Matisse, Picasso and Getrude Stein by Gertrude Stein - HTML preview

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doing if not any one was believing that he was doing anything. Any one

can be believing that he is doing something. Any one can believe that

doing something is not anything. He can believe that not any one is

believing anything. He can believe he is not believing anything. He can

believe that he is doing what he would be doing if he were not believing

anything. He is believing that doing anything can begin not to be


Clellan will believe what he can believe not any one can believe who is

doing what he will be doing if he does what he is going to be doing.

Clellan believes that he can believe what he will believe if he does

what he will do. Clellan does what he does. Clellan will do what he will

do. Clellan will believe what he does believe he can believe if he can

do what he will do. Clellan does what he does. Clellan believes that

doing what he does can be exciting. Clellan believes that believing what

he believes he can believe will begin not to be exciting.

Cheyne was answering and answering he was doing something and doing

something he was not believing anything and not believing anything he

was saying something and saying something he was irritating and

irritating he was pleasing and pleasing he was dying and dying he was


Helen was hoping to be laughing. She was saying she was going to keep on

laughing. In going to be laughing she was beginning and in beginning she

was continuing. She was continuing, she was believing anything, she was

believing that she had been laughing, she was believing that she had

been continuing. She went on believing. She was believing something.

Believing something she was believing everything and believing

everything she was believing just what she was believing. Believing

just what she was believing she was believing and believing she was

completing continuing and completing continuing she was being believing

and being believing she was astonishing and being astonishing she was

not being astonished then.

Paul was one believing and being one believing he was saying what he was

not saying, he was saying that he was one believing and not saying what

he was not saying. Paul was one and being one was feeling that doing

something might come again and again to be exciting and coming to be

exciting he would have been one believing that he had been saying what

he had not been saying. Doing something being exciting so that some one

doing it is doing it again, doing something being exciting and believing

being existing he was not saying what he was saying, he was saying what

he was not saying.

Dethom was saying that he was believing in saying what he was saying.

Dethom was saying that he was believing that doing something that is

exciting is exciting. Dethom was doing what he was saying he was doing.

Dethom was believing what he was saying he was believing.

Dethom was winning. Dethom was remembering all of any one being one

winning. Dethom was a decided one. Dethom was expecting enough to be

receiving what any one winning could be receiving.

Dethom was winning.

Dethom liked something. Dethom was not convincing as being one losing

what he would be winning. Dethom was hoping when he was hoping. Dethom

was hoping when he was winning. Dethom was winning.

Dethom was liking

that this would be continuing. Dethom was hoping when he was hoping.

Dethom was liking something. Dethom was winning. Dethom was expecting

what he was expecting when he was winning. Dethom was winning. Dethom

was hoping that this would be continuing. Dethom was hoping all he was

hoping. Dethom was winning.

Dethom was enlarging what he was enlarging. Dethom was filling what he

was filling. Dethom was feeling what he was feeling.

Dethom was

improving what he was winning.

Dethom was expecting what could be coming. Dethom was hoping what he was

hoping. Dethom was feeling what he was feeling. Dethom was filling what

he was filling.

Dethom was arranging what he was arranging. Dethom was not arranging

what he was destroying. Dethom was not destroying what he was arranging.

Dethom was hoping what he was hoping.

Any one being one and remembering that being one is everything of that

thing is being one remembering that that thing is something that that

one could be remembering if that one had not been then being one

forgetting what that one could be remembering. Being one being all of

that one is not anything if one is not remembering everything of that

thing. Being one being all of that one is something that that one is

willing to be arranging when that one is remembering all of that thing.

Clellan, why should Clellan remember all that he is remembering when he

is remembering everything that he can remember if he is not being one

forgetting that being one is all of being that one.

Clellan is

remembering all he does remember. Clellan is remembering that being one

is all of being that one. Clellan is forgetting what he is forgetting.

Clellan is arranging what he is remembering, Clellan is arranging what

he is forgetting. Clellan is determining that being one is being all of

that one and that remembering and forgetting is not everything. Clellan

is arranging that he is being one being all of that one.

