How to Turn Challenging Situations Around by Gary and Lynne Bartlett - HTML preview

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The purpose of this FreeBook

This FreeBook is a first step to thinking about things - and approaching them - in different way.
It may be for you - it may not be.
The best way to find out is to read it and have a go at applying it to your situation. If the concept doesn't grab you - and you don't see, hear or think something unexpectedly profound within the next week or so - then it's probably not for you. If, however, a light goes on in your head - or something you see, hear or stumble across in the next few days zaps you - then it probably is for you!
If it is for you, we'll help you take the next step of improving your effectiveness dramatically - and gaining a whole new perspective on things as you do so.

How to make the most of this FreeBook
You will get the most from this FreeBook by:

1. Reading over the Concept a few times in the next few days. It's not very long
- or hard to follow.
You'll find that your mind will automatically begin to tie the various strands together in a way that makes sense to you.
2. Learning the Process by applying it to the challenging situation you face. It won't be easy at the beginning - it's like learning to ride a bicycle. Incredibly hard at first and incredibly easy before long.
3. Making a conscious decision to take a next step.
Whatever you do, don't fall into the trap everyone else falls into, of thinking that you can get most of the benefit from a single reading, unapplied.

Conceptual overview

Nearly any challenging situation can be turned around!
The secret is to treat it systemically.
By "systemically", we mean as a dynamic system in which the elements interact with one another rather than as a static object that has independent components. Our society is good at dealing with objects, but not that crash-hot at dealing with systems. But we've found a way!
We've found a way of thinking about and approaching things systemically. It's simple, quick and effective, but (obviously!) quite different from the conventional approach, so you'll need a bit of practice before it becomes second nature to you.
The effort is worth it, however, because it will work - without fail, every single time - in any challenging situation!

Mind control

If you want to learn to think in a new way, you're going to have to fight your natural instinct to stick to the old way.
Your brain cannot do anything but choose the "best way" on the day - the way it knows best - the old way.
In time - and with practice - the new way will become the "best way." Until then, you'll have to fight the temptation to quit, postpone or take a rest.
With something like this, there is no such thing as resting. If you're not practising one thing, you're practising another - and practice makes perfect! What sort of thinking do you want to perfect?
Well then - you've got to take charge and make your mind knuckle down to it! You won't feel like it - you'll come up with all sorts of excuses. Remember: mind control!