religion. It is possible for someone to have beliefs in multiple paradigms. For example, someone may believe in Newtonian theory because it explains the macro world, and quite frankly it has proven itself over and over in the construction of modern structures and in the understanding of the motion of macro structures in space (planets). This same person who believes in the mathematical physics of Newtonian theory may also be Christian, believing that the world is in fact governed by God, and his Son, Jesus Christ. This type of belief would form another paradigm or belief that may be the cause for another denomination, religion, or theory to emerge.

It is impossible to deny that the paradigm of mathematics does not govern parts of our world; it is a proven fact. But what governs math?

What determines the order in which numbers appear and the image they will portray, send, and convey through the forms of thought, light, gases, atoms, and energy for that matter? In essence, math is like religion and spirituality, created from man by the guidance of life. It is a set method of explaining the order in which our existence and other things occurred, will occur, or are occurring. In essence, religion and math explain existence and are both needed in understanding life.

There are an innumerable possibilities, numbers, and atoms in our world and universe. If it were possible to number every atom in the universe and determine the order in which they appear, and all the possible outcomes that may arise, you would find that these formulas or equations would still not be able to explain where we came from or how the (numbers) originated. We cannot use numbers to explain thought, because numbers are created from thought, giving purpose to the word. We can use words to explain thoughts; therefore, we can explain thought with the word.


My BelIef

Math May exPlaIn how our unIverse works, But It wIll never exPlaIn how It got here.

Quantum events, which determine the order of mathematical numbers, cannot be explained through mathematical representation (i.e.

formulas). Is it any wonder…you cannot use numbers to explain how numbers are created? Numbers are manmade; how can you use numbers to explain the thoughts that created them?

Thought remains the one element of life that numbers cannot explain.

The variables and constants mixed with the endless possibilities, outcomes, and realities are so countless and innumerable to even begin to list. It is impossible to predict the future completely, but only possible to guess the general path based on a course of probabilities (that are continually changing based on people’s thoughts and reactions).

This is the reason math works, and why our universe functions in perfect unity with all parts and forms of life. Nature is based on sacrifice for the whole (whole in this case being the earth); humans, however, do not function for the whole, but rather for the ME (self). It is this mentality that creates wars, persecution, and divisions among the people of the world. Animals take what they need; people take what they want (generally speaking).

Many psychics (if you believe in such a thing) say that a person’s future can be altered if they begin to change their path. This is true as people must make changes in their lives to experience different events.

If they remain the same, then they will experience only similar events, because nothing is ever the same, just similar.

Never changing or altering the course of one’s future or actions will lead to never experiencing anything different. People would then not be able to change their fate. For example, if the world was on course for destruction, and no one did anything to avert it, we would experience the destruction of the planet. If that energy and attitude changed, perhaps we would experience something different (peace on earth?).

Are there key points in our lives that never alter or change no matter how many times this life occurs? The car accident that left you maimed, the people you meet, love, and lose? In all the chaos, is it the thought that maintains the order? (creating order out of chaos?) And if that is true, is that order always maintained? Although we think we create a 10

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reality out of chaos, it is that thought process which in turn creates an order that will always be maintained.

If you were placed in the exact same situation, with the exact same possibilities, you would in turn make the exact same decisions.

That would mean we are in service to the universe, and not ourselves, no matter what we may think. You will live, and you will die…

there is no escape. That being said, it is not all doom and gloom.

But what about events like dreams and déjà vu? Someone may have had a dream where they crashed in a car accident, then three weeks later a situation occurs very similar or identical to the dream (déjà vu) and you react differently because you were warned. Is this a message from the universe? Was something warning you? People are always thinking a little differently and the warnings and signs may vary according to how different people interpret what they have been “sent.” You either ignore the eerie similarity and the dream then becomes real, or you respond differently, altering the future that was set for you and the people that surround you.

Your life, as in the previous example, is numbered. Let’s say you have the number (1234567890) in the world of numbers representing lives; eventually in the infinite amount of numbers (12345…infinity), your number will eventually come up again (1234567890) even if it is sequenced differently. For example, (1234567890) may appear again in the “life number spectrum” @ 567 834 123 456 789 089 (Looking in actuality like 567834123456789089…); the underlined number is your life number appearing again in the numbers of infinity.

Because numbers are infinite, so is your life (conscious). Remember that energy can never be destroyed, simply re-created. The life number you are given encompasses a combination of so many variables, possibilities, and realities that it would be impossible to number and give an equation to. IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO PROVE THAT LIFE NUMBER

because there are too many numbers to apply, log, and calculate, and, and, and…. But…if you could, that number would remain constant, and you would always be reborn, and all that energy and life would be regenerated and re-created by your mind and the universe, which is creating reality. But everyone’s reality is dependent upon each other, for if we did not create our separate realities, we would never have a reality to create from.


My BelIef

Life is like a whole bunch of chain links—if one link is missing, the entire chain fails. This chain is life and the links are living organisms which retain different levels of consciousness, therefore creating different levels of reality. These different realities are shown through the macro and micro worlds that exist, creating their own realities, which create life. Life is the reality that we all create and are created from.

Therefore, we are all dependent on each other’s realities on all levels of life. This energy which encompasses every atom and subatomic particle in the universe can therefore be deemed to be GOD.

for It Is everythIng and everywhere at all tIMes, It Cannot Be Created nor destroyed; you Cannot esCaPe froM It or Beat It. It Is the never-endIng energy that enCoMPasses everythIng we are and lIve In.

As far as I know, in every religion/belief, spiritual or scientific, this is what we would call GOD.



This is why My Belief includes the paradigms and religions of every race and people. The spiritual understanding and oneness given through the poetic events and stories, which are derived from religion and written in religion, are the most inspiring works of mankind and portray the true personalities (sins and selflessness) of man. These texts describe a variety of events that are in many cases collaborative with historical events of the past. For example, the temple of King Herod, which was recently discovered, is testament to the fact that a man by this name (King Herod) in the time of Jesus Christ did in fact exist.

So are the stories concerning the life of Christ true also? Did Moses save the Jewish people? Did Noah build boats to save the people from drowning? Did the prophets not preach the disaster the people were going to face if they did not change their ways? Was Galileo correct in determining that our planet (Earth) revolves around the sun?

Time and time again this has happened in history and it happens to everyone at some point in their lives—maybe not saving the world, but