Clellan is

arranging what he is arranging. Clellan is expecting that arranging is


Clellan is forgetting what he is forgetting. Clellan is remembering what

he is remembering. Clellan is deciding that forgetting is something,

that remembering is something, that arranging is something. Clellan is

feeling that he is deciding. Clellan is deciding what he is deciding.

Clellan is feeling that being that one is being that one. Clellan is

deciding to be arranging that being that one is being that one.

If his contentment had been greater, if Larr's contentment had been

greater he would not have been content and he would not have been

content because of reasons he could know if he could know that he was

not content. His contentment would not be greater if he knew that he was

not content because he would then know something of what he did not

invent. He did not invent all that he came to tell that he had invented.

No he had not invented those things, he had not done any of the things

he came to understand in inventing them, in doing them.

He did think. He

thought very well and in thinking very well he did invent thoughts and

in inventing thoughts he told all of them and having told all the

thoughts he had invented he told what those thoughts would invent and

had invented and he had not invented what he told that he had invented,

and they had not been invented those things, they would have been

invented if he had had thoughts that would invent them and they were

things that were invented and he told how he would have invented them if

he had told all that he had told and he invented all the thoughts he

said he invented. He did invent all the thoughts he said he invented.

Larr did invent many thoughts and he told all the thoughts he invented.

If any one were one being such a one such a one as any one is then that

one would be one expressing all of that thing and expressing all of that

thing would be what that one expressing is expressing.

Each one is one.

That is enough to satisfy some, each one being one is enough to satisfy

some. One being one is one that many are certain is a different one from

the ones others are who are not like that one. That one is a different

one and being a different one he is the one knowing everything of there

being very many who are just like him. That is enough to satisfy him.

He is one and being one and being afraid enough and being not afraid

enough he comes to be one expressing enough of being that one to be the

one being that one to any one and every one is satisfied enough that he

is that one.

If he said anything and he did say anything, if he said anything he said

that he was satisfied enough in being that one to be enjoying something

and enjoying something he was losing what he was not keeping and getting

what he was having and trying what he was expecting. He was losing

enough and keeping enough and getting enough and having enough and

trying enough and expecting enough to be that one being that one. Being

that one being that one was continuing and continuing he was saying

anything of that thing, of being that one and saying anything he was

saying that he was saying enough to satisfy himself of something of

being that one. He was that one. He was satisfying any one enough that

he was that one. He was satisfying himself of something of being that


When every one comes not to hear what they hear and see what they see

and feel what they feel and mean what they mean, when every one is

changing and eating and drinking and dying and when every one is using

what they are using and are having what they are having then every one

being one every one is being the one every one is being and that being

anything and anything being something then something being something and

anything being anything and everything being everything every one will

be saying what each one of them is saying and each one of them is saying

what each one is saying and each one is saying what each one saying is


If Clellan asks a question he will ask if some one knowing something

must not be knowing that that can be something to be known. Clellan

asking that question is saying that he has learnt quite learnt that

knowing something one does not know that that is something that can be

known. Clellan is continuing to be working and he will be working when

he continues to be working. Clellan is one asking and answering in

asking and answering.

If everything is altogether and everything is not altogether, if

everything is altogether and everything is altogether, if everything is

altogether then everything is something if everything being altogether

is anything. Everything being altogether is this thing.

When you see it so clear it is certainly all there. If it is all there

then every where is every where. If every where is every where then any

one seeing anything clear is seeing it there. Anywhere is anywhere.

Seeing clear is something. Seeing clear is everything.

Seeing clear is

seeing what any one seeing is seeing and any one seeing is seeing and

any one seeing and seeing clear is seeing and seeing clear. Seeing clear

is seeing here, seeing clear is seeing there, seeing clear is seeing

anywhere. Seeing is seeing. Seeing clear is seeing clear.

If he were seeing clear if Gibbons were seeing clearly he would clearly

see that he was describing what he was seeing. Gibbons was describing.

Gibbons could describe what he was seeing and wearing and what any one

was wearing that he was seeing. If he were seeing clearly he would be

seeing that he was describing what he was seeing. He would be seeing

clearly if he were seeing clearly and he would be seeing clearly when he

saw clearly that he had been describing what some are wearing.

