Last Take by M.S. White - HTML preview

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Chapter 1.
“I stood before that totem thing and drowned in the empirical reality of its contents.”…Keith McEwan.

„But who did this? he asked, struck by the sheer grandeur the work before him. „Mal, she answered. „He is a friend of Georges. You will meet him soon, Im sure. „What exactly is this? he asked, „what does it mean?
„These are the poles of depiction. This is a living history of the human race, Dryva told him casually.
„Living? he queried.
„You will understand when you study it. It begins at the bottom of the left pole and evolves up and around the whole archway, recording mans existence here on earth, she replied. He frowned and stepped forward to study the work more closely, and bending slightly, he saw very graphically carved scenes of an earth being born from vast explosions in space, followed by the necessary climactic changes to insure the emergence of plant life which was followed by prehistoric animal life forms. There then appeared a distinct pair of unidentified flying objects thatentered the earths atmosphere and landed on terra firma and then flew off again.

A depiction of a great asteroid colliding with the earth showed great geographical upheavals during which the prehistoric beasts disappeared and more great rains came that lasted centuries and created oceans and rivers and formed new forms to begin their gradual evolution, from which came the first primates and then the human cave dwellers. And above these depictions of early humans there was a gold metal band around the pole about four inches in width. He could tell that it was very good gold and no doubt worth a small fortune. And the scene engraved into the band was of the return of the UFOs, only this time they interacted with these primitive humans. A bold symbol of the molecular structure of human DNA was stamped on the gold band just after the depiction of their departure from the planet, and it gave him the distinct impression of transplanted intelligence; andBrother Phils theory of celestial gene splicing sprang to mind.

Further carvings showed the appearance of more intelligent beings that had the capacity for creativity and conceptual thought, who designed and constructed primitive tools and buildings, which throughout the ages evolved into a highly organized and technological civilization which he intuitively knew to be the fabled continent of Atlantis. At this point something extraordinary began to take place as he read the human story before him; he became aware that the carvings themselves were encoded knowledge and that as he gazed, his inner senses downloaded additional information through some kind of telepathic transference. For instance, the Atlantean culture presented him with mental images of their lifestyle and the kind of technology they had at their disposal. He felt himself almost to be one of them, familiar with the assumptions and conceptions of that day. He knew that their communication was telepathic and that they used thought power and tonal harmonics to construct architecture and restructure the matter of physical objects…then he sensed its complete destruction because of the misuse of their technological might in a bid for political power and gain, resulting in a war which devastated the environment to such a degree that the continent broke up and sank into the sea.

Then the Greek civilization burst forth into bloom and he knew that its great culture and intelligence were the heritage of the Atlantean survivors whose genes continued to seed and bear superior fruit such as Plato and the other Greek giants of intellect. The Egyptian empire arose and fell and again the UFO symbol appeared alongside the great pyramid of Cheops and instantly he knew that the Egyptians had inherited aspects of the Atlantean technology. During the Roman occupation of the Middle East there appeared a gold and silver Star of David with the Cross and the UFO symbol incorporated heralding the advent of the Christ personality. The terrestrial biography continued from the fall of Rome and the dark ages through the renaissance and the industrial age and into the twentieth century, detailing the major events of those eras and paying tribute to the luminaries of those times; from the holy trinity of John the Baptist and Christ, and Paul to the present time, historical names known by the world and their successes in the area of the arts, science, medicine, geology, exploration and discovery, all chronologically recorded within the cellular memory of those timber totem poles. And throughout his viewing he could feel the strong invitation to explore more deeply the substance of the historical times imbued in the carvings, but an innate sense of caution made him choose to peruse the historical data with circumspection instead.

