1001 Newbie - Friendly Tips by Bob McElwain - HTML preview

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Free Emailing Services And Passwords

Shortly  after  starting  my  first  email  newsletter,  the  list  grew  beyond  a  hundred names.   I   found   I   was   spending   far   too   much   time   adding   and   deleting subscribers. And the bounces were tough to handle. (A bounce is an email that is returned as undeliverable.) There are a lot of valid reasons for bounces, such as a  mailbox  being  full,  so  one  can  not  assume  an  address  that  bounced  is  no longer  good.  For  example,  AOL  choked  one  day  and  sent  back  some  thirty copies of the newsletter!

I  never  did  figure  a  best-way  to  deal  with  bounces.  What  I  settled  for  was resending  the  following  day  with  the  subject  as  Second  Try.  Note  this  list  was subscribed to by a lot of young people and curiosity seekers, so there were lots of changes and lots of bounces from addresses canceled.

When I heard about ListBot, I checked. It is part of the LinkExchange operation, now owned by MSN. I read all the info available with a good deal of care. I liked the way in which they dealt with bounces. (Translate: I would not have to do so. ) So I signed up. I passed on free and took the Gold option for $79/year because the size of my newsletter and frequency of mailing made it practical to do so. I put their nice form up on my site pages, and lots of visitors subscribed easily by typing in their email address.

But  a  problem  arose  immediately.  It  stemmed  from  ListBot's  demand  that subscribers enter a password to unsubscribe. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? It backfired on me in two ways.

First,  they  send  a  subscriber  his  or  her  forgotten  password  by  auto- responder, which usually arrived in less than a minute. But this didn't work with AOL  subscribers.  At  least  at  that  time,  email  to  AOL  was  commonly  delayed several hours. Impatient subscribers wrote not-nice notes demanding I solve the problem.

I did not like the notes. And it would have been easier to deal with them on my own system, than to trot off to ListBot.

Second, a lot of my subscribers used email addresses connected to the firm at  which  they  worked.  When  an  employee  left  the  company,  I  got  email demanding removal, for of course they could not know what the password was. Unfortunately, it often required waiting for another newsletter in order to find the correct email address.

On one such occasion, I got an angry call from a fellow who claimed to be the owner of a company. He demanded I simply search on his company URL. While still on the phone, I checked my parallel list and got nine hits. I explained I did not know which one to delete.

He  flat  wigged  out  and  demanded  I  delete  them  all!  No  way  were  his employees  going  to  waste  their  time  and  his  resources.  His  vocabulary  was colorful and there was much talk of law suits. A real fun time.

Not much later, I gave up on ListBot. The password bit had proved to be a killer. If  I  could  have  figured  a  way  around  this  problem,  I  would  still  be  using  their service, for it was excellent in all other respects. Instead, I went back to dealing with them myself and grit my teeth regards the time it was taking to maintain my list. Again, this was a list that changed frequently. With a more stable list such as the  one  for  "STAT  News,"  this  is  not  much  of  a  problem  for  there  are  few unsubscribes and even fewer bad addresses.

About  a  month  later,  I  read  a  terrific  article:  "Review  Of  Free  Mailing  List Programs" by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, He identified four free emailing services and put all through some very thorough tests. They were ...

eGROUPS - Egroups.Com

ONEList - OneList.Com

TOPICA - Topica.Com

LISTBOT - ListBot.Com

Wilson's basic interest seemed to lie in open and moderated discussion lists, but his   comments   apply   as   well   to   a   newsletter   such   as   "STAT   News"   (an announcement list). If you need further information, be sure to read his article. The  following  is  a  link  to  an  excellent  table  comparing  these  four  services. wilsonweb.com/reviews/list-compare.htm From this page, you can click back to the article itself.

As   Wilson   points   out,   none   of   them   are   truly   free,   for   they   add   an advertisement to the bottom of each copy of your newsletter. At present, Topica has an option to omit it, but this will change. ListBot has not implemented it as yet, but is expected to do so soon. In any case, for $60-$80 a year, you can buy ad-free service.

The few things Wilson found as flaws were of no concern to me. And my list was  still  growing,  taking  ever  greater  chunks  of  time.  So  I  checked,  then rechecked.  All  appeared  to  solve  the  bounce  problem  well  enough.  All  archive your  newsletter.  I  was  ready  to  try  one.  Then  I  found  it  required  a  password. Upon a closer look, all required one.

This led to a second problem. I wrote to each asking if the password field could be omitted. The answer was no, which was not surprising, for ListBot had already told me this. What was surprising was that it took several days to get a reply. The answers to follow up questions were also slow in coming.

Bottom Line: I like the support from ListBot. And when you are just getting started, you need lots of help. ListBot was excellent in this regard. If you do not feel  passwords  will  be  a  problem  for  you,  I  recommend  ListBot.  However,  I'm  sure  the  other  services  do  an  excellent  job.  Reading  Wilson's  article  will  likely bring you to the same conclusion.

UPDATE:  Since  the  above  was  written,  another  requirement  has  been added.  Subscribers  must  confirm  their  request  to  join  by  replying  to  an  email message. When I tried this with my current mailing service, many did not reply to the request, thus were not added to the mailing list. I canceled this quickly, for I want a new subscriber to see a copy of the newsletter.