Aphorisms and Letters The Grand Experiment—What Went Wrong? A Layman’s Interpretation by Alipio Baldi - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Road to Damascus1995 - 2001

Ayn Rand‘s Philosophy of Objectivism constitutes a cynical rejection of Altruism. Its (hardened) principles are based on the assumption that ―existence exists‖, operating independently of ―consciousness‖ and that the decisions that an individual often makes are based on Reason, (alone); that is to say, Reason is our (only) ―proper guide to action‖. In this manner, the love an individual expresses for another individual is conditioned by self-interest and that the underlying motives behind every kindly and selfless act conceals an (inner) need or emotional requirement that an individual seeks to fulfill. Following this line of reasoning, a practicing Christian, for example, may perform charitable works for the sake of his or her (own) Salvation (counting in his or her favor) or a mother may selflessly place her (own) life in danger in order to save the life of her child whose absence would (otherwise) render that mother‘s life meaningless and without purpose. In the case of the Christian, (the) fear of eternal damnation is the underlying factor that informs his or her decision; the mother, an intolerable existence without her child. Another example is a philanthropist, or ―good deed doer‖, who seeks admiration from his or her fellows; who therefore engages in charitable activities in order to enhance his or her reputation or popular credentials as a reliable advocate of worthy causes. The list is endless. In other words, no loving or kindly deed is performed for the sake of the ―beloved‖. Rand‘s theory seems plausible enough on the surface. Most of us are conditioned, on some level, by the need to love and to return love in (proper measure). In this manner, every selfless act may be perceived as the outcome of conditioned designs motivated by a (reciprocal) rewards system that returns love for love. Rand‘s cold-blooded philosophy, however, fails to factor the spiritual dimensions that (also) inform our actions…perhaps more so… extending beyond the internal limits of our

―calculated‖ thoughts and emotions. Her theory is intellectually and morally shallow (because it doesn‘t probe deeper into the essential nature of ‖being‖), cynical (because of its disclaimer of kindly actions for their own sake), and mean (because of its negative constructions). It does not permit unselfish feelings or affections because such ―designs‖ are perceived as being deeply rooted (or motivated) in the individual (alone). Generosity and Kindness and Compassion for their own sake or for the sake of others we love or care for, have no place in the movement‘s sterilized environment. It is a philosophy of form without feeling or (spiritual) substance; a philosophy that considers ―things‖ as they ―are‖ in a manner that rejects the notion of God in whose image Humankind was created; endowed with the capacity to freely love one another as God loves His (own) Creation; unconditionally. The self-centeredness embodied in Rand‘s thinking is a prime example of Individualism carried to an extreme.

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Government‘s diminishing odor represents the triumph of Structure and Style over Substance.

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Credibility (reflects) Prior Conduct.

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A number of practicing Christians have misinterpreted Christ‘s meaning (―Ask, and Ye Shall Receive‖). His promise was to provide for the Faithful according to their (spiritual) needs rather than their (material) assumptions or desires; that such provisions underscored Questions of Faith. (―If he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?‖) His (eternal) promises were not intended for this world but markers pledged for the next. (―My Father‘s House has many mansions‖)

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Anger, Resentment and Shame are passionate expressions internalized by individuals who habitually rely upon, for a variety of reasons, private or public support without which many would be unable to (properly) get on with their lives. This is especially true in cases where people who require some form of support, whether it is financial, emotional or intellectual, are unable to return such

―favors‖ (or reciprocate in kind). The ―weaker‖, on some (uncertain) level, will often resent the kindly efforts of other individuals perceived to be ―stronger‖, however well intentioned. The unsettling (perception) of being beholden to other people oftentimes engenders troubling notions of an individual‘s private failings that seeks its own outlet by projecting that individual‘s sense of frustration (and shame) on his or her ―benefactor‖ whether it be a family member, a close friend or someone more abstract like (the) taxpayer. As such sentiments relate to the latter, the perception that financial support hasn‘t been freely offered but ‖coerced‖, rather, enhances some of the passions indicated above. This is because nobody wants to feel obligated to someone else although some measure of financial assistance is called upon when needed.

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One of the advantages of abbreviated life expectancies is our being able to pass the buck to Posterity for all our thoughtless indiscretions!

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Religious attitudes are private matters that need to be (popularly) reinforced lest a society‘s gradual indifference to ideas and their 38

subsequent forms vanquish religious belief altogether thereby creating a spiritual vacuum that Secularists would be all too eager to fill.