The sheer power of the events of the Great War almost pulled him into a vortex of complete mesmerisation, partly because of his own interest in that period of time, when as a boy he watched with his father those cataclysmic events on televised documentaries; and for a few moments he felt himself enter into what appeared to be an actual historical event. It was a scene in the trenches and he could smell the stench of mud and blood and death and his fear forced him to break away from the menacing lure of involvement

But when he reached the Holocaust depictions of the Death Camps something supernatural and stronger than his will forced him to surrender to its power, and for several minutes he underwent in real terms, an out of body experience and was psychologically and emotionally transplanted into that horrendous historical time. With a vague part of his awareness he knew he was peeking in from the outside, but the bulk of his awareness was experiencing on a subjective level, the lives of those poor wretches. It was truly a terrible thing to undergo, but there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He had been rendered immobile and speechless and was transfixed in psychical observation of past corporeal reality.

How many times had he seen those wartime accounts of the Nazi horror while sitting solemnly with his Jewish despising father, watching with macabre intrigue and anger and confusion the grotesque plight of these poor human beings? As a teenager growing up he had often tried to imagine the fear and pain and the complete disenfranchisement of those people, but he could only go so far before the horror of it caused him to withdraw his imaginary involvement.
And for him as a boy there had always been something mysteriously alluring about the Jewish race. He thought that they were a beautiful people (big noses, unity, potential for martyrdom and moneymaking abilities included) and their women had a most arousing magnetism that sent tingles through his sexual pathways that more than just physical. Rather it was a combination of strength, grace, obvious intelligence and an indefinable kinship. He instinctively loved and admired them and did not know why, and although he did think them to be the chosen race, the apple of their Fathers eye, he didnt think for a moment that they were superior to other races.

Oddly enough his parents were hotly divided on this very issue. His father disliked them intensely for all the classical reasons; their unadulterated bloodline and sense of unity, their intelligence and their business acumen. But above all, it was their capacity for survival which forced him to dig in his heels because it was a trait in himself that he harboured and cultivated; so in essence the force behind his dislike of them was envy based. Any nation that could come back from the ashes of the ovens like a Phoenix and make the deserts bloom and defeat all its enemies had to be admired and respected, and therein lay the conflict within himself that compelled him to exclude rather than embrace. Even when viewing the film footage, he was quick to point out that the Jews had brought this anti Semitic treatment upon themselves because of their meddling monetary powers and secularism. By making themselves an exclusive race unto themselves and the world, they had called forth their own retribution. He even disputed the figures of the fallen, saying that the numbers were grossly exaggerated by Jewish propaganda in order to solicit sympathy and create further global guilt. And so Marty would sit watching with shock at the demonic treatment of human beings by the Nazis, while his father demonstrated an inexplicable lack of humanity and compassion, and he knew even then that there existed an emotional chasm between he and his father, one that only deepened as time went by.

His mother on the other hand understood only too well her connection to these historical people. Her compassion and affection for this much-maligned race showed itself in defence every time her husband would denigrate them; for she was a woman who resisted injustice of any sort, and it sickened her to think that an intelligent person of her husbands calibre could so effortlessly do to others what he would detest having done to himself. But of course there was moreto the issue than met the eye…for she herself carried within her genes a touch of the Jew from a maternal grandmother of that stock.

In addition, her paternal grandmother was of European gipsy stock with a psychic inheritance of crystal ball and card reading and medicinal potions with whom she had a great rapport in her childhood, and from whom she inherited her own mystical nature. When this revelation was made known to him he understood why he felt such a kinship for this unusual race, for it ran in the very droplets of his veins and celebrated itself in ancient gesture through the genes. But there was yet another facet which once revealed, left him more confused by his fathers stern anti Semitic stance; and that was the revelation that both his parents were in point of fact, first cousins who shared the one Jewish grandmother.
Unwillingly Marty stood before that totemic testament to those terrifying times immersed in what „his people were undergoing. He could physically feel the mood of the camps as his eyes involuntarily saw into that holocaustic reality. He felt the cruel bite of the bitter winter cold on threadbare clothing biting to the bone and the very fabric of the human spirit. He entered into their constant mood of expected torment, hunger, abject hopelessness and fear of the constant presence of death on the prowl. And he knew death to be a solid predatory presence that invaded every precinct of the camp, alert and eager for any potential victim. Scene by scene, layer upon layer, he emotionally explored the manifold variations of one mans inhumanity to another, with a greater intensity than that experienced while watching the televised documentaries, and naturally not to the degree that the actual historical participants had…to do so would have driven him insane.

