A Cheap and Easy Guide to Self-Publishing eBooks by Tom Hua - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

Publishing eBooks on eBook Reading Devices

Did you realize that thousands of people are reading their eBooks on dedicated eBook reading devices? These devices simulate the traditional book reading environment and allow the reader an enhanced experience.

The reader can download several eBooks to a book reader, make notes in margins and read from a back lit screen while in bed at night.

In  addition,  eBook  readers  allow  you  to  change  the  print  fonts  and  character  size, allowing you to facilitate the reading experience.

I am only going to mention the top three eBook reading devices but will include more in updates when I find it necessary.

The  three  dedicated  eBook-reading  devices  are  the  Rocketbook,  Everybook  and  the Softbook.

Note: Update: September 26, 2000 The Rocketbook and Softbook are combining forces and will look different then the specifications given in this chapter. I am still including this chapter to give you a little historical perspective on eBooks and eBook readers.

eBook 2, How to Write A Best-selling eBook will include more current information.


Rocketbook by NuvoMedia is fantastic!

A Rocket Book is an eBook-reading device that can hold 40 or more complete books. It is available now and you can order a Rocketbook from Barnes & Noble and Powells.com Internet bookstores.

The Rocketbook is the true leader in the industry.

Rocketbook by NuvoMedia is very user friendly for the eBook publisher.

For  example,  as  soon  as  I  complete  writing  an  eBook  and  send  the  files  to  the NuvoMedia's Rocket Press, my book will be ready for international distribution within 24-48 hours!

I can update my books as often as I wish enabling the Rocketbook customer a rich and new reading experience.

Currently  an  author  must  have  an  established  relationship  as  a  "publisher"  with NuvoMedia to take advantage of selling eBooks as Rocket Editions. There are many eBook publishers, however, that will take your eBook, format it for the Rocketbook eBook  Reader,  and  then  send  you  the  royalties  when  your  Rocket  Editions  are downloaded from eBook sellers.

1stbooks.com is a great company that will format your eBook for a Rocket Edition and make it available to sell on Barnes & Noble and Powells.com.

1stbooks is located at:


I personally sell more Rocket Editions of my eBooks than with any other eBook seller or publisher.

If you are a single title author, you will need to contact a publisher that will format the Rocket Editions for you. I have indicated publishers that will do that for you in Chapter Seven and in Chapter Ten.

If you have published 10 titles or more and issue your own ISBN numbers, you can contact the Director of Content of NuvoMedia at:


NuvoMedia's address is:



Everybook represents the future of eBook reading devices. It has everything!

The Everybook can hold 260 Megabytes of storage on a single card. Since most books you find at the bookstore translate into less than one Megabyte, you can see that each Everybook eBook Reader can hold hundreds of books.

Each Everybook eBook Reader includes two full color screens that simulate an 8 1/2 by 11-inch book.

Turning of pages is also simulated to remind the user of a traditional book reading experience.

Both screens are in full color!

My personal feeling is that the Everybook will be a wonderful asset for college students. Imagine registering for college courses. Your advisor gives you a class schedule for your freshman year.

You go to the college bookstore where you pay for your Everybook and then download all of your textbooks. You will also download monographs and required readings for those courses at kiosks located in the bookstore.

During the school year you will be able to read your assignments and print out questions and answers at the end of each chapter. You will have room to store additional books and documents as well.

College textbooks will be priced much cheaper because of the savings over traditional print runs, storage and distribution costs.

Professors will be encouraged to write updated books and will be able to have a shorter turnaround time in book production.

Full motion audio and video will be included which will make this eBook-reading device a fantastic reading experience.

Everybook may become a top player in the eBook market.

Contact them and see if they want to include your eBook in their catalog.

Everybook  is  located  out  of  Middletown,  PA  which  is  near  the  state  capital  of Pennsylvania.

Everybook's Internet address is:



The Softbook eBook Reader is one of the pioneers in the industry.

All you need is a telephone line to hook up as each device includes a modem to download books directly into the reader.

Currently thousands of eBook as well as magazines are included for the Softbook eBook Reader.

Each device includes sophisticated searching, bookmarking, hyperlinking, text markup and a stylus for marking and highlighting.

Contact the director of content and find out how you can include your new eBook in their bookstore.

Softbook Press is located at:




Now  you  can  expand  your  eBook  offerings  by  contacting  companies  that  market dedicated eBook-reading devices.

The Rocketbook, Everybook, and Softbook are the major players in the dedicated eBook reading device industry today.

We can only imagine how the industry will change and advance over time.

Make sure you check out all of the possibilities of publishing your eBooks with the eBook reader companies.