Internet Marketing Strategies by Nicholas Ritchey - HTML preview

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My History With Internet Marketing

(for friends, family & other interested parties)

In 2008 I moved to London with my wife. The idea was, she would do her masters degree while I supported us financially. I was excited for the job which sounded so good at first, but quickly became my daily nightmare.

The work was far different than I had anticipated, and I wanted to consider other options. However, I did not have any money saved up, and could not easily find another job nor could I afford any time without my current income. We lived from paycheck to paycheck and made the most of life.

In retrospect, the job itself wasn't really as bad as it felt; I learned a lot and grew as a person. But at that time, I HATED my employer. More accurately, I hated myself for being trapped in a job that I did not want to do. I hated not having options, not being free.

One day, I resolved to do something, anything to take my focus away from the day to day drudgery, and to give me hope for the future. I resolved to find ways of working and saving so that I would never be in this same position again, and among my deliberations, I realized the true potential of the Internet.

I knew what I wanted; the ability to travel anytime without being tied to any one location; the ability to work from home and not take orders from anyone; to pursue the things that I find interesting, and to add value to the lives of friends, family and strangers alike.