His body convulsed with the sheer devastation of families being separated and the horror of the parents when their children were torn squealing in terror from their embraced protection, never to be seen nor heard of again. It was unbearable to see the frozen fear filled confusion of their children rendered inarticulate by a lack of explanation, gone to the gas chambers and ovens without a proper word of comfort; goodbyes said in a panicked rush and farewells noted with hysterical terror ridden shrieks that fuelled even more the vicious barking of the hell hounds at the booted heels of Lucifers disciples.

He understood how hollow, empty and utterly defeated by grief these people were, and how the morbidity of their situation gnawed at their minds until it drove some mad. He could think their thoughts and feel their desire to die to escape their ingrown pain; and he understood the desperation that drove them to do anything beyond the limits of normalcy in order to grasp at life, or just as easily let it go. He knew with cold clarity why the women and the men could prostitute themselves in order to escape by minute degrees the misery of their Dantean despair; and how they could become informants and denounce their own people and faith and swear allegiance to the Nazi devil simply to avoid the violence of the wolf at their own door.

And so his feeling body moved against his will throughout the great camp of grief. He went with the victims into the queues that lined up at the Doctors office where they were administered lethal injections. And worse still, into the medical experiment wards where human forms were toyed with by ghouls with surgical instruments. He saw body parts removed without anaesthetic, human guinea pigs placed in freezing and boiling conditions in order to chart the rate of death, humans tested with poisons and chemicals for the purpose of furthering medical science and the potential for weapons of warfare; castrations and sterilizations, disembowelling, uterus and womb and organ inspections and removals and all imaginable manner of physical, emotional and psychological defilement. His body convulsed in spasmodic jolts as electrical currents were applied to various parts of the victims body in the torture chambers, their agonising screams sounding a cruel promise to their listening brethren.

His mind became deluged with the distillate of horror when he observed his wife, his sister, his brother, his child, his friend and his people being systematically torn apart by the barbarism of monsters masquerading as men. He witnessed men made to fornicate with animals and animals with women. And the horror only grew in proportion with the debauched defilement of young children whose minds were shattered by the trauma of such satanic brutality. And he went into theprostitutes quarters and lived their daily fear as each encountered the regulated rape of their bodies and the rapid dissociation of their minds. Their self loathing and disgust and delirium were his for the sharing, as was their despair. For they were no longer women, no longer human, but simply objects of abuse living in a schizophrenic landscape of mental instability…this one his wife, that his mother, her his lover, there his sister, here his daughter andeach a constant victim of their villains haughty tyranny.

And he went with them in the droves, beaten and pushed into the gas chambers by whips and savage dogs, naked and cold, fearful and thirsty and stinking of excrement and without a shred of human grace. Their screams were his screams as they chorused the agonies of their fear of impending death; and he sang with them their spiritual songs that lamented such a long history of hatred and persecution and now this pestilence of pain visited upon their race as they embraced one another before the gas swept their souls away to the places of their Faiths teachings. And he died with them, in sardine packed groups, families and friends holding hands, embracing, hiding their faces and dying standing up, compressed in death with their fears last shit and piss and spew and menstrual flow involuntarily baptising their ancient penchant for martyrdom.

And then when the gas had been cleared, he watched with disgusted awe as other prisoners smashed out gold teeth from the jaws of their own, followed by the unceremonious removal of the bodies to the hungry crematoriums where half insane inmates worked an assembly line that fed the furnaces with the flesh of their own family and people. And he understood how a people could so quickly lose faith in their God and question their own sanity and be reduced to an automaton devoid of anything human. Yet even in the vortex of his transfixion he was able to remember that question posed by the poetess Mila Grobbler regarding her hellish existence in Stalins penal system.
“It is worse than death

And far worse than all the aeons of my pain
for me to ask,
will not a kind thing touch my world again?”