That is what some are doing, some are wearing what they are wearing and

are describing what they are wearing.

Lilyman was wearing what he was wearing and in wearing what he was

wearing he was clearly seeing that being what he was being he was

wearing what he was wearing and was describing what he was describing.

He was being the one being all of that one and doing all of that thing

and doing all of that thing he was clearly seeing all he was seeing and

he was clearly seeing that he was wearing what he was wearing and he was

wearing that he was clearly describing what he was wearing, what he was

describing. He was describing that if he was clearly seeing he would be

wearing all that he could be wearing and he was clearly seeing that he

was clearly describing that he was wearing what he was wearing.

Fabefin was not flourishing and not flourishing he was regretting that

he was continuing. He was regretting that he had been wearing what he

could not be describing. He was seeing what he would not be wearing and

seeing what he would not be wearing he was improving in aspiring. He

did wear something and he did change the way of wearing that thing and

he did then clearly describe that he was wearing what he was wearing in

the way he wore what he wore. He did wear something and wearing

something he was attacking what he would be wearing if he wore what he

could wear. He was not attacking when he was winning. He was not

attacking when he was winning and he was not winning. He was wearing

what he was describing he was wearing. He was describing that he was

wearing what he would wear if he wore what he wore.

Watts did not continue to wear what he would continue to wear. He did

not continue to wear that and he did not continue to wear that when he

wore what he wore. He was wearing what he did wear.

If anybody wished that they saw what they meant to see then they would

see that anything is something. If anything is something then explaining

is explaining and explaining being explaining explaining is that thing.

Explaining being that thing, anything being something, then wishing to

be seeing what they are meaning to be seeing is something and that being

something deciding is something. Deciding being something, saying

something is saying something.

If some one said something he said that thing, if some one answered

something he answered that thing, if they both were then being living

any one could be hearing what any one would be hearing.

Being finishing

and being beginning are being meeting and leaving.

He says that he has said what he said and that changing he is not

repeating what he has been saying.

She says that she has said what she said and that changing she is

repeating what she has said.

A new thing having come it is a new thing and being a new thing and

repeating being existing it is a new thing.

One if he is talking is saying that he is feeling all that he is

feeling. He is saying that he is feeling all that he is feeling.

He is saying that feeling all that he is feeling he is saying that he is

feeling all that he is feeling.

Donger was not quicker than he would have been if he did not say all

that he did say. He was not slower, he was not quicker.

If every one said something and every one is saying anything if any one

said something every one would be certain that any one could be tired

enough to say what any one says. Saying what any one says is saying

everything and any one can be certain that any one can be tired enough

to say everything.

Saying everything is what any one saying that they are saying what is

being said is saying they can be saying and saying they can be saying

everything they can be tired enough in having been saying everything.

Murdock did say that if one were very tired one could come to be

completely tired. Murdock did say that being completely tired one was

not so tired but that one could look for a way to find what one wanted

to find so that one could have a way of saying what one would be saying

if one were saying everything. Murdock in not being tired was not

troubled that he was quite tired. He was troubled that being tired is

being tired and being tired is being certain that everything is


Murdock is not tired. Murdock is not tired because he does not tire when

he is hoping that he will not be completing not finding that which he is

not persisting in expecting. Murdock is not tired.

There is a way of not being tired. There is a way of coming to know that

having a way of doing what one is doing one can do what one does do.

Clellan is saying, and he would be tired if one could be tired in saying

what he is saying, that having a way of doing what one does one can do

what one does. He is saying this thing. He is saying that any one can be

tired and every one is tired and not being tired one can do what one

does do when one has a way of doing what one does. He is saying that

that is all that thing.

He is saying that going to be doing what one is doing is making the

doing of that thing a thing to complete tiring the one doing that thing.

He is saying that going to be doing what one is doing is what he is not

going to be doing again. He is going to do what he does in the way he

does what he does. He says that all of that thing is all of that thing.

Enough come so that somebody hears something. Enough go so that hardly

anybody is left. Enough are left so that some hear what they hear. Some

come where they did not hear and some go where they will see what was


If many come then many are here and if few come then a few are here and

if they are here often they come again and coming again they hear what

they hear.

