Comphensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils by Dr. James Meschino - HTML preview

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7. Blood Pressure

There is some evidence to suggest that Psyllium supplementation can help reduce high blood pressure by

enhancing the fecal excretion of sodium absorbed in the intestinal tract. Although this evidence comes mostly from

animal studies, a trial involving sixty-eight hypercholesterolemic patients demonstrated a small reduction in blood

pressure in patients receiving 8 gm of Psyllium supplementation each day for four weeks. Their cholesterol levels

were also reduced, providing a desirable synergistic effect in reducing cardiovascular disease risk. 4,22

Dosage and Standardized Grade

1. Constipation (from non organic disease), Diarrhea, IBS and Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes and Insulin-

Dependent Diabetes: 5 gm (one teaspoon), three times per day, or 10 to 30 gm of whole seeds per day, taken in

three evenly divided doses. This should be stirred into a large glass of water or fruit juice and ingested as a

beverage (before it thickens in the glass). 1,5,6,20

2. Cholesterol-lowering: 5 gm (one teaspoon), two or three times per day. Follow instructions above. 1,2,11,25,26,27

3. Ulcerative Colitis: 5 gm (one teaspoon), twice per day; or 10 gm whole seed, twice per day. Follow instructions

above. 19

Adverse Side Effects, Toxicity and Contraindications

Psyllium supplementation has been shown to be safe when taken at recommended doses. 1 Some patients with

IBS may see a worsening of their condition upon supplementation with Psyllium as has been reported in some

cases. 1,21 Patients with bowel obstruction and diabetics with extreme blood sugar sensitivities should not use

Psyllium. 21 Allergic skin reactions from Psyllium are primarily limited to people working in factories

manufacturing Psyllium products. 1

Drug-Nutrient Interactions

Psyllium supplementation may potentiate the action of the following medications and thereby lower the required

dosages of these medications:

1. Hypoglycemic Medications (e.g., glyburide, glipizide, metformin, rosiglitazone, glimepiride, tolbutamide, acarbose,

chlorpropamide etc.) 18