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Per Capita Income, however much it has increased among (native) segments of our population, has been barely able to keep pace with the rapid rise in immigration whose recent emigrants are living on the (economic) fringe in unprecedented numbers. Higher fertility rates, common among the poor, exacerbated by lax immigration policies, have strained our nation‘s productive and material resources beyond their capacity to accommodate even the (basic) material requirements of its working classes. Improperly conceived immigration policies are compromising the quality of life in areas where poverty, congestion, disease, drugs, crime, substandard housing and decaying infrastructures are demoralizing (complex) social and cultural arrangements (and civility) as an alarming number of our citizens are feeling alienated from mainstream conventions that no longer seem to provide any meaning. It‘s a power keg waiting to explode! Our nation needs to recover its sense of balance while being aware that each additional unit to our society should be prepared to return what it receives in measure. Such thinking is implausible; perhaps, given the rise in social costs exceeding in proportion the exploited wages many of these families oftentimes receive. Equally important, is that our society‘s customs and traditions be preserved. This is supplementary to our present argument, however.

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What is generally referred to as National Sentiment is a composite of all the essential features (or values) embodied in a society‘s political and social institutions reflecting the consonant viewpoints embraced by every member of that society as well as its single-minded regard for its traditional customs and practices. Such lofty ideals, however, are theoretical, of course!

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The cornerstone of the American Constitution, upon which its principled assumptions rely, is its judicial system. The rule of law, while providing legitimacy to the executive and legislative designs of government, is (potentially) non-binding unless it continues to inspire the popular belief of its stated mission; to correctly interpret the laws of our land, that it remains politically impartial and impervious to fortune and special interest groups without compromising its sacred trust to the American People lest it strains its credibility beyond repair.

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The Clinton Administration‘s inept handling of the Bosnian crisis can be best described by its unwillingness to lift the Bosnian arms embargo (lest it encourage further hostilities) thereby preventing that nation from defending itself while its citizens are being ethnically cleansed.

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…assigning (middle-class values)…egalitarian elitists…vitiating…venting…irrelevant and dated…assumptions precluding free choice for their own sake, irrespective of underlying motive(s)…focusing, instead, on problematical assumptions…. undermining comparative privileges… renouncing time honored values …. neither (similarly) oriented or inclined…fortunes acting upon (fundamental) privileges… unique… triumphant… a variety of forms transcending cultural boundaries…however typifying attitudes common to most…experience, confirming private decisions…… not arbitrarily prescribed …otherwise they are no longer choices…that others who would diminish their value(s)… not to enhance however… discredit its reputation…whose parity lies beyond distinction…wherein lies the status quo…

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A (thoughtful) society mourns its Dead and honors the Living.

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…Social Scientists preconditioned by fixed ideas and flawed assumptions raise conflicting propositions…human experience…one size fits all…

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‖Progressive‖ parents are oftentimes likely to appeal to ―reason‖ rather than exercising proper parental authority whenever a child misbehaves. However well intentioned, this misguided approach to child rearing is characteristic of modern attitudes where level playing fields often encounter parents behaving (or reacting) like friends rather than parents. A child requires appropriate developmental guidelines that reinforces an underlying awareness of what is right and wrong, what is acceptable behavior and what is not; that he or she will one day be accountable not only for themselves but to other people as well. In order words, children have to be socialized. Balance is required, however. A child should be properly commended as well as disciplined whenever either situation calls for it. This system of rewards and punishment should not be arbitrary but applied in a consistent manner, rather, on the basis of acceptable standards of behavior. Some parents, I feel, place too much emphasis on wanting to be ‖liked‖ rather than running the risk of alienating their children‘s affections. In any well-adjusted environment, however, liking and loving will generally take care of themselves. Placing parent and child on an equal footing will inevitably work against the parent who must otherwise come down to the level of a child; who, unseasoned, is often unable to render sound judgments or make the right decisions at the right time. (This isn‘t T.V. Land) Excessively indulging a child‘s every fancy and whim must further weaken a parent‘s standing as a teacher and proper role model. A child may arguably reason within the limits of his or her experience or competence. To presuppose, however, that parents 39

and children should operate on the same developmental plane undermines the notion of comparative stages of emotional and intellectual development. All this notwithstanding that love/liking and respect necessarily walk hand in hand.