One having come and heard is asking if he has heard all that he heard.

That one going is not coming again if hearing all he has heard he is not

asked to come again. He does come again and asks why he has not heard

what he intended to hear. He comes again and hearing what he could hear

he asks what it was that he has not heard. Coming again he does not

look at what he has not seen because he has seen all of not looking at

that and he has asked that that is what he is to hear again. He is that


No not all that all can hear is enough to change what all are changing.

In changing it all and all is changing in changing it all it is

determined that any one who is convinced is convinced.

This is why in

having what each one is having all are having what all have come to be

having. This is enough to determine every one to continue and every one

being determined some remain where they did not like to stay and staying

there they are determined, quite determined.

Starting in is not beginning because starting in has come when not any

one has told all that they have to tell and beginning is beginning

telling something. This is all that each one learning is explaining to

some one who has or who refuses something.

If the one having what he has keeps what he has he can say that he had

what he had but did not expect to keep it.

If one coming to remember all that has been happening knows that he can

not lose everything he can decide to give up keeping anything and in

that way he can resolve quite completely resolve what he has known he

could not resolve. This is all of what has been happening and very much

has been happening and very much is happening.

The joy of having a little thing when all of that little thing has

disappeared is what is interesting some who are having something of what

they have been having. That is not enough to complete quite everything.

That is enough to help arrange something.

Having all of something is not useful when all of that thing is lacking

what it is lacking. This is not annoying. This is not discouraging. This

needs all there is of explanation.

Clellan came to where if he had not come he would have been deciding

that not any one going anywhere could come. He did not like everything.

It is in a way what Clellan is doing doing what he has been liking. It

is in a way what Clellan is not expecting not doing what he is doing.

Clellan is feeling that he has not been arranging everything. Clellan is

quite feeling this thing.

All and enough of them have come all have gone away.

Some look again.

Some do not look again. It is not a sad thing. Always it is not a

frightening thing. That is quite enough.

If Antliss had continued to win he would have been astonishing because

he could astonish any one by believing what he did believe. He believed

what could astonish any one that he was one believing.

If he said that

he expected all he expected any one could come to be certain that he was

not knowing that expecting is what not any one having what he is having

is doing. And he was not expecting what he, having what he was having,

could be saying that he was expecting without astonishing every one if

any one could believe that he was saying what he was saying. Antliss was

not peculiar, he was not strange, he was not really frightened, he was

not careful, he was not quite stupid, he was not at all lazy, he was not

complicated, he was clearly saying what he was saying in the way that

not any one is clearly saying that thing. He did feel that something

would not be coming and he was not expecting anything of its coming. He

was not expecting to be having what he would not be having.

Enough of all who know that they have read something say that reading

that thing is quite exciting. Some say that they have come to a

conclusion. Some say that there should be more reading before there

comes concluding. Any one can say anything.

There comes then to be everything. Very many being mentioned some are

remembering something of all of them and are saying that saying what

they are saying is saying what is being said.

To begin. There is one. There being one there have been some. There

having been some there have been a number but not a great many.

Remembering all of them is remembering what any one saying anything is

saying. That is enough to arrange something. That is all that has not

been mentioned.

Not nicely having what all are having is to be nicely having what all

are having. This could be satisfying and being satisfying every one can

be remembering something.

Not enough can be enough and being enough quite enough is enough and

being enough enough is enough and being enough it is that. Quite all

that can be what it is and all of it being that, quite all of it is all

there is of it.

Doing it again is not finishing everything. Doing it again and again is

not finishing everything. Doing it again and again and again is not

finishing everything. Doing it again and again and again and again is

not finishing everything. Doing it again and again and again and again

and again is not finishing everything. Doing it again and again and

again is not finishing everything. Doing it again is not finishing


After Clellan said that he knew that he was not feeling that expression

is needing that it is determined he was not feeling all the hope he had

been feeling and he had felt more hope when he was not saying what he

was saying when he was understanding all he was hearing.

Clellan did not

deny that he had heard something. Clellan did not deny that he felt