Extravagant Love by Mike Connell - HTML preview

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Loving Yourself (5 of 6)

Sun 23 Aug 2009 « Back to Top

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Loving yourself is not the same as being self-centred, it's not about being selfish. It has to do with placing the appropriate value upon your life that God has placed. It's coming into agreement with Him, so our relationships with othe rs are not affected by the way we see ourself. You are valuable, you are a special person, you are important to Him.

I want you to open your Bible with me in Matthew, Chapter 22. I want you to look in Ve rse 36, and we're sharing about the Extravagant Love, and I sha red about loving God passionately, then last week I shared just on loving yourself, which is a bit of a difficult thing for ma ny people to do. We just want to carry that on, and just go a little furthe r with that today. Loving yourself is not the same as being self-centred, wrapped up in yourself, it's all about me! I t's not that. Loving yourself is not about being selfish, me first. It's nothing to do with any of that. Loving yourself has to do with placing the appropriate value upon your life that God has placed. It's coming into agreeme nt with Hi m, and what I've observed with people is that if people don't value themselves, and don't actually love and respect and treat the mselves as Jesus treats us, then what happens is relationships are affected by that, and the way we see ourself, it defiles or comes into othe r relationships, so people with a lot of rejection either are dysfunctional in thei r relating, or they use relationships to get a need met.

God wants us to grow whole on the inside. One of the ways you grow whole, you have a great self-e