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Nature does not distribute its bounty equally. We are all distinguished and/or limited by (the) essential designs conferred upon us by

―Chance‖ or according to God‘s Will; (whichever you prefer). To assist Humankind in managing its inherent shortcomings, however, Nature or (God), (whichever you prefer), has endowed each of us, to a greater or lesser extent, with the capacity to think critically, to form opinions and render sound judgments, especially in matters relating to right and wrong. The decisions that we make are oftentimes informed by our conscience or custom; (whichever you prefer), that seldom fails an inquiring mind. At whatever (intellectual) level we are operating at, most of us have the ability to think and to reason clearly and to give proper pause to the consequences of our decisions; unless such processes have been either undermined by mental illness or moral corruption; that is to say, a nature that has either been or corrupted itself. In other words, every one of us possesses an innate capacity to make the right decisions.

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The purpose behind jails is to 1) incarcerate criminal offenders and 2) (hopefully) rehabilitate them. The former should be quick and certain while the latter, I suppose, is problematical. Although society‘s ultimate goal should be, wherever possible, the rehabilitation of its hardened citizens; and allowing that a rehabilitated, productive citizen must necessarily accrue to the mutual advantage of that society and that polite and polished manners otherwise enhance the quality of life or, if not for humane reasons only, its immediate objective should be maintaining the safety and security of its law-abiding citizens by keeping them out of harm‘s way. Such should remain its preemptive course.

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Addendum to the above: Victims of violent crimes, however, are oftentimes reduced to afterthoughts; their demands for justice subordinated to the custodial designs of remedial entrepreneurs.

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Knowledge, it seems, is no longer valued for its own sake. A book must serve some ―useful‖ purpose or otherwise it is no longer considered worthwhile reading. Learning has become specialized (or functional) and ―mercenary‖, that is to say, subject to its own pecuniary measures while scholastic discipline and achievement have devolved into erudite dinosaurs, assigned to the historical dustbin, if you will, with some notable exceptions; inquiring minds who value knowledge for its own sake because of its redeeming qualities.

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Natural Law, as prescribed by our Creator, affirms the Equality of Humankind within the Eternal Order of Things. Natural Law, while consonant with this essential quality or Equality of ―Being‖, does not recognize equal capacities or talents. ―To whom much is given, much is expected‖, however circumstantial. It (naturally) follows that the less gifted should (otherwise) entrust their confidence to individuals who are better informed or suited to sustain or encourage them and that the beneficiaries of such gifts should never breach their sacred trust as it relates to their fellows, whatever their (social) position or rank, as emissaries of God‘s Kingdom and therefore equal in His Eyes, whatever their (inherent) differences.

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Addendum to the above: We all possess special or unique talents, to a greater or lesser degree, that, as Christians, we are duty bound to share with others by setting ourselves up as proper role models.

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Society‘s are formed by majority consent joined together by common laws established by popular customs to ensure the safety of person and property without special consideration to an individual‘s social or economic standing and that inalienable (human) rights be protected with especial provisions provided for the sick, elderly or disabled who, for a variety of reasons, are oftentimes unable to fend the arbitrary designs of the strong who would likely seek to enhance their reputations or good fortunes at the expense of that society‘s (weaker) elements who must otherwise seek the protection of the law in order to ensure that they (too) are being treated justly.

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Uncertainty is the mother of Anxiety.

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Polite conversations, in whatever manner subject to opposing viewpoints, should never soften its principle assumptions that otherwise provide sustenance and meaning to one‘s convictions; that is to say, that lays the moral and intellectual foundation(s) that (otherwise) strengthen an opinion.

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Man is equal before the eyes of God although not equally honored among his fellows. Such (formalized) distinctions must be either earned through one‘s own (determined) efforts or allotted by Flattery.

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Where Reason fails to solve the question, the question must be commended to Experience.

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Reason defines and limits our Passionate tendencies.

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Institutional reforms designed to supercede traditional conventions...social agendas…open (yet) hidden…inviting free and open discussion…encouraging opposing points of view…(yet) whose cunning deceptions…mask a cleverly crafted bias not uncommon among those seeking to upset the traditional order of things…diverting the attention of the gullible and unwary, the young and the restless whose (own) expressions…unformed and uncertain…seeking novelty in novel ideas and fashionable trends…(yet)…without definite purpose or … meaning….superseding established customs that have grown tiresome and weary…especially among the young…confusing conventional propositions with modernistic assumptions…tireless interpretations…lost in the affected dynamics and idiosyncrasies of a new social order…where traditional premises are deemed inconsonant with the prescriptions of modern conventional wisdoms leaving experience and history in its wake…while achieving apparent legitimacy…have become common and vulgar and unremarkable in their own manner…setting aside traditional references…occasioning (yet) another ideological crack in the proverbial dam.

