Eliza's Prayer Book by Eliza Wilson - HTML preview

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Prayer for God’s Presence in Our Lives

Lord God of love, our comforter and our friend, our lightin the dark, let our hearts find a refuge in you from all the worries and the troubles of the day. Let us bring our burdens to the cross and refresh us over and over again with the living water of your presence in our lives.

Be with us in our everyday struggles. Help us distinguish between right and wrong and choose the things that can make us grow. Help us make a difference in the lives of those around us and in our own lives. Rather than ask for miracles all the time, help us be a miracle.

You created us in your image, help us live a life that ispleasing to you. Help us prove ourselves worthy of the gift of life you have given us and of all the love you have invested in us. Show us the hidden beauty of everymoment, so that we can give you thanks for everything.

Let us see the rainbow glistening behind every tear. Teach us that the great crisis can be overcome. That there are answers to the big questions of humanity. That we are not just a species of evolved animals with no soul and nodirection, aborted in the middle of the jungle. We are your children. We are precious in your eyes. Watch over our bodies and our souls, so that none of us are lost.

We lose so much in this life. Our friends and loved ones. Our health and youth. Our earthly possessions. Our memories. Let us not lose the most important thing we have, the one that can make up for all the other things we lose, because it’s stronger in the balance than all the restput together - our faith in you.
