50 Ways to be a Better Relief Teacher by Bob Brandis - HTML preview

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out area ready.

In every flight I have taken, the flight attendant always asks passengers to be aware of the nearest exit.

In the classroom, particularly if you are new, you need to consider the exit strategies if things go pear-shaped.

Your teaching col eague next door wil be the best point of cal and usual y a great source of support.





5 0 W A Y S T O B E A B E T T E R R E L I E F T E A C H E R





5 0 W A Y S T O B E A B E T T E R R E L I E F T E A C H E R

Ways to be better at Behaviour Management

our behaviour , as the relief teacher, is the single most influential impact on the behaviour of the students in your classroom. You have a huge Y impact on how your day will go. There are a couple of MUST DO

strategies that will help your day run smoothly.