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Life is too short in proportion to one‘s reluctance to part with it.

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Board games, like Monopoly, for example, provide a fairly accurate barometer of a person‘s willingness to assume (calculated) risks in his or her (own) everyday life. They also reflect, I believe, a person‘s judgment, intelligence and common sense. There is an element of luck involved but the same is equally true of life. Games of this sort are also indicative of an individual‘s personality i.e.


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Although international treaties and alliances are of vital importance to the security of any nation, they must neither compromise a nation‘s sovereignty nor permit conflicting (national) interests to undermine that nation‘s purposeful designs unless intended to promote harm to other (peaceful) nations. A nation‘s autonomy, whatever its global standing, should be respected within reasonable limits or otherwise it will ultimately devolve into a ―kept‖ nation, autonomous in name only. Nevertheless, common interests should be brought together whenever possible, for such endeavors provide the necessary ingredients for peaceful coexistence.

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Fatalistic viewpoints deplete the Will of the essential spiritual ingredients needed to live a rewarding and meaningful life, of the courage needed in making correct decisions and in helping an individual overcome his or her perceived failings. Courage promotes Hope that sustains our everyday lives. It is our underlying Faith in God and in ourselves that makes the seemingly impossible, possible.

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A political leader, in order to properly fulfill the Oath of Office, must balance popular opinion with an ―effective‖ conscience.

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In times of national crisis, political leadership must oftentimes exercise informed judgment over the unconsidered demands of the people.

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Laws that are improperly enforced are vapid and unmanly and should be unceremoniously repealed! .

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One of the more common deceptions is apportioning influence, token trinkets tendered by political demagogues to appease unruly factions, a not so unique twentieth century ―phenomenon‖.

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Cultural Pluralism is a necessary ingredient for any thriving society that would otherwise grow intellectually and morally flaccid and stale. A variety of traditions oftentimes inject novel ideas essential to its moral and spiritual vitality by allowing that society to draw upon the ingenuity and wellspring of its talented citizens. Multiculturalism, in the manner it has evolved in recent years, however, has encouraged indigenous habits common among certain groups which seem to be pulling the nation in opposite directions. Instead of 41

offering something of value, the overriding tendency is to take. This opinion is not intended to refute in any manner the remarkable contributions to our society by the many individuals who continue to emigrate to our shores every year. There is some concern, however, over the growing number of individuals whose ethno-centrism has seemingly displaced the traditional patterns that made America a truly diverse nation. We, as a people, have, on a very disturbing level, grown increasingly less ―diverse‖ in spite of our presumed diversity. More so, are we gradually disclaiming private initiative and achievement and, subsequently, variety for

―diversity‘s‖ sake.

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Liberty suggests the freedom to think and behave in a manner consistent with and tempered by customary restraints or limits that inevitably weigh the consequences of causal effects.

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Equality implies a condition of ‖Being‖ rather than an individual‘s social or material standing although it permits every individual the essential right to pursue potential opportunities that will (hopefully) improve that individual‘s station in life in whatever manner influenced by environmental factors or inherent designs.

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Equality, as understood in worldly terms, is a product of opportunity and intended designs.

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The ―American Dream‖, whose foundations lay on sound education, hard work ethic and diligence, self-reliance and thrift…a traditional workforce resilient and proud, confident and (once) secure…now foreboding grave misgivings about Corporate America‘s enduring commitment to its employees…. competitive market environments, streamlining and downsizing...re-locations, reengineering and re-structuring, mergers and acquisitions…flowcharts and layoffs, globalism, cheaper labor and diminishing prospects…have engendered uncertain working environments in recent years while lowering expectations…habits are hard to break…no longer able to support accustomed standards of living…

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Reality is a remarkable expression of unanimous perceptions however unlikely.

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Fidel Castro is coming to town! This poorly stylized villain, who for years has fed off the (romanticized) illusions conjured up by left-leaning individuals, will undoubtedly receive a warm reception in some quarters by disaffected groups whose alienated affections for this great nation have grown naturally disposed toward honoring every ideological enemy of America as some visionary liberator in their incorrectly perceived fight for ―freedom.‖ (He who is an enemy of America is a friend of ours.)

