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efficient compaction techniques, particularly with silts,

For these latter types of structures it is also very

clays, and mixed soils.

important that design densities not be exceeded.

Excessive compaction might result in undesirable lateral

The two most common standards for

stresses in structural members.

compaction control are the standard Procter (ASTM D-

698-58T) [6-7] and the modified Procter (ASTM D-1557-


6.2.3 TYPES OF COMPACTION. The type of

thickness of no more than 6 inches, except in cases

compaction selected should be based upon the soil type.

where it has been demonstrated that the compactors are

Vibratory compaction is most efficient with granular

capable of achieving the required densities throughout

soils, whereas kneading types of equipment, such as

the full depth of thicker lifts. Such a situation might

sheepsfoot rollers, are more applicable to cohesive

exist with a vibratory compactor on relatively clean,

soils. There is no ready means of controlling the

cohesionless material. For backfilling sheet pile

compaction of coarse rock fill. Vibratory rubber-tired

cofferdams or other structures of limited extent, it may

compactors in the 12-to-15-ton range are reasonably

be necessary to use small hand-operated tampers or

effective for all types of soil. Soil lift thicknesses should

compactors. The importance of compaction generally

generally be limited to soil layers having a compacted

increases with decrease in grain size.


Inspection of waterfront soil structures is

level. In cases where damage is noted or suspected

generally limited to visual observations. In some cases

(such as the observance of escaping backfill at the toe

piazometers, survey stations, or other devices may be

of a wall, the presence of sediment in the seepage

installed into the structure to facilitate inspection.

water, or surface slumping), other techniques, such as

Unfortunately, the corrosive nature of the waterfront

drilling exploratory boreholes or using sonic or

environment inhibits the long-term performance of most

geophysical techniques, should be resorted to (see

permanently installed instrumentation. Pressure-

Reference 1-10, Chapter 2). A number of sophisticated

relieved structures, such as some drydocks, are

nondestructive testing techniques, such as those using

susceptible to destructive uplift pressures due to failure

reflected electromagnetic waves, are occasionally

of the dewatering system, development of erosion

suggested, but the nature of the waterfront, particularly

channels, or deterioration of flow cut-offs, etc. Regular

the salty ocean environment, drastically impairs the

monitoring of pore pressure levels beneath the structure

value of such methods.

must be carried out and reference made to the design


6.4.1 EROSION. The major maintenance requirement

sufficient riprap or slope protection on side slopes or

for earth-filled waterfront structures consists of

insuring the integrity of soil-containing structures, such

preventing the soil from being eroded and replacing the

as sheet pile cofferdams, timber or concrete paneled

soil when a loss is discovered. This means maintaining

quaywalls, etc. In cases where there is evidence of


erosion or loss of soil, any protective covering, such as

barriers, such as sheet piles. Where soil permeabilities

rockfill or armor units, should be removed, and the

are greater than 1 x 10-3 fpm, subsurface drainage by

internal fill material inspected. Any necessary repairs in

well points, deep wells, etc., may be necessary (see

the form of replacement of properly compacted soil

Reference 1-10, Chapter 8). Prior to planning

should be made, and the protective slope covering

dewatering procedures it is necessary to determine

replaced in a manner to insure no further erosion. This

permeability and piezometric levels by field

may require a series of soil layers of varying coarseness

observations (see Reference 1-10, Chapter 4). The

to insure that the finer, central materials cannot be

major criterion is to avoid instability through piping or

washed out through the coarser, shell materials. In

heaving. This is achieved by controlling the upward

some cases it may be desirable to protect the side

hydraulic gradient at the base of the excavation.

slopes of the structure by such means as asphaltic

Hydraulic gradients (head loss per unit length of

concrete, soil cement, or even reinforced portland

flowpath) of one lead to immediate instability in all

cement concrete. In cases where the side slopes are

cases, but exit gradients of 0.5 to 0.75 will cause

exposed only to atmospheric erosion, vegetation such

unstable working conditions even in clean sands. Silty

as ice plant, grasses, etc., might be adequate.

materials are even more critical.

6.4.2 SEALING. The loss of soil from behind quaywalls

6.4.4 GROUTING. In some cases it may be more

or from within sheet pile cofferdams, etc., requires

expedient to either seal or repair a damaged structure

sealing of the structure to prevent further loss of

by injecting grout (see Reference 1-10, Chapter 15, or

material and replacement of suitable backfill.

