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aire, m. , air.

ajedrez, m. , chess.

ajuar, household furniture.

ajusticiar, execute.

alcalde, m. , mayor.

alcancé; see alcanzar.

alcanzar, to reach, to follow, to obtain.

alcé; see alzar.

aldaba, f. , knocker on a door.

alegrar, to gladden, to rejoice.

alegría, f. , joy.

alejar, to remove; --se, to go away.

alemana, adj., f. , German.

alfombra, f. , carpet.

algarabía, f. , jargon, gibberish.

algo, somewhat, something.

algodón, m. , cotton.

algún; see alguno.

alguno, some, any, some one, any one.

aliento, m. , breath, spirit.

alimentar, to feed, nourish.

alimento, food, nourishment.

allá, there; mas allá de, --beyond.

allegro, allegro.

allí, there.

alma, soul.

almacenista, m. , owner of a warehouse.

almorzar, to breakfast.

alojar, to lodge.

alquilar, to rent.

alquiler, m. , rent, wages.

alrededor, around.

alterar, to alter, change.

alternar, to alternate.

altivo, haughty, proud.

alto, high.

alzar, to raise.

alzarse con, to carry off.

ama de cría, nurse.

amabilidad, amiability.

amable, amiable, pleasing.

amanecer, to dawn; al --, at dawn.

amargo, bitter.

amarrar, to tie, fasten.

ambiente, m. , air.

ámbito, m. , circuit, extent.

ambos, both.

amigo, m. , friend.

amo, m. , proprietor.

amonestar, to advise, admonish.

amontonar, to heap up.

amor, m. , love.

amoroso, loving, affectionate.

amortiguar, to mortify, deaden.

anciano, old.

andar, to go, walk, move.

anduviese; see andar.

ángel, m. , angel.

ángulo, m. , corner.

angustia, f. , anguish, affliction.

angustioso, full of anguish.

anillo, m. , ring.

animar, to revive, comfort.

ánimo, m. , mind, courage, valor.

animoso, brave, courageous.

ansia, f. , anxiety, anguish.

ansiedad; see ansia.

ansiosamente, anxiously, eagerly.

ante, before.

anterior, former, previous.

antes, first, before.

antiguo, old.

antojarse, to desire, take a notion to.

antorcha, f. , torch.

anudar, to knot, join.

anunciar, to announce.

añadir, to add.

añejo, old.

año, m. , year.

apagar, to extinguish.

aparecer, to appear.

aparejado, prepared, ready.

aparentar, to make a false show.

apartado, distant, secluded.

apartar, to separate, remove.

apasionado, passionate, devoted.

apenas, scarcely, hardly, as soon as; --si, hardly.

apesadumbrar, to vex, grieve.

aplazar, to postpone.

aplicar, to apply.

apliqué; see aplicar.

apoderarse de, to seize, take possession of.

apóstrofe, f. , apostrophe.

apoyar, to support, favor, protect, lean upon.

aprender, to learn.

apresurar, to hasten.

apresuradamente, hastily.

apretar, to tighten, squeeze.

apretura, f. , compression, distress, anguish.

aprovechar, to profit by.

aproximar, to approximate.

apuntar, to point out, note.

apuro, m. , want, pain, affliction.

aquel, ( f. aquella), dem. pron. , that, yonder.

aquél, the former.

aquí, here.

arañar, to scratch, fight.

arbitrio, m. , free will, arbitration.

árbol, m. , tree.

arder, to burn.

ardiente, ardent, passionate, hot.

arena, f. , sand.

aria, tune, air.

armonioso, harmonious.

aro, m. , hoop.

arraigar, to root.

arrancar, to tear off.

arrastrar, to creep, crawl, drag along.

arrear, to drive (horses, mules).

arrebujar, to wrap up.

arreglar, to regulate, arrange.

arrepentirse, to repent.

arriba, above, over, upstairs; --! up!

arrimar, approach, join.

arrojar, to throw away.

arruga, f. , wrinkle.

arte, m. , f. , art.

artillería, f. , artillery.

ascenso, m. , promotion.

ascua, f. , red hot coal.

asechanza, f. , artifice, machination.

asedio, m. , siege, blockade.

asesino, m. , assassin.

asfixiar, to suffocate.

así, so, thus; -- como, as well as; -- que, as soon as, so that.

asiento, m. , seat.

asomar, to show, make appear.

asombro, m. , astonishment.

aspecto, m. , aspect, appearance.

aspirar, to inhale, aspire.

asunto, m. , material, affair, subject.

asustar, to frighten.

ataque, m. , attack.

atención, f. , attention; en --, in consideration.

atender, to attend, heed, expect.

atentamente, attentively.

aterrar, to terrify.

atmósfera, f. , atmosphere.

atónito, astonished, amazed.

atravesar, to cross.

atreverse, to dare, venture.

atrocidad, f. , atrocity.

atropellar, to trample, tread under foot.

atrozmente, atrociously, excessively.

aturdido, giddy, wild.

aún, yet, still, even.

aunque, although.

ausente, absent.

austero, austere, harsh.

auto, m. , judicial decree; -- de fe, sentence given by the Inquisition.

autoridad, f. , authority.

autorizar, to authorize, legalize.

auxilio, m. , aid, help, assistance.

avanzar, to advance, attack.