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What‘s become of letter writing? Individuals are more likely nowadays to correspond through the internet rather than paper and pen.

Such is the inevitable outcome, I suppose, of the faster paced environment in which we live. Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written. It‘s hard to explain, really. There was once (and still is) something special about receiving a letter from someone, especially from someone dear to us. Perhaps what makes letter writing so special is the perception of time and effort spent in writing it. Perhaps it‘s the rarity of receiving them that makes us value them all the more; anticipating some favorable or direful tidings; giving pause to its contents; (should I open it now or later) or the tears of joy or sadness once the letter has been read. The (traditional) remoteness between writer and reader brought us closer together. We would read and reread that letter over and over again, savoring that special moment, embracing every word because who could say when we might expect another?

Nowadays, everyone is an e-mail away in a world that seems to be growing smaller and smaller. Anyway, I‘ve always enjoyed letter writing and receiving them from family and friends. Call me old-fashioned but I still enjoy receiving a letter and the anticipation of whatever news it might bring.

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I have often wondered whether any creative project, whether it be a work of art, literature or music is expressed for its own sake or for the sake of its creator. When Thomas Paine, for example, authored The Rights of Man, did this self-styled libertine pen it in order to lend legitimacy to his own wastrel habits or out of some genuine, abstract concern for the ―common man?‖ I am being unduly critical, perhaps.

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The ―Party of Lincoln‖ has been in a quandary in recent years over alternate strategies for attracting the African American Voter without seemingly compromising ―traditional‖ Republican Party Principles. I am not certain that they do, however, although Democrats have certainly won, with little opposition from Republicans, the Battle of Ideas. I believe that most families in the African 42

American Community share the same traditional values with most mainstream Republicans and Conservatives however

―marginalized‖ by Democratic Party Rhetoric. The Community has been held hostage by the custodial promises of Big Government whose convincing arguments have superceded the enterprising values and ideas that many of them would otherwise find appealing, if not economically rewarding, were they not held politically captive by their tempting designs. Purchasing group loyalties is not without precedent. It is a politically costly endeavor, however, when the guarantor is unable to deliver its promises save the promises, themselves. For the growing number of African Americans who are prospering economically, incidental to government programs and more in keeping with their own private initiatives, innumerable others continue languishing economically and socially. A jaunt through our inner cities will testify to that! The best-laid plans of ―mice and men‖ are achieved through their own determined efforts.

This is the message Republicans should be sending; rather than engaging in awkward, half-hearted overtures that are oftentimes perceived as transparent and insincere. Whether Black or White, we all share the same values, desire the same things; a proper education for our children, job opportunities and a friendly neighborhood environment for our families. We all naturally embrace what is good and decent while rejecting harmful ―things‖. The Republican message should center on opportunity, values, self-determination and (human) dignity. The alternative is being held captive by rhetorical promises.

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Passions can only be tamed, never subdued!

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The greater the struggle, the greater the reward(s).

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Misery does not love company, per se, but Commiseration, rather!

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The dinner table is the cornerstone of a closely-knit family.

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Christian Humanism…predicated upon (an) unqualified faith in Humankind‘s central importance (and) unlimited potential for (―self‖) improvement (thereby) rendering Christ‘s sacrifice, ―unnecessary and unintelligible‖….sustained…by a liberally ―progressive‖

interpretation of the Scriptures…the freedom to understand ―things‖ and behave in one‘s own way…without ―prejudice‖

…superseding Faith with Conscience…―open-minded‖ …―unassuming‖ and ―nondiscriminatory‖…modern propositions and neo-translations…falsely assuming scriptural elasticity…affected authority…worldly designs…variable, foolish, vain and…uncertain…

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Each of us is characterized by our own (conditioned) habits, however good or bad. Some habits like brushing our teeth, buckling-up our seat belts or arriving to work on time, are considered good or salutary habits whereas using drugs, smoking or drinking to excess are considered destructive habits. Many of the (constructive) habits we (normally) adopt are not inborn; that is to say, performed

―automatically,‖ but are conditioned or reinforced, rather, by social customs and practices essential to form. These habits are considered healthy and normal. Destructive or undesirable habits, on the other hand, are conditioned by questionable examples that are often difficult to break because many do not conform to ―normal‖ behavioral patterns. Such habits are ―individualistic‖; that is to say, that provide style or ―personality‖ to an individual or otherwise stamps that individual‘s Character. In order to break bad habits, an individual needs to return unseemly habits back to the ―realm of consciousness and regain the ability to