Reference 6-9). Grout may be used to reduce the

Coarsergrained materials are generally preferred where

permeability of the soil fill or its foundation and, thereby,

they are available, since they are less subject to

minimize erosion or leaching. It may also be used to

leaching or erosion. Fine-grained materials are

physically strengthen the structure to make it better able

desirable only where very low permeability is required,

to resist wave or ship loadings, superimposed dead

such as in the core of an earth dam. In such cases

loads, etc.

precautions, such as the construction of inverted filters

or sealing of structural joints, etc., are necessary to

Cavities or voids in the soil structure may be

prevent the erosion of fines. Since surface water (such

grouted using sand/water mixtures, portland cement,

as rainfall) can contribute greatly to erosion, provision

clay, chemical grouts, or a combination of these

should be made for the disposal of runoff. Where

materials. Sand/water mixtures are applicable only

materials consist of the very erodable silts or fine sands,

where large cavities are present and the paths of soil

the structure must be sealed to prevent any influx of

loss have been sealed off. Cement grout is not

surface water.

considered applicable if the effective grain size of the in-

6.4.3 DEWATERING. Where excavation and

replacement of soil takes place below the water table, it

may be necessary to dewater the site by use of seepage


place soils, D10 (the sieve size through which only 10%

solidifies and impermeabilizes the soil, but it is

of the soil would pass), is less than 0.5 mm for loose

extremely expensive. Mixtures of cement and clay are

soils and 1.4 mm for dense soils. Thus, portland

also used, sometimes with the addition of a chemical

cement grout is most applicable to the situation where

deflocculent. One of the more recently developed

the grout can be pumped directly into cavities.

chemical grouts polymerizes in the soil voids; however,

it is also expensive. With fine-grained backfills, grouting

An effective grouting procedure for sandy

is generally of no benefit except to fill cavities or to seal

materials consists of injecting solutions of sodium

off paths of soil removal.

silicate and calcium chloride. This procedure both




Structural steel is used in most metal waterfront

requires an electrolyte or current-carrying medium

structures because it is strong, readily available, easily

between different parts of the corrosion cell. In marine

fabricated, and not excessively costly. Cast or

submerged areas, seawater is the electrolyte; in marine

fabricated steel is normally used for such accessories as

atmospheric areas, salt spray provides the electrolyte.

bitts, bollards, cleats, and chocks. Other metals have

Oxygen greatly accelerates corrosion, which accounts

specialized uses because of unique properties, such as

for the rapid corrosion that takes place in the splash-

being lightweight (e.g., aluminum) or corrosion resistant

zone area of waterfront structures where both seawater

(e.g., monel).

and oxygen are in abundance. Like most spontaneous

chemical reactions, corrosion increases with increasing

7.1.1 DEFINITION OF CORROSION . Corrosion is the


destruction of a metal by its reaction with the

environment. This reaction is an electrochemical


oxidation process that usually produces rust or other

many types of marine corrosion that can occur to steel

metal oxide. A more lengthy description of corrosion

waterfront structures and many methods for corrosion

and the corrosion process can be found in References

control. In actual practice, these methods are combined

7-1 and 7-2.

in an overall corrosion control program. The most

common types of metal corrosion occurring in a marine

Since corrosion is an electrochemical process, it

environment are described in Table 7-1.


7.2.1 PROTECTION. The chief means by which

inhibitive pigments (e.g., chromate salts and red lead)

protective coatings impart protection to steel is by

when properly formulated in a primer pigment can deter

providing a barrier between the metal and the

corrosion should there be a break in the coating barrier.

environment that is necessary for corrosion to occur. In

all cases the coating must be free of pinholes or other

Reference 7-3 presents a comprehensive

discontinuities and of sufficient thickness to prevent the

coverage of paints and protective coatings.

environment from reaching the metal. Certain corrosion


Table 7-1. Types of Corrosion




Galvanic Corrosion

Two dissimilar metals connected to each

1. New steel is anodic to old steel.

other electrically in an electrolyte (e.g.,

2. Brightly cut surfaces (e.g., pipe

seawater). Current flows through the

threads) are anodic to uncut

electrolyte from the more reactive


metal (the anode) to the less reactive

3. Steel is anodic to its surface mill

metal (the cathode), thereby corroding


the anode area while protecting the

4. Highly stressed areas (e.g., pipe

cathode area from corrosion,

bends) are anodic to less stressed areas.

