Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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Volume III: The Return

Copyright © 2011 by Leo Mark

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the authorś imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental.

All Rights reserved.

Published in the United States by the author Leo Mark – Editorial Direction Marco Giroto Cover design Wellington Consoli Cover image Benjamin West (1738-1820) Diagramming Typodesign

Mark, Leo

Jesus, the Extraterrestrial – Volume I: Origins/by Leo Mark First Edition


Author’s Note

From an early age i was always full of questions. The world as i saw it wasn’t quite as people described it to me. There always seemed to be something odd about the stories they told me: they didn’t quite fit, or something was missing. But when you are a child and everyone tells you the same stories, you start to believe in them religiously; you carry them with you throughout your life, passing them on to your children and grandchildren.

A lot of my family are evangelicals (a brother of mine and an uncle are pastors of the church); and so in my childhood i studied in Adventist schools. i attended religious studies classes and most days we had to say a prayer when we arrived at school and when we left (a true brain-washing exercise).

All the children believed in those bible stories without so much as questioning them. Yet I, something of a rebel as I always was, never entirely agreed with what they were telling me, for the stories seemed to be too fantastic and too unlikely, so I was never convinced that they were really true. i had a lot of questions 5

to ask about them all and i wouldn’t rest until my questions were answered.

And so, as a teenager, I started studying the Bible and began to formulate theories which, when I propounded them, made people think i was crazy or blasphemous. They said my thoughts were sinful (was I to be punished, in other words, simply because I used my head for thinking, because I had opinions instead of accepting the opinions of others, because I rejected the collective truth?).

As time went by i went deeper into these matters and the research i carried out served to convince me that my theories weren’t so totally absurd or wrong, that on the contrary they were entirely correct – that the rest of the world believed in fairy tales. People were tied to their beliefs, to baseless or outdated tales. Perhaps because of the superior status of the storyteller, mankind’s own true history had become a narrative replete with obscure passages.

I read dozens of books and hundreds of articles about all this, and I watched documentaries. I began to look for answers in the Bible itself and even in the Apocrypha. in this way i discovered for myself part of the truth about the world, about where we had come from and why we are here. Naturally there are many more questions to be answered, but I am constantly searching.

Everything I studied can easily be found in books and today, more than ever, on the internet – the problem is to know which translators and authors are really dependable and which of them favor their own theories to the detriment of the written sources. i chose believable sources and i saw that it was desirable for a synthesis of the truth to be made accessible to the world at large, by means of a book written in simple language and easy-to-understand concepts, 6

so that everyone, irrespective of age or upbringing, might learn about valuable documents which are relatively new compared to some others of historical importance.

Here, then, is the first volume of a trilogy which could shake the structure of our society and raise its readers to a new level of understanding, perhaps even to a new level of excellence. I therefore beg you, dear reader, to digest this work with an open mind, free of prejudice and free of those concepts instilled in you by religion.

People need to know the truth, for otherwise there will soon come a time when mankind as we know it ceases to exist.

Leo Mark




relevANt FAct

In 1877, to the south of Babylon, in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), the Frenchman ernest de sarzec discovered traces of the most ancient civilization on earth, the Sumerian civilization. After his death the excavations continued and while they lasted thousands of clay tablets inscribed in cuneiform script were found. The translation of these documents revealed stories very similar to those we find in the Bible, from the creation of man to the Flood, but much richer in details.

Most of the flashbacks and travels in time which occur in this work correspond to the writings left by the first literate human beings on earth, who cohabited on a daily basis with beings known today as gods. As well as the sumerian tablets i have also made use as references of stories contained in the Bible and in the books considered apocryphal by the Catholic Church. some chapters or passages which have to do with more recent events are based on actual occurrences, and some of the characters are real. I have changed the names of others, however, to protect their identities.



religious FANAtics, theologiANs ANd pseudo-theologiANs pleAse Note:

i ask you to read my work before expressing any criticism or opinion of it or of my person. Criticism is most welcome as long as it is well-founded, for otherwise it is not criticism but simply a personal opinion based on someone else’s thoughts; in fact, not opinion at all but just the expression of a collective “truth”, probably derived from some religious leader who also received it at second hand. i ask the theologians and pseudo-theologians not to come to me insisting that the Bible is God’s truth; remember, first of all, that the Bible is just another historical document, which has been subject to major modification during its dozens of translations. remember too that there are other documents that bear careful study, quite apart from the best known, most widely circulated all-time bestseller. i do not claim that this work has a monopoly of the truth; i present it as a way of sharing a little of the knowledge i have acquired during more than ten years of study and research. Nor do i pretend that every word i have written is necessarily true; for after all this is a work of fiction, 11

and it will be up to the reader to study it carefully and reach his own conclusions.

But don’t just criticize a writer who is trying to do the right thing by demonstrating the truth, based on the research he has done and on an analysis of the facts of mankindś history. instead do the world a favor, not just by stopping the proliferation of meaningless and unfounded opinions, but also by reading this book carefully: it will help you not to swallow whole all the things you thought you knew and all the things you’ve been told before, which don’t even come close to the truth.

My message to accompany this first part of my trilogy about the story of mankind is the following: Think outside the box. Question the world.