1001 Newbie - Friendly Tips by Bob McElwain - HTML preview

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Make Your Site Sell!

I have never read a better book about selling on the Web than "Make Your Site Sell"  by  Ken  Evoy,  MD.  Nor  do  I  expect  to  find  one.  Ever.  Anybody  who implements  the  approach  suggested  here  will  have  a  successful,  profitable website in very short order.

The  author  focuses  on  selling  information  products,  which  is  only  one  type  of product being sold successfully on the Web. Still, his approach to marketing is universally applicable.

In  all  other  respects,  the  work  is  a  complete  and  comprehensive  guide  to  all aspects  of  building  a  successful  business  on  the  Web.  The  author  does  a particularly good job of explaining how to use search engines effectively. But he does as well with lesser topics, such as how best to handle email. The list is far to long to include here. When you get the chance, check out the table of contents and you'll see exactly what I mean.

I joined the affiliate program, so if you decide to purchase the book, I'll make a couple of bucks. But while I enjoy tucking bills into my wallet as well as the next fellow, I did not join for this purpose.

Site  Tips  And  Tricks  is  all  about  helping  wannabe  and  newbie  webmasters  be successful  right  out  of  the  chute.  That  is,  I  want  to  do  everything  possible  to make sure your first site is a winner. I want to save you a year or two of wasted effort going down dead end trails. This book alone assures this. If you follow the path precisely defined in this book, your first site will be a winner, and I will share in your success in having recommended the book.

When I was teaching school, I often met a new class of really exceptional young people.  Talented.  Eager  to  learn.  Determined  to  do  it  right.  I  always  kind  of wished  I  could  give  each  student  a  magic  pill  which  when  swallowed  would provide everything I knew. What a delight it would have been to spend our time moving on and learning together.

"Make Your Site Sell" comes pretty close to that non-existent pill. You do have to read it. And you do have to implement what you learn. But every move you make will lead you directly toward a successful and profitable business. You will bypass all the pitfalls into which beginners so frequently stumble.

When  you  click  below  to  visit  SiteSell.Com,  you  are  in  for  another  treat.  The sales pitch is a work of art. It is well worth your time to study it, for this one is done  right.  While  compelling  at  every  step,  there  is  a  lightness  to  it  all  that  is remarkable.  There  is  no  hype.  No  promises  that  will  not  be  fulfilled  beyond expectation.             Click             here             to             check             it             out!


Update: Ken has change the layout of his site since this was writtin. I'm not sure the new format works as well as the original.