Stray Current

Occurs on metal surfaces wherever stray

Stray current corrosion should always

direct current passes from them to an

be suspected as the cause of accelera-

electrolyte. This current most fre-

ted corrosion in areas adjacent to

quently arises from electric railway

sources of DC current and checked

and crane systems, improperly

for by detection of current flow.

grounded welding generators, and adjacent

cathodic protection systems.


Occurs from differences in chemical

Corrosion occurs in area of lower


composition of the medium. Usually

oxygen content. On steel piling, this

results from different levels of

is just below the mean low tide level.

aeration (oxygen content); less fre-

Also in crevices and corners because

quently from different salinities

less oxygen is there.


Scouring action of sand and other

1. Commonly found at or just above

abrasives exposes bright metal and

the mud line on steel piling or riser

keeps the corrosion active

chains of moorings.

2. Wind in sandy areas.

Biological Corrosion

Marine biological organisms accel-

1. Organisms may create different oxy-

erate corrosion by changing the

gen levels in the electrolyte.

normal environment

2. Organisms may create corrosive products

through their metabolism or decomposition.

3. Organisms may remove the protective film

of corrosion products from metal surfaces.



Structures Painting Council Paint Specification No. 16

preparation of steel surfaces prior to coating is essential

[7-6] have had many years of excellent service.

for maximum coating life and protection of the steel.

Epoxypolyamide coatings, such as MIL-P-24441, have

The selection of the type of surface preparation depends

provided many years of excellent protection to steel

upon the type of paint used, the condition of the surface

waterfront structures, too. Zinc inorganic coatings, such

to be painted, economic considerations, and such

as in Class 3 of MILP-23236, have been used

practical limitations as time, location, accessibility, and

successfully on the atmospheric portions of steel

availability of equipment. Standards for surface

offshore platforms and waterfront structures [7-7]. They

preparation are found in References 7-4 and 7-5.

must be top-coated with an organic coating for long-term

performance in seawater. Vinyl resin paints, such as

Dry abrasive blasting of steel is generally

VR-3 and VR-6 of the Bureau of Reclamation, perform

necessary for optimum performance of modern

well on steel. Petrolatum-coated tapes [7-8] have been

synthetic coatings. It removes mill scale, rust, corrosive

used successfully to protect steel utility lines under

salts, and other foreign matter that is detrimental to

piers. They can be applied to wire-brushed as well as

good coating application and imparts an anchor pattern

abrasive-blasted surfaces. The encapsulation of steel

(tooth) to the steel to which the coating can bond tightly.

piling with PVC wraps has been reported [7-9] to impart

long-term protection from corrosion by producing an

Many local air pollution control agencies may

oxygen deficient environment.

restrict dry abrasive blasting because of the dust emitted

during operation. The addition of water to the abrasive

7.2.4 COATING APPLICATION . In a marine

may be necessary to meet the air pollution control

atmosphere, conventional spray, roller, or brush

regulations. In such an event, a rust inhibitor needs to

application may be appropriate, as recommended by the

be added to the water to prevent rusting before paint

coating specification or supplier. A coal tar coating is an


economical choice in an atmospheric area where the

black color is acceptable.

Waterblasting of steel without an abrasive may

provide a clean surface for re-painting without requiring

Application of coatings between tides may be

an abrasive-blast finish. Wire brushing, either manually

made by spray, roller, or brush, but the coating must be

or with power equipment, can in some cases provide an

one that will be unaffected by water and will cure under

adequate steel surface for painting.

it. Steel Structures Painting Council Paint Specification

No. 16 and MIL-P-24441 are two such coatings.

7.2.3 RECOMMENDED COATINGS. Coal tar coatings

are frequently used on steel waterfront structures.

Two different types of coatings are available for

Since they are relatively soft, their effectiveness in

application underwater [7-10]. One is a thick putty-like

waters where barnacle fouling is heavy may be limited.

material that is applied by the palm of the hand, and the

Coal tar epoxy coatings are tough, durable, and very

impermeable to water; thus, such coatings as Steel


other is a lower viscosity material that can be applied by

thickness of protective coatings is very important

brush or roller.

because it is directly related to barrier protection.

