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soy, pres. of ser.

su, his, her, its, your, their.

suave, mild, gentle.

suavemente, gently, mildly.

suavidad, f. , suavity, gentleness.

subida, f. , rise, advance in price.

subir, to ascend, go upstairs, mount, rise.

súbitamente, suddenly.

súbit-o, -a, sudden.

sublime, sublime.

substancia, f. , substance.

subsuelo, m. , subsoil.

suceder, to succeed, happen.

suci-o, -a, dirty.

suele, pres. of soler.

suelo, m. , ground, floor.

suelta, pres. of soltar.

suelto, pres. of soltar.

suena, pres. of sonar.

sueño, pres. of soñar.

sueño, m. , dream, sleep.

suerte, f. , chance, fate, good luck.

suficiente, sufficient, ample.

sufrimiento, m. , sufferance.

sugestión, f. , suggestion.

sugestionar, to suggest (as to a hypnotic subject).

sujetar, to grasp.

sujet-o, -a, subject, liable.

sujeto, m. , subject.

sumergir, submerge, plunge.

sumisión, f. , submission.

sum-o, -a, highest, greatest.

supe, pret. of saber.

superior, superior, upper.

superiora, f. , superior.

supiera imp. subj. of saber.

suplicante, m. , supplicant.

suplicar, to supplicate, beg.

suplicio, m. , torment, punishment.

suponer, to suppose, surmise.

suponer, m. , supposition.

supongamos, pres. subj. of suponer.

supongo, pres. of suponer.

suprem-o, -a, supreme.

supuesto, past part. of suponer.

surgir, to emerge, arise.

suspender, to suspend, hold up.

suspens-o, -a, irresolute, undecided.

suspirar, to sigh.

suspiro, m. , sigh.

sustentar, to sustain, support.

susto, m. , fright.

sutileza, f. , subtlety.

suy-o, -a, his, hers, its, theirs, yours.


tabla, f. , table.

tacto, m. , touch.

tal, so, such; ¿qué —? how am I? sí —, of course; — vez, perhaps.

talento, m. , talent.

talón, m. , stub (of a check), receipt.

talle, m. , waist.

taller, m. , workshop, studio, laboratory.

tamaño, m. , size.

también, also.

tampoco, either, neither; ni ... —, nor ..., either.

tan, so, as; — como, just as; — ... como, as ... as.

tantear, to measure, consider, examine.

tant-o, -a, so much; pl. , so many; otro —, so many; un —, somewhat.

tanto, adv. , so much, so well; entre —, in the meanwhile.

tapar, to cover, stop up.

tararear, to hum.

tardar, to delay, tarry, be slow, be late.

tarde, f. , afternoon, evening.

tarde, adv. , late.

tarea, f. , task.

taumaturgo, m. , miracle worker.

taza, f. , cup.

te, thee, you.

teatro, m. , theater.

tecla, f. , key (piano); salir con la —, to go over the old story.

telefónic-o, -a, telephonic.

telón, m. , curtain.

temblar, to tremble.

temer, to fear.

temor, m. , fear, dread.

tempestad, f. , tempest.

temple, m. , temperament, temper.

temporal, temporal.

tempran-o, -a, early.

ten, imperat. of tener.

tenacidad, f. , tenacity.

tenaz, tenacious, stubborn, firm.

tendrá, fut. of tener.

tendrás, fut. of tener.

tendré, fut. of tener.

tendremos, fut. of tener.

tendría, cond. of tener.

tener, to have, hold, possess, enjoy, keep, take; — razón, to be right; — presente, to remember; — que, to have to, must;

hambre, to behungry; — sed, to be thirsty.

tenga, pres. subj. of tener.

tenga, imperat. of tener.

tengamos, pres. subj. of tener.

tengan, pres. subj. of tener.

tengo, pres. of tener.

Tenorio, prop. noun.

tentación, f. , temptation, desire.

tentar, to try, attempt.

tercer-o, -a, third.

tercio, m. , third.

terminar, to terminate, finish, complete.

término, m. , term, end, limit; primer —, foreground; segundo —,middle distance; último —, background.

ternura, f. , tenderness, compassion.

terraza, f. , terrace.

terren-o, -a, earthly.

terreno, m. , field, ground.

terrestre, terrestrial.

terrible, terrible, fearful.

terror, m. , terror, dread.

tertulia, f. , circle.

testamentario, m. , executor.

testamento, m. , will.

testarud-o, -a, stubborn, obstinate.

ti, thee, you.

tía, f. , aunt.

tibor, m. , jar, vase.

tiemblas, pres. of temblar.

tiembles, pres. subj. of temblar.

tiempo, m. , time; con —, adv. , calmly, quietly, carefully.

tiene, pres. of tener.

tienen, pres. of tener.

tienes, pres. of tener.

tiern-o, -a, young, tender.

tierra, f. , ground, earth.

tila, f. , lime tea.

timidez, f. , timidity.

tímid-o, -a, timid.

timorat-o, -a, God-fearing.

tino, m. , judgment, prudence, skill, intelligence.

tío, m. , uncle; pl. , uncle and aunt.

tipo, m. , standard, rate, price; — de emisión, par value.

tirana, f. , tyrant.

tiranía, f. , tyranny.

tirar, to pull, persuade, attract.

toca, f. , hood.

tocar, to play, touch, meet, fall to one's lot, ring a bell; — a sufin, to be nearly ended.

todavía, yet, still, nevertheless.

tod-o, -a, all, every, whole; todos los días, every day.

todo, m. , everything; con —, nevertheless.

toma, f. , dose.

tomar, to take.

tonillo, m. , monotonous tone.

tono, m. , tone; darse —, to praise one's self.

tontear, to talk nonsense.

tontería, f. , nonsense.