But then as quickly as he saw them fall in the chambers, he saw them rise in spirit form in the bliss of health and happiness, ethereal like, floating and glowing above the mass of their own dull collective corpses…this essence of their souls. And he heard the sound of their rejoicing and the music of a joyful reunion of souls as they ascended in great clouds out of that foul place and into the heavenly realms. And he saw in the darkness of that death mass how a wondrous light came forth which perfumed that vile vault with a sublime sweetness that transmuted all lingering gases into its own perfection, and he sensed the regret and pain being cleansed from each individual memory as a spiritual peace was lovingly restored to their collective psyche. Their resurrection en masse was proof that ultimately their God had not forsaken them, and great was their gratitude for their karmic cleansing by way of collective crucifixion…for as they had perished as families and friends and as a people and a nation, so too had they been resurrected into the heavenly realm of their collective splendour. And he knew then that for them, and perhaps for all men, death was but a door through which we journeyed to our greater glory.

Then he found himself in the prison quarters of these dehumanised slaves, their stink of humanity strong in his nose, their fear and confusion bitter on his tongue and with their protruding bones, raw and sore from numerous complaints pertaining to malnutrition. Complaints such as their teeth rotting in a mouth foul with associative ulcers and bowels shrunken from lack of proper use, their stools small pools of vile liquid sustained only by the slop and swill that substituted for food. And then there were the constant festering sores from the interminable lice forever at their work upon the thin skin that clothed an emaciated ghostlike form. And the humiliation and shame of their ghastly predicament was also his as he saw himself as one of the huge crowd whose attention was now focused upon an elderly and emaciated Rabbi who stood to address this dormitory of lost souls.

“ My people; this is the traumatic time of our reckoning and our triumphant resurrection, hebegan with sharp emphasis and with a strength of fervour to his voice. “We think our God has deserted us in the wilderness of our enemies, but there is a truth and a beauty that lies within the depths of this incomprehension which will prove to be our salvation. That truth being, that this is the time of our greatest challenge as a people, as a nation and as a race special unto God. These Nazis degenerates have called our hell, the final solution, but without knowing that it is in fact ourFinal Salvation.” A soft murmuring of intrigue and confusion gently swept among their gathered numbers; for this was their intermediary with God who now spoke to secure their spiritual comfort. This Rabbi, like them, had been through so much sorrow and suffering and yet he held true to his faith whereas so many others had abandoned a God whom they believed had abandoned them. The old Rabbi spoke with the inspiration and truthfulness of a man come to terms with his imminent death.

“ The final solution to the centuries of being despised, disenfranchised, denounced, deported, divided, dispersed and destroyed, is upon us. In our united suffering we stand at the crossroads of a colossal change…not only in our collective consciousness, but also in an historical sense. When this is all over and the facts made known to an otherwise dispassionate world, then we will be seen globally as a distinctly united people…united as much in our death and martyrdom, as we are as a tribe. Henceforth the tag “Jew” will no longer imply a slur upon us, but shall instead tug at the conscience of a world whose knowledge of our suffering and self sacrifice shall elicit a guilt from which will pour forth their utter compassion and praise.

“ Each death among our people is that of a spiritual martyr. For have not our people always made noble the act of martyrdom as means of defence and defiance. And yea, even though the mind can be assailed and driven into its burrow of insanity and the body temple beaten and broken, my people I tell you this…our noble spirit cannot be touched by even a feather of misfortune. Our souls cannot be burned by the fires of racial hatred in their ovens, nor turned into ashes that will saturate the Rhine and Ruhr of their short lived thousand years Reich. Nor can our souls be removed like an organ, nor raped, nor prodded, poked or disembowelled. Our spirit as individuals and a people cannot be enslaved, humiliated, insulted, injured or dishonoured because our soul as a people belongs to God, and it is to God that we must surely return when our penitence is paid…for it is the very part of him within us all.” The old mans voice was afire with the fuel of rhetoric and its power came from something truly pure within him. “Yea, God is even within our tormentors…but because they have spurned his word and now serve the evil one, they are poor creatures more lost, more enslaved and more the victim than we ourselves are now. This they know only too well, and that is why this is a war they cannot win.

