1001 Newbie - Friendly Tips by Bob McElwain - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Odds And Ends

Good ideas that did not seem to fit into a category above.

Cherish Fear - Harness your fears, then give them free rein. If you listen closely, you can learn.

Criticism Is Gold! - There is little to be learned from nice things said. Criticism is another matter.

Give  Away  Gross  For  Increased  Profits  -  You  can  increase  profits  by  letting others sell it for you.

Writing Skills Matter - Website content  is communicated with words. Use them wisely.

Want  Site;  Can't  Write!  -  There  are  simple  ways  to  grow  your  skills  to  a surprising degree.

I Hate Writing - If it's so, it's probably because you don't do it well. But you must.

Does Your Email Look Like Junk? - You can't afford to let your email look like the junk mail received.

Email: Do It Right! - What is needed in responding to email is to turn queries into orders.