Measurement of both wet and dry film thickness is

7.2.5 INSPECTION OF COATING . Protective coatings

described in CEL Techdata Sheet 74-11 [7-12].

should be inspected at the time of application to make

certain that all application requirements have been met.

Coatings on metal surfaces should be checked

Appendix A of Reference 7-11 is a general guide to

for holidays, pinholes, or other discontinuities using one

inspection of facilities maintenance painting. Visual

of the commercially available holiday detectors. A low-

inspection of coatings before, during, and after

voltage detector (e.g., 50 to 60 volts) is ordinarily used

application can be effective in detecting deficiencies in

on thin films (i.e., 12 mils or less), and a high-voltage

the materials, surface preparation, or coating

detector (e.g., 10,000 volts) on thicker coatings. The

application. If deficiencies in the coating material are

coating must be free of water before the detector is

suspected, then laboratory testing should be done on

used. Any localized damage to the coating by a high-

paint from unopened cans to verify them. The film

voltage detector must be repaired.


7.3.1 DEFINITION. Cathodic protection is a system for

external power supply, but incorporates anodes of a

controlling corrosion of a metal surface by passing

special alloy that generate the necessary direct current

sufficient direct current onto it to make it a cathode, thus

by virtue of a natural voltage difference from the

eliminating the possibility of anodic loss of metal. The

protected structure (Figure 7-1). The galvanic anodes

electrolyte for cathodic protection is usually soil or

(also known as "sacrificial") are consumed, like the

water. References 7-13 and 7-14 present a detailed

anodes in a typical galvanic corrosion cell, in the

description of cathodic protection of buried structures.

process of generating current and, thus, have a limited

Thus, discussion of cathodic protection in the present

service life. The galvanic anodes are fabricated from

manual will be largely limited to structures in water. In

active metals and alloys; three basic materials are used

the maintenance of waterfront structures it must be

magnesium, zinc, and aluminum of high purity or other

remembered that cathodic protection can prevent

special composition.

corrosion of a new structure or stop corrosion on an

existing structure, but it cannot replace metal lost by

The impressed current system utilizes low-

corrosion of an existing structure.

voltage, high-amperage, direct current from an external

power source (Figure 7-2). The positive terminal of the

7.3.2 TYPES OF SYSTEMS. There are two basic

power source must be connected to the anodes, and the

systems for supplying the necessary direct current

electrical energy to a structure to cause it to become a

cathode. The galvanic anode system requires no



Figure 7-1. Galvanic system of cathodic



Figure 7-2. Impressed current system of cathodic


negative terminal to the structure to be protected. The

relatively stable anodes used to discharge current have

platinized titanium alloy and platinized tantalum alloy

much longer service lives than galvanic anodes. These

are some of the materials used for the anodes.

anodes can theoretically he made from any electrically

Normally, rectifiers are used to supply the DC power to

conductive material. However, unless the material is

the system using available AC shore power. Sections in

inert in the environment, it will be consumed. Scrap

References 7-1, 7-13, and 7-14 discuss the selection of

iron, special lead alloys, platinum, platinum-palladium

and requirements for cathodic protection rectifiers.


7.4.1 ALLOYS. There are many alloys which, if used

(100-ksi yield) are known to be immune to all forms of

properly, are more resistant to corrosion by seawater

attack in seawater and marine atmospheres at

and marine atmospheres. These alloys exhibit three

temperatures below 1500F. These alloys are high in

types of corrosion behavior. Some are essentially

cost and difficult to fabricate. They are, however,

immune to corrosion, while some corrode but at rates

relatively high in strength and low in weight.

significantly slower than steel. Some of these alloys are

essentially corrosion free if properly used, but may Nickel Alloys. Nickel alloys, depending on their

corrode at extremely rapid rates if used improperly.

composition, can exhibit either totally immune behavior

or can be essentially immune when used properly. Titanium Alloys . The titanium alloys are

Inconel alloy 625 and Hastelloy alloy C are essentially

essentially free from corrosion except for stress-

immune to corrosion in marine environments.

corrosion cracking in some alloys. The chemically pure

grades and the heat-treatable alloy 6A1-4V annealed