Ave Maria, a salutation and prayer to the Virgin Mary.

aventajado, excellent.

aventura, f. , adventure, incident.

aventurar, to venture, risk.

avergonzar, to shame, abash.

averiguación, investigation.

averiguar, to investigate, find out.

avisar, to inform, give notice, advise.

ay, intrj. , alas.

ayer, yesterday.

ayudar, to aid, favor, assist.

ayudante, m. , adjutant, assistant.

ayuntamiento, m. , city council.

azul, blue.


bachiller, m. , bachelor (college degree).

bailar, to dance.

bajar, to descend, lower.

bajo, prep. , under.

bajo, adj. , low; por lo --, in a low tone.

bajito, dim. of bajo.

balcón, m. , balcony.

bálsamo, m. , balsam, balm.

banco, m. , bench, bank.

banquillo, m. , dim. of banco.

bañar, to bathe, water.

barandilla, f. , small balustrade.

barba, f. , beard.

barbaridad, f. , barbarity, absurdity.

barco, m. , boat, bark.

barítono, m. , baritone.

barquillo, m. , small boat.

barrera, f. , barrier.

barrio, m. , suburb, ward of a city.

barruntar, to foresee, conjecture.

bastante, sufficient, enough.

bastar, to suffice, be sufficient.

batalla, f. , battle, contest, conflict.

baúl, m. , trunk.

Beethoven, a celebrated German composer.

belicoso, warlike, belligerent.

belleza, f. , beauty.

Bellini, an Italian composer.

bendito, blessed.

besar, to kiss.

beso, m. , kiss.

bestia, f. , beast.

bien, m. , good, benefit.

bien, adv. , well; si --, although.

bienestar, m. , wellbeing.

billar, m. , billiards.

billete, m. , billet.

birlar, to dispossess.

blanco, white.

boca, f. , mouth.

bocacalle, f. , mouth of a street.

bodega, f. , wine-cellar.

bolita, f. , small ball.

bolsa, f. , purse, exchange.

bolsillo, m. , pocket.

bonito, pretty.

botón, m. , button.

bóveda, f. , arch, vault.

bravo, brave, valiant.

brazo, m. , arm.

breve, brief, concise.

brillante, brilliant.

brío, m. , force, vigor, spirit.

brocado, m. , brocade.

broma, f. , joke, jest.

bruces, de --, with the face downward.

bruma, f. , mist, haziness.

bruscamente, rudely.

brusco, rude, rough.

bueno, good, healthy, well.

bujía, f. , wax candle.

burla, f. , scoff, jest, fun.

burlar, to ridicule, burlesque.

buscar, to look for, search.

busqué; see buscar.

butaca, f. , armchair.


cabal, exact, just.

caballero, m. , gentleman.

cabecita, f. , small head.

cabello, m. , hair.

cabeza, f. , head.

cabizbajo, downcast, pensive.

cabo, m. , end; al --, at the end, finally.

cada, each; -- cual, each one.

cadalso, m. , scaffold.

cadáver, m. , corpse.

cadete, m. , cadet.

caer, to fall; dejar --, to let fall, drop.

café, m. , coffee, eating-house.

caja, f. , box, casket, coffin.

cajón, m. , box.

cajoncito, m. , dim. , small box.

calabozo, m. , dungeon, calaboose.

calcetín, m. , sock.

cálculo, m. , calculation, computation.

caldo, m. , broth.

caliente, warm, hot.

calla! , be silent, hush.

callar, to be silent.

calle, f. , street.

calma, f. , calm.

calmar, to calm, quiet, compose.

calorífero, m. , a heating apparatus.

calzado, m. , covering for the feet.

cama, f. , bed.

cambiar, to change, exchange.

cambio, m. , change, barter; en--, in exchange, on the other hand.

caminar, to walk, go.

camino, m. , road, way.

camisa, f. , shirt, chemise.

campanilla, f. , dim. , small bell.

campo, m. , field, country; pío--, a children's game.

cándido, candid, innocent.

cansar, to tire, fatigue.

cantante, f. , m. , singer, adj. , singing.

cantar, to sing.

cántaro, m. , large pitcher; llover a --s, to rain by buckets full.

canto, m. , song.

canturriar, to sing, hum.

capa, f. , cloak, mantle, cover.

capilla, f. , chapel; estar en --, to be under sentence of death.

capital, f. , city, capital.

capricho, m. , caprice, whim, fancy.

cara, f. , face.

carambola, f. , a manner of playing at the billiard table; --s de retroceso, figure described by the balls on being struck when in a certain position.

cárcel, f. , prison.

carcelero, m. , jailer.

carecer, to lack, be in need.

cargar, to load, charge.

cargo, m. , burden, dignity, office, honor.

caricia, f. , caress.

caridad, f. , charity, kindness.

cariño, m. , love, fondness.

caritativo, charitable.

Carmen, Virgen del, Lady of Carmen, a mendicant order.

caro, dear.

carrera, f. , course, career, broad street.

carrerita, f. dim. , small course, short distance.

carruaje, m. , carriage, vehicle.

carta, f. , letter.

cartera, f. , pocket-book.

casa, f. , house.

casarse, to marry.

casi, almost, nearly.

caso, m. , event, case, occurrence.

Castellana, one of the principal streets of Madrid.

castigar, to chastise, punish.

castigo, m. , punishment.

casualidad, f. , casualty, accident; por --, accidentally.

casualmente, accidentally, haply.

católico, general, universal.

catorce, fourteen.

causa, f. , cause.

causante, m. f. , causer.

causar, to cause.

cautela, f. , caution, prudence.

cavilar, to cavil.

caviloso, captious.

cayendo, ger. , falling.

cebada, f. , barley.

ceja, f. , eyebrow.

celebrar, to celebrate, applaud.

celeste, celestial.

celosía, f.