tont-o, -a, foolish, silly.

tonto, m. , fool, blockhead.

tontuela, f. , silly girl.

tontuel-o, -a, foolish, silly.

toque, pres. subj. of tocar.

torcer, to change.

torcid-o, -a, twisted, wrong.

tormento, m. , torment, trouble, anguish.

tornar, to return, repeat.

toro, m. , bull.

torpe, stupid, dull.

totalmente, entirely, totally.

trabajador, -a, industrious.

trabajar, to work.

trabajito, m. , work, little work.

trabajo, m. , work, labor.

traer, to bring, take, drag, drag around, drive.

traíd-o, -a, past part. of traer.

traidor, m. , traitor.

traiga, imperat. of traer.

traiga, pres. subj. of traer.

traigan, pres. subj. of traer.

traigas, pres. subj. of traer.

traigo, pres. of traer.

traje, m. , dress, costume.

trajeran, imp. subj. of traer.

tramar, to weave, plot.

tranquilamente, quietly, calmly.

tranquilidad, f. , tranquillity, peace.

tranquilizar, to tranquillize.

tranquil-o, -a, tranquil, calm, undisturbed.

transformar, to transform, change.

transición, f. , change, transition.

transigir, to compromise.

transitori-o, -a, transitory, temporary, momentary.

tras, prep. , after, behind.

traslucir, to shine through.

traspasar, to transport, transfix.

trastornar, to upset, overthrow, disturb.

trastorno, m. , disorder, derangement.

tratar, to associate with, know, seek, endeavor, treat, deal;

se de,to concern.

trato, m. , way, manner.

travesura, f. , trick, knavery.

travesurilla, f. , little trick, childishness.

travies-o, -a, restless, uneasy.

traza, f. , project, manner, appearance.

trazo, m. , stroke.

treinta, thirty.

trémul-o, -a, trembling.

tres, three.

trescient-os, -as, three hundred.

tributar, to pay homage, express admiration.

triplicar, to triple, treble.

triste, sad, sorrowful.

tristeza, f. , sadness.

triunfante, triumphant.

trocar, to exchange.

trompa, f. , trumpet.

tronco, m. , trunk, stump, log.

tropezar, to stumble, touch.

tropieza, pres. of tropezar.

tropiezan, pres. of tropezar.

, thou, you.

tu, thy, your.

tubo, m. , tube; — de ensayo, test tube.

turbación, f. , trouble, confusion.

turbad-o, -a, troubled, confused.

tutear, to use the second person singular; (hence a sign of intimatefriendship).

tutela, f. , tutelage, guardianship.

tuviera, imp. subj. of tener.

tuvimos, pret. of tener.

tuy-o, -a, thy, thine, your, yours.


últim-o, -a, last.

un, una, a, an; pl. , some.

unión, f. , union, mixture.

unir, to unite, join, attach, blend.

universo, m. , universe, world.

un-o, -a, one.

uno, una, pron. , one, pl. , some.

uñita, f. , little nail.

Urbano, prop. noun.

urgente, urgent.

urgentísim-o, -a, very urgent.

Ursulinas, Ursulines.

uso, m. , use.

usted, you.

usual, usual, ordinary.

útil, useful.


va, pres. of ir.

vacilación, f. , hesitation.

vacilar, to vacillate, hesitate.

vací-o, -a, empty, void.

vagamente, vaguely.

vag-o, -a, vague, indistinct.

vais, pres. of ir.

vajilla, f. , dinner service.

Valencia, prop. noun.

valencian-o, -a, native of Valencia.

valer, to be worth, protect; — más, to be better.

valga, pres. subj. of valer.

valiente, valiant, brave.

valios-o, -a, precious, valuable.

valor, m. , value, price, valor, courage; —es, pl. , bond, stock.

vamos, interj. , come.

vamos, pres. of ir.

van, pres. of ir.

vanidad, f. , vanity.

vara, f. , rod, stick.

variable, variable, changeable.

variar, to vary, change.

vari-o, -a, various, pl. , several.

vas, pres. of ir.

vascongad-o, -a, a native of the Basque Provinces.

vaso, m. , glass, goblet.

vaya, imperat. of ir.

vaya, pres. subj. of ir.

¡vaya! of course! well! indeed!

vayamos, pres. subj. of ir.

vayan, pres. subj. of ir.

vayan, imperat. of ir.

vayas, pres. subj. of ir.

ve(te), imperat. of ir.

ve, pres. of ver.

vea, pres. subj. of ver.

vea(la), imperat. of ver.

veamos, pres. subj. of ver.

vean, imperat. of ver.

vean, pres. subj. of ver.

veces, see vez.

vecindad, f. , vicinity, proximity, neighborhood.

vecino, m. , neighbor.

ved, imperat. of ver.

vedar, to prohibit, forbid.

vehemencia, f. , energy, vehemence.

veinte, twenty.

veinticinco, twenty-five.

veintidós, twenty-two.

vejez, f. , old age.

veloz, swift, rapid.

ven(te), imperat. of venir.

ven, pres. of ver.

vencedor, -a, victorious.

vencer, to overcome, conquer.

vendrá, fut. of venir.

vendrán, fut. of venir.

vendré, fut. of venir.

vendría, cond. of venir.

veneno, m. , venom, poison.

venenos-o, -a, venomous, poisonous.

venerable, venerable, wise, adored.

venga, imperat. of venir.

venga, etc., pres. subj. of venir.

vengo, pres. of venir.

venir, to come.

ventaja, f. , advantage, start.

ventana, f. , window.

ventanal, m. , window.

ventolera, f. , caprice.

venturos-o, -a, lucky, fortunate.

veo, pres. of ver.

ver, to see; a —, let us see.

ver, m. , sight, appearance.

vera, f. ,