“ My people, only you can injure your spiritual self by your betrayal and desertion of our Faith. In our Holy Scriptures it is written that a time will come when the evil one will reign and his minions will wear the mark of the beast, and all who refuse to wear and pay homage to that mark will be marked for death. That time is now and the beast is upon us and the swastika is its mark, blackand rimmed with red….the black of its own self contamination and the red of our sacrificial blood.” The old man paused and poised in the moment of his passionate speech and looked down at his bare and swollen and frozen feet that spoke the plight of every wretch in that place. Then drawing a breath and lifting his head with stature, his eyes ablaze with the sense of his own spiritual well being, he continued with his impassioned sermon.

“ God would have us broken and crushed and full with the Faith, rather than whole and doubtful of his connection with us. But it has come to me through our God Jehovah that I must now tell my people what you will not hear, and what others of my station will call a profound blasphemy, and speak of the teaching of the one Jesus Christ.” Small waves of protest issued from the mass, but the old Rabbi raised his hands in gesture to calm and assuage his audience. He knew this was his last sermon and he was determined to see it through with the dignity and piety of his ecclesiastical position and so he waited till the aroused and jeering quarters settled down continuing.

“Yes my people, it has been said for almost two thousand years that we crucified our Messiah. And that because of this we have been set upon by the world ever since. And if such were true, then surely we are now cleansing ourselves of that sin with our present sufferings. Perhaps this at last atones for such a crime, even if only in the eyes of the non Judaic world.” He lifted up his head and drew in a controlled breath and with his energy renewed he spoke again. “However, we are not in the comfort and safety of our Synagogue now, and the teachings of the Christ prophet must surely apply. For he too was one of us, and a messenger from God, and for that reason we must now put into practice we what he preached.

“I speak of brotherly love and forgiveness for our persecutors who are our brothers gone awry, as we have ourselves at times have gone awry. Like the Prodigal son, they has left the Fathers home to find their way through the darkness of their fear in order that they may know the light of His love that they deserted. And we too must be like the Father, full of understanding and forgiveness, knowing that the time will come when our oppressors will accept the responsibility for their actions and wish to return home renewed. Therefore we must not now judge and condemn them; for to do so is to be judged and condemned ourselves. Our hatred and desire for revenge will not save them, as it will not save us. Therefore you must each ask in your purest heart the question fundamental to our humanity and our Faith in these the most frightening moments of your life. Can we go to the experimental wards, theprostitutes quarters, the gas chambers, the ovens and into the Promised Land with the flames of loveand forgiveness still illuminating our hearts?” “THIS WE MUST DO, OR SPIRITUALLY

WE WILL NOT BE SAVED OURSELVES,” The venerable elder shouted with a raised right fist.

“My children, this our God has instructed me to say; w hen the end comes from the bullet or the blow or the gas or the madness, you must hold this understanding in your heart and let it flood your vision and thus soothe the pain of your departure. We are dust and to dust we shall return. Our challenge is to die amidst the depravity and destruction of the body with spiritual dignity. This is the belief that we must take with us into thatdarkness.” The old Rabbi closed his eyes in silent confirmation of what he had just said and then his eyes sprang open, and summoning up all his oratorical strength he said, “AND YEA, WE SHALL BE REBORN. The Lord has told me that from the ashes of our peoples flesh and bones, from the sacrifice of our millions, will our tribe rise up and form for themselves a nation in the promised land of Israel. And never again will we wander the earth without a home, or suffer at the hands and whims of others. Our power will be again as it was in the days of King David and our wisdom shall be as once was Solomons. And our armies will defeat all enemies and our deserts will draw forth the milk and honey as promised by the Lord to Moses. This Jehovah has told me to tell you, my children. Praise God Almighty for his love of us.”

