The Downtown Massive by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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“Bobby Deacon, Shadow’s men have stopped fighting!” Dixie shouted.

They were in a building that was guarded by high concrete walls all around but had no roof. It was adjoining their base.

Reds, who was sitting on a cement block, shouted. “Shadow’s men are pulling out, Bobby Deacon!”

“All of you saw what happened to Delhi,” Bobby Deacon stated. “We have to revenge him and any other fighter who is killed tonight.”

“He’s dead,” he heard Linkman say.

“They’re getting nearer, Bobby Deacon!” Dixie shouted “What happen to our fighters on the road?”

Dixie got on his cell phone to Colin. They spoke briefly for a few seconds.

“Colin says they can’t hold out any longer and Shadow’s fighters have surrendered!

They’ve just shot Pablo!” “Is he shot up bad?”

“I don’t know. Colin couldn’t tell me that.”

Bobby Deacon looked at Reds. He heard when the youth gave a scream, pitched forward and lay still. Men dived for new cover!

Bobby Deacon crawled on his belly over to the youth and examined his blood spattered body.

“He’s dead!”

Bullets were flying all around and loud explosions could be heard. Dust spewed into the air as the heavy gunshots ripped into the concrete walls.

Blood was spewing from the blood spattered bodies of the two dead men. Bobby Deacon stared into Red’s lifeless eyes. A section of Delhi’s head back had been blown off by the force of the bullet that had killed him. There were about three bullet holes in the middle of Red’s chest, holes big enough to put his fist through.

Their attackers were getting nearer! Linkman crawled on the ground and came over to Bobby Deacon.

“We have to leave, Bobby Deacon!” Bobby Deacon looked at him.

“And leave our fighters, we have to stay and fight, Linkman.”

Dixie crawled on his hands and knees over to him.

“They’re coming along Williams Street, Bobby Deacon, they’re surrounding us. We have to get out, now!”

“Tell the men to pull out, Dixie,” Bobby Deacon ordered.

“We have to leave here, Bobby Deacon. If we stay they’re going to wipe us out!” Linkman appealed to him as Colin reversed down the lane in a Ford F 150 pick-up and they all piled into it.