American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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All these stories are true in the sense that they actually happened.  All of them either I, or someone that I knew, experienced, none of them are secondhand.  However, on some of them I have compressed the time line to make them more immediate.  On others I have two or more separate events which were not related in time but were related in spirit and have placed them in the same tale simply because they fit together.  Needless to say, I have changed all of the names and some of the localities with other left deliberately vague to protect those who may not want their pasts to become public knowledge.  Also, all these tales take place as I remember them, and we all know how faulty a memory can be.  Especially since a lot of these tales happened a long time ago and when I was not in full possession of all my senses.  So, if you see yourself in any of these tales and say to yourself, “Hey!  That ain’t the way it happened.”  Then write it down the way you remember it and send it to me.  I’ll be happy to read your version.

I wrote these tales as a true chronicle of the hip life style and in reaction to the anti-sex, anti-drug hysteria that has pervaded the west for the last half of this century and which has only gotten worse in the last 20 years.  To show that a life which is sexually provocative and lived on drugs is not only not wasted, but can be meaningful as well as a hell of a lot of fun.  Also, I wrote these stories because I am tired of our celebrity oriented society that worships their very existence while ignoring the rest of us.  Unless, of course, there’s something negative about us to report.  These tales are all about the poor and obscure living, enjoying and celebrating their lives.  Lives that have just as much worth and are just as important as any of those of the rich and famous.

I can only hope that the average person reading this work can understand this was simply a life choice and is as valid as the one they’ve chosen for themselves.  To delight in reading about it and not judge it, appreciating it only for what it is: A life less ordinary.

With the exception of “My First Time” all of these tales take place between 1965 and 1995.   I would like to thank all of you who were involved, who enriched and who touched my life.  Thank-You So Much!

I Wish You All Peace And Happiness.


Khajuraho, M.P., India -  May-June 1995
