1001 Newbie - Friendly Tips by Bob McElwain - HTML preview

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The Other Side Of Headlines

Since as many as 80% of visitors will never finish even the headline on a page, it's clear we need to put our best effort into creating them. And the headline on our home page is the one that matters most. Here's why.

We can never be sure of the page upon which a visitor may land. This may not matter as much on your site as it does on some, but it holds true to some degree on all sites. Most of the listing returned by search engines do not point to a home page. So if a surfer clicks such a listing, they land on the page to which the listing points.

Next Stop, The Home Page

The articles on STAT related to site building or promotion are submitted to the search engines as soon as they have been uploaded. A lot of traffic at STAT comes from these submissions. While my statistics are not good enough to prove the following, here's what appears to be happening.

Visitors who get past a headline, which is the title of an article, may click off the site at any time, as in the middle of the article or when finished reading it. But *if* they click to another page, it is most likely to be the home page. This is what I do when I land on an inner page, and want to know more about the site. It appears that on STAT at least, this is common behavior. It is likely so on most sites.

A Good Headline Matters

One  of  the  early  headlines  on  the  home  page  at  STAT  was,  "Newbie- Friendly       Site       Stuff."       (Compliments       of       Dr.       Michel       Fortin, SuccessDoctor.Com - Mike for sure has a flair with words!)

Since there is a lot of good information and pointers to free resources on the site, this is descriptive of site content. That services are also offered that must be paid for does not come as an overwhelming shock. In short, this headline does not mislead a visitor as to the site content or purpose.

This matters because a surfer expects the headline to provide such an easy-to- read description. If it misleads, the visitor will quickly click off, if not angered, at least frustrated that his or her time has been wasted.

An Aside: The same thing happens if the listing clicked at a search engine site does not lead to the implied or promised content. Since listings are usually generated from the title and description tags on the page, they need to accurately describe the content in addition to compelling a click.

Free Stuff And Freebie Seekers

Visitors who read beyond the headline, scan subheadings. They will remain on the site only if they find one of interest. The right most column on STAT was headed with "Free Stuff." Options available proved popular. And they generated lots  of  email  from  people  looking  for  further  explanation  or  suggestions  about where to find more of the same.

After  a  time,  it  became  clear  that  while  most  of  my  email  was  from  serious minded  people  (excluding  spam),  most  of  it  related  to  free  resources  and services.

There  is  no  question  about  it.  Free  stuff  does  draw  visitors.  But  while  I respect the needs of freebie seekers, what I really want to do on my site is sell my services.

Targeting With The Headline

After much pondering, I changed the headline from:

Newbie-Friendly Site Stuff


Affordable Newbie-Friendly Support

I also moved "Free Stuff" in the right most column down below the first fold. The results were noticeable immediately, and quite positive.

In the new headline, the first word is, "Affordable." No visitor who is freebie hunting  is  mislead  for  an  instant.  The  number  of  visitors  clicking  off  into cyberspace from the home page increased dramatically. Why is this good?

It is not profitable to waste time, energy, resources, or bandwidth with those seeking  a  free  ride.  With  this  small  change,  the  quantity  of  email  dropped drastically.   And   the   quality   of   questions   asked   increased   markedly.   More important, the people writing were, in the main, far closer to being prospects.

Drive Them Off!

The  need  for  a  narrowly  defined  niche  and  targeted  traffic  is  accepted  by most webmasters. There may also be a need to drive non-targeted traffic off your site as soon as possible. And you may  be  able  to  do  so  simply,  as  with  a  change  in  the  headline  on  your  home page.