1001 Newbie - Friendly Tips by Bob McElwain - HTML preview

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Does Your Email Look Like Junk?

A  large  portion  of  the  email  I  receive  is  junk.  But  I  have  to  be  sure  before deleting.   I   can   usually   figure   this   from   the   preview   screen   (Eudora),   but sometimes I have to open it to be certain.

What surprises me is how much legitimate mail *looks* like junk. Over the last while, I tried to figure why. The obvious things are misuse of the ...

From field: Often crony names, rather than a straightforward email address, preceded by the full name of the sender.

Subject  field:  Often  cute  and  clever,  rather  than  a  clear  statement  as  to content. Sometimes blank.

Greeting:  Often  opens  with  an  odd  heading,  sometimes  in  all  caps,  as  is true of a lot of junk mail.

Legitimate email opens with a name, as in, "Bob," Hi Bob," or even just, "Hi."

First   Line:   Lousy   grammar   and   spelling   errors   right   from   the   start; spammers write some of the worst stuff you will ever see.

First Line Revisited: No sense of the purpose of the message for several lines. Get to the point. Fast!

Sure,  some  of  this  is  from  people  new  to  the  Web.  But  a  lot  of  it  is  from people  supposedly  in  business.  How  long  they  can  continue  with  such  poor standards is another matter.

HTML: Hot Stuff?

Some  must  think  so,  for  I'm  getting  a  lot  of  it.  The  other  day  I  got  a  real dandy:  black  text  on  a  black  background.  Totally  unreadable.  And  not  all  mail readers can deal with HTML, which means your message may never be read.

While things may change, a good deal of the spam I receive is in HTML. While probably not fair, my first reaction to any message in HTML is that it's junk. If it proves not to be, then it's someone who is not being professional.

While  sending  streaming  media  along  with  HTML  may  be  the  wave  of  the future, it is not appropriate today in business. Send only standard text in a non- proportional font such as Courier.

In addition to the above, here are some common blunders I observed, that contribute to an overall sense of something I don't want to read. If you want to  annoy people, then go for it. Most know where the Delete key lives, and use it frequently.

Send 80 Character Lines

Many  people,  including  myself,  have  their  email  reading  window  set  at  65 characters as the maximum line length. So when you do not hit Enter at or prior to the 65th character, your message on my screen looks like:

* I wanted to let you know about a neat site I ran into

* the other day. Wow

* it's terrific. Knowing how much you are into panda

* bears, you've just got

* to see this site.

This  is  difficult  to  read.  "But  hey,  if  folks  don't  like  80  characters  per  line, tough stuff!" Fine. Everybody has a right to their opinion. Good luck with this one. Many  people  are  almost  as  impatient  when  checking  email  as  when  surfing.  If you don't make it easy for those who receive your message to read it, it may be trashed.

"But why would anybody narrow a screen to 65 characters?" Because a 65 character  line  is  about  twice  as  easy  to  read  as  one  80  characters  long.  Most newsletters use this line length, some even less.

Quote Back Everything!

Never  quote  an  entire  paragraph;  your  response  can  be  difficult  to  find, particularly if the original message wrapped. Also be hesitant to quote the entire message below your reply. If I can't remember easily, I have to go hunting for what  I  said,  which  takes  time.  This  is  particularly  true  when  the  reply  is  to  a message sent out three or four days back.

The  best  approach  is  to  quote  just  enough  to  be  sure  your  reader  will remember what was said earlier as a transition to your reply. Quote no more than a couple of lines, unless more is absolutely necessary. Also be sure to add blank lines to highlight the difference between quoted text and your reply. Here's how I might quote the example of wrapped text above. And I'll remove the wrapping for better readability.

* Knowing how much you are into panda bears, you've

* just got to see this site. Thanks for the heads up, Joe.

Yes, it does take a bit more time, but to the extent you care about your image, it's a  must.  To  the  extent  you  care  about  communicating  effectively,  it's  a  must. Sending clean, easy to read email is mandatory. Your customers will downgrade you if you send anything less.

Everybody Loves Email

Uh huh. It is much wiser to assume the person you are writing to is very, very busy. A second good assumption is that they receive several hundred emails a day.

"But hey, that's not so." Maybe it's not. But make the assumptions anyway. They lead to better email habits.