Lessons for Myself: Getting Out of the Hood Box by Alberto O. Cappas - HTML preview

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From Webster’s Dictionary

Character: the set of qualities that make somebody or something distinctive; especially somebody’s qualities of mind and feeling; qualities that makes somebody or something interesting or attractive; somebody’s public reputation…

Choice: option; alternative; selection; preference; pick; picking; the power; chance or ability to choose between different things; a decision to choose one thing; person; or course of action in preference to others…

Clue: sign; hint; evidence; inkling; suspicion; trace; indication; something that helps to solve a mystery; an explanation or reason for something understand.

Concept: somebody has thought up; or that somebody might be able to imagine; a broad abstract idea or a guiding general principle; such as one that determines how a person or culture behaves; or how nature; reality; or events are perceived; a method; plan; or type of product or design.
that is difficult to

something that

Conceptual: coming from or belonging to the concepts; ideas; or principles something is based on.

Education: the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning; especially at a school or similar institution; the knowledge or abilities gained through being educated; training and instruction in a subject; for example; science…

political Decision: choice; result; verdict; pronouncement; judgment; resolution; evaluation; something that somebody chooses or makes up his or her mind about; after considering it and other possible choices; the ability to choose or decide about things in a clear and definite way without too much hesitation or delay; the process of coming to a conclusion or determination about something…

Individual: a particular person; distinct from others in a group; strikingly personal; unusual; or distinctive…

Language: the speech of a country; region; or group of people; including its diction; syntax; and grammar; the human use of spoken or written words as a communication system; a system of communication with its own set of conventions or special words; the verbal style by which people express themselves… Pledge: a vow, a promise one makes, a word of honor…

Principle: an important underlying law or assumption required in a system of thought; a standard of moral or ethical decision-making; the basic way in which something works…

Religion: people’s concerning the existence; nature; and worship of a God or Gods; and divine involvement in the universe and human life; a particular institutionalized or personal system of belief and practices relating to the divine; a set of strongly-held beliefs; values; and attitudes that somebody live by.
beliefs and worship;

beliefs and opinions

Soul: nonphysical aspect of the person; the complex of human attributes that manifests as consciousness; though; feeling; and will; regarded as distinct from the physical body; the spiritual part of a human being that is believed to continue to exist after the body dies; somebody’s emotional and moral nature; where the most private thoughts and feelings are hidden; the deepest and truest nature of a people or a nation; or what gives somebody or something a distinctive character…

Spiritual: Consisting of spirit; not material; incorporeal; as, a spiritual substance or being; Of or pertaining to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind; mental; intellectual; Of or pertaining to the moral feelings or states of the soul, as distinguished from the external actions; reaching and affecting the spirits.

Standard: excellence; accepted as norm; principles or values that govern somebody’s level of quality or

level of quality behavior; the level of quality or excellence attained by somebody or something…

System: complex body; a combination of related elements organized into a complex whole; set of principles; a scheme of ideas or principles; for example; for classification or for forms of government or religion…

Value: worth; importance; price; cost; charge; rate; assessment; the worth; importance; or usefulness of something to somebody; to regard somebody or something as importance or useful; to estimate or determine the value of something…

Understanding: the ability to perceive and explain the meaning or the nature of somebody or something; somebody’s interpretation of something; or a belief or opinion based on an interpretation of or inference from something; an agreement; often an unofficial or unspoken one; able to comprehend the sense or meaning of something….