Codex Veritas Neo: The New Vision For a New Reality by Neo - HTML preview

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Chapter One The Man Behind the Words: Neo, In the Words of Believers

Why should you listen to the words contained in this Book? No one can tell you what to choose; that, after all, is the entire point of the mission we're speaking of. But these sincere testimonials come from real people, people who have been there, people who

believe ... people who cameto that belief through their own experiences, through things they saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears. And you can feel their heart shine through in their words. Listen; hear. And let the choice be yours.


Neo, Between Worlds:

00003.jpgMy own small vision, inspired by one of Neo's sermons.


00004.jpgby Kee (Maryland, USA )




Man of Truth

Precious is the man who knows the truth And holds the fire to change the earth Who suffers the burns and the burdens of man And vows to fight for as long as he can. He holds his ground though it shifts like sand And speaks what he knows though few understand And he suffers the hate and the scorning jeer Of the masses who simply refuse to hear. Shielded only by his few close friends And spurred by his mission which never ends He rarely bows and he never breaks He will weather the storm whatever it takes. And he'll speak his message 'til understanding awakes In the minds of men who are accustomed to sleep Accustomed to being led and fleeced like sheep. They will open their eyes and finally see The truth that will save them and set them free. He will break through their fear and doubt and hate For such is his mission, wyrd and fate. And he will stand before them; hope unfurled The man with the truth that will free the world.

00005.jpgMordax (Rochester, NY, USA)