Then the Rabbi started to sing an old Hebrew spiritual and soon all the wretches were uplifted and joined in song with him in a raising up of their humanity once again. And from the throats of that despairing choir the song rolled like thunder and resonated around the brutal walls of their imprisoned enclosure. And Marty could feel their song singing through the cellular memory of his blood and acquainting him with a foreign but strangely familiar past; the past of a race with which he had a genetic connection and in that moment a profound identifiable union. And then the process of his transfixion with the Holocaust period was severed and he felt himself drift away as two kapot guards burst into their midst and struck the rabbi down with a baton of sewerage pipe.

Chapter 2.
“That which I once so vehemently discounted as folly has now been pronounced as fact.”…Jadda Pokaria.

When he was himself again, Marty realised that he was sobbing uncontrollably while both girls wrapped their arms of comfort about his waist and shoulders whispering that everything was all right, and that they knew how he felt because they too had experienced the same reliving, and therefore understood that it was not an easy thing to have to come to terms with.„He is one of them, Richone said softly as her palm cupped his forehead and fused it with a comforting energy. It took several intense minutes for him to cease his weeping and rid himself of the identification with what he had experienced. Then Dryva urged him to compose himself and read further the sculptured history before him. „Look. Look, she said with excitation. „Theirstory has been blessed, and cradling his head in her hands, she lifted his eyes up to the centre of the horizontal pole of the totemic structure where saw the huge gold Star of David glinting with golden power in the sunlight.

Following the story, he saw the State of Israel being born and the Jewish people uplifted into a powerful and respected nation as the Rabbi had prophesied. At the depictions of the Vietnamese conflict he felt the same intensity to have his attention draw into the undercurrent reality, but he simply mentally refused and moved on. In his heart he knew there was little difference in the pain and prejudice and destruction of war, whether it went back a thousand years or to yesterdays news. Detailed carvings of the success of the black rights movement made by Martin Luther King and the Kennedy Administration created in him a reverence for these leaders who led a people towards racial emancipation.

The lunar landing was marked again with the UFO symbol, and he felt that man had made some kind of cosmic and metaphysical connection with this other intelligence. His spirits lifted when he felt the Hippy era bathe him with its sense of honesty, individualism and freedom of selfhood and heard the great music of the giants of the day bringing forth new thought and growth through the medium of their music. And the new age prophets and poets, scientists and theologians and philosophers and artists who bent their shoulder to the task of inserting new healing ideas into the strata of the social and psychic fabric of humanity. And he knew that a splash of the golden age had left its mark in an historical context upon the minds and politics of the people of that time and that now born it would continue developing irrespective of what might attempt to thwart its purpose.

Then the impact of computer technology and its domination upon the world depicted itself with scenes of global media control, political and social manipulation and subversive computer hacking and economic espionage. A consumerism run amok along with over production, overpopulation and unregulated military spending and expansionism detailed the destruction to the environment. Chernobyl drove home the point of the escalating environmental carnage and the fine line that humans walked in a world where global pollution threatened to contaminate such simple and essential requirements as air and water.
The deaths of John Lennon, Princess Diana and young John Kennedy left him with a distinct impression of a subversive force within global society whose intent was to stem the growth of New Age consciousness and the rise of its advocates and leaders. Scenes of money worship, materialism, greed, sexual perversity and moral decline announced the rottenness in the seams of global society where capitalism ruled like a polyglot gone mad. Corruption and crime and vice were rabid and considered acceptable in the eyes of the marketers and global business cartels. The media had made the world smaller and as a result nations and people were becoming more protective of what they had, less inclined to share and covetous of that which others had. And instead of creating broad mindedness and a desire for cooperation it instead created narrow mindedness, tunnel vision and separatism.

He saw a well-defined carving of two huge twin-like towers in a state of crumbling destruction, and from this event arose hostility and distrust and open attack. The two great religions of Christianity and Islam openly began again their old warring crusade. Zealousness and hatred fuelled their spiritual differences which led to acts of terrorism against one another and an escalation of the violence and rush to global destruction. The Gold Star of David blinked back at him as it caught the afternoon sunlight and he saw that Israel was burning and so was the world with it. The social structure of the Western nations started to fall apart, their economies collapsed and another Great Depression fell thick and